Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
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Sup Forums shits on it, but i personally love it
why did you post this?
fuck off you off topic faggot
to kill your hope of having a successful thread on Sup Forums
Just finished playing it, was pretty fucking great and had 1000x better Samus characterization than Other M and she didn't even have to speak a single word for it.
I like being able to explore multiple planets. Though at the same time it also sort of makes each planet smaller in a ways it also was nice to see how vastly different each planet and its history was. It really was fun to be able to go around the universe doing Samus things, and Phaaze was actually an incredibly cool place and did "The planet is sentient" shit better than Dead Space 3.
Great game.
Shitest Prime game. Still a fucking good one.
is this the dog sex bitch?
It's great. They shot themselves in the foot just a little bit with the ship system, because that alone causes the game to feel much more linear than it needs to be, coupled with the biggest flaw, which is the reminders to go someplace that never go away.
It's not really any more linear than Echoes, it just railroads you more due to the ship and storytelling.
Hyper mode was a shit gimmick. You did no damage outside hypermode, and too much damage in hypermode. In between is lots of fucking waiting to do damage again.
The door lag. Good god the door lag. FUCKING OPEN GOD DAMN
What the fuck is with the ledge climb powerup? So you can watch a cutscene to climb a particular type of glowing ledge that you could just jump on if it was lower? WHYYYYYYY
Story shit and traveling between planets shat on the isolation and atmosphere.
Wiimote shooting was fun and preferable to the lock on snorefest. But it arrived way too late to show developers how to do wii FPS properly. Not that it matters because honestly they were fucking retarded for not figuring it out themselves. Hey, instead of a bounding box that goes from 0 to 99 mph, how about we gradually turn the player faster as the cursor reaches the edge of the screen? Its like the 2nd fucking solution even the shittiest idea guy video game designer would try. GOD FUCK YOU UBISOFT
m8, you have issues
For what it's worth, Prime 3 is the best Metroid game that tried to be a little different from the usual fare, and it actually succeeded because of this. Separate planets instead of just one helps give it more of that space feeling and seeing the galactic federation and more bounty hunters definitely gave the world a more fleshed out feel however this did come at the cost of metroid's patented loneliness. It was good at giving an, admittedly sparse, story and much better at it than Other M. It's become a bit of a dark horse though because it's the least traditional prime.
Pretty great.
Controls get some time getting used to but they are pretty good when you get to that point. Exploration is very nice and fighting the other Bounty Hunters was pretty good.
Would be much better without waggle
Not nearly as good as 1 and 2. I'm endgame now and it hasn't left a good taste in my mouth.
Gotta give props to the art team though. Art direction is on point and the locations are great. Shame the rest of the game doesn't meet those standards
he's right about most of it though
But it doesn't have waggle.
Not in the slightest.
This kind of talk really does make it sound like everyone who criticizes Wii controls don't know what they're talking about.
Amazing game. Bryyo might be my favorite location in any Metroid period. Pointer aiming was the best shit ever. Bosses were actually challenging. Might not be quite the best, but it's definitely top three with Prime and Echoes.
It has a little waggle. Like when you have to throw the levers in the trains and shit.
Favorite vidya game that's not a Zelda. I like it more than Prime.
I'm not sure why other people don't. I think it's cause they all played it on easy or normal, or whatever, and rushed through the story. Real gamers played it on Hyper their first playthrough.
Weakest of the trilogy.
Actually didn't mind the waggle, just didn't like how upgrades were handled. Also how hunters were basically treated like pussies (not really a Prime fault rather than atypical writing)
1 > 2 > 3
3 has shit powerups, forced hints and feels very formulaic.
very linear and the ship was under utilized. the ship missile expansions and 1st person in the ship made it seem like there was going to be ship combat at some point.
i did like seeing samus with military and the other bounty hunters. it wasn't a fuckup like other m.
waggle as in the wiimote in general.
And fuck me there are way too many cutscenes in this game. I wanted to go somewhere else, so I had to:
>call my ship and watch it slowly land
>watch samus be taken up into the ship and then get blitzed by green light
>watch the ship fly off once I select where I'm going
>watch the ship travel there
>watch it land
>watch samus leave it
that's not what waggle means, dipshit
It sucks how you had to brutally murder all the cool side characters in this game.
Pointer aiming is the best form of aiming.
Also every Metroid has this shit, Super included.
>step on the elevator
>watch Samus S L O W L Y ascend the tube
Learning about the planets was fun, but in the end the history of Bryyo (the fire planet) had absolutely no bearing on the game's story. I felt kind of dumb when I realized that after collecting all the logs.
I haven't enjoyed it very much. They told me it gets good at Elysia but I didn't enjoy the puzzles there, pretty as they were. And the enemies are still shitty and easy. I've lost my taste for Metroid a bit, but MP3 doesn't really do Metroid well at all. The only parts I found fun were having to hit switches while being bombarded by aliens. And while aiming is nice, the rest of the motion controls are ultra gimmicky and not interactive. And this is coming from a fag who likes most wagglan games.
The backtracking ain't even the good kind of backtracking, because there aren't many real powerups. They shoulda just tossed out the adventurous style and made it a bunch of thrilling missions. The bosses are damn great though. Maybe I'll finish it someday.
I liked it
not as good as the previous two, but it tried to be different and for the most part it succeeded while still feeling like a Metriod Prime game
not sure why you're getting your panties in a bunch over this friend. There's not exactly a governing body setting exact and specific definitions for informal gaming lingo.
If you think riding elevators is the same as this horseshit your memory is off user.
As for pointer aiming, that's up to preference. I could see it, but the odd hybrid of lockon plus pointer aiming is what kills it for me.
>the odd hybrid of lockon plus pointer aiming is what kills it for me.
You can literally NOT use the lock-on and simply aim with the pointer.
Corrupted PED is one of my favorite suits in the series
if you want to give up side strafing around the enemy sure.
>See Rundas on that image
>Get sad
Never forget, Icebro ;_;7
Samus is cursed. Everyone around her must suffer.
shit man I felt bad for the Elysians. Masters leave them, they fail the mission left for them, put themselves in stasis in a desperate bit to survive, but then salvation comes in the form of the GF! They get new supplies and even complete their mission! Happy End.
Just kidding. They get corrupted and go extinct, never knowing if the GF ever even got their critical information.
It was bad then, and it's still bad now. There hasn't been a good metroid game since super.
>hasn't left a good taste in my mouth
jesus christ, you're not suppose to eat it you fucking retard.
Wouldn't know, never played it because it came out on THE FUCKING WIIIIIII.
Will never not be mad. The first two came out on the Cube. Surely they could've made dual versions.
My favorite one.
But everyone hates it
Never finished it, but it was alright. The first one is the only one I ever beat
They really couldn't have.
Had the best Boss Fight in the entire trilogy, maybe even series, with Dark Samus on Phaaze.
Also Moeganar on Hyper Mode a shit.
Play Trilogy version of Prime 2, is easier. I understand if you don't like 3 but 2 deserves a playthrough, even if is the easier version.
>Mogenar on Hypermode a shit
Who thought giving him two forms of regeneration was a good thing? And the fucking foot spikes everytime you take out an orb.
I think the linearity and lack of exploration is overstated. Functionally, it's not much different than the previous two in terms of area changes -- instead of one load screen via elevator/portal, you have two, getting in your ship then landing on a planet. This allowed them to create wildly different areas, like Prime, while also letting it make physical sense, like Echoes. It's a different feeling than getting absorbed into one planet and its atmosphere and lore, but I don't think that's inherently bad.
Combat is best in the series. You couldn't switch weapons but this means nothing next to the wiimote aiming. Also never got tired of ripping shields off with the nunchuck.
Did not like the focus on narrative. Echoes already irritated me with the Luminoth, this took it to another level. There was still a lot of time by yourself but I like my Metroids with zero friendlies.
Second best of the trilogy in my opinion.
It was poorly designed taking Hyper Mode into consideration. Needed to do strategic PED usage while having 3-4 energy tanks at the most when Moeganar can sneeze at you and take off 60% of a bar.
I liked it but it would have been better if there was more than 4 levels to explore
>he doesn't put his videogames in the fridge before he eats them
Is the game worse or better on hard mode?
Mogenar is the worst fight on hard mode. That and the demo escort section on the pirate homeworld. Everything else is better for the most part.
Needed less GF
Needed more people to understand that not every single mission Samus goes on is an isolation mission
It's mixed. unlike 1 and 2's hard mode, your playstyle changes significantly from the higher HP and damage. Enemies also enter hypermode way more often.
I hope you mastered how to effectively use your PED suit. That gets pushed to the fucking limit in Hyper Mode. The way you play hard compared to normal/easy is like night and day.
I liked corruption and it was one of the few games that I felt like the Wiimote was actually a decent fit for.
I will say that I thought the levels were a bit too linear in some respects (they get better later), and the endgame stuff felt like it was slapped together, but it was a better experience then MP2 in my opinion. Original MP is still better, but I thought it was a good "end" for the prime storyline.
Worst Prime game by far and away
Although even that is a godsend compared to the likes of Other M and Federation Force
I know, right? Mine was constantly nagging me while I wanted to play Prime Trilogy.
>worst Prime game by far
>lists Federation Force as worse
>Federation Force is a Prime game
So, which is it?
Easily the worst game in the Prime series, but still not bad. I'd just rather play 1, 2, Hunters, or Pinball.
If they made it not use a shit controller, then I might've liked it more. Even Hunter's control scheme was better, just because it didn't use motion controls. Gyro would've been much, much better, but still not by much.
Oh fuck, I didn't even catch that
You're kinda right
Although to be fair, FF is more of a spinoff. Do we count Hunters too?
There is literally nothing wrong with the pointer controls.
Gyro would've been by far the worst possible control method, as Federation Force proves.
my opinion is that it had better bosses than halo 3's campaign but worse vehicle sections
It says "Metroid Prime" in the title, user, even though both games have literally nothing to do with the Metroid Prime subplot.
Stupid marketing.
Pointer controls are shit to begin with. Fuck the lightgun games, too. Fuck anything that makes me point at a sensor bar. It's pure shit.
KB + M > Gyro > Traditional controller > touch screen > wiimote (and the PSDildo, Kinect, lightguns, and etc)
I personally loved the demolition trooper escort.
It tested how quick you could mow down all those different pirates
Check this guy and his hot shit opinions out.
>There's not exactly a governing body setting exact and specific definitions for informal gaming lingo.
Waggle is a dictionary defined word with a specific meaning. You can't just say 'waggle' when you're talking about the wii remote unless you actually have to fucking waggle the remote.
Eh, I think even Nintendo has said it's more of a spinoff though, right? Technically, it's not a 'main series' Prime, right?
Fuck you, faggot. The Wiimote was hot garbage, and it automatically lowers the score of any game that forces you to use it for actual gameplay. Pointing at static menus? Fine. Nothing else is acceptable.
It's indefensibly bad and ruined the game. I wanted to like the Wiimote, but I just couldn't, and I'm Nintendrone as shit.
No strong feelings either way since I only played past Rundas. Love 1 and I'm currently playing 2 which I think I'm enjoying even more.
Keyboard and mouse is obviously superior but wiimote aiming is easier and faster than twin thumbstick aiming. RE4 on the wii was ridiculously easy with the wiimote compared to the gamecube and ps2 versions.
Your meme frog doesn't scare me.
Also Prime is literally the only game that did it right. So you're just plain hilarious.
It's so completely devoid of accuracythat I'd be perfectly okay if it never showed up again. I find it harder to be more imprecise than pointing at a shitty plastic motion sensor that has to be either above or below the television itself.
Really linear.
I quit halfway through Bryyo. The motion controls were that bad. I know Prime 3/Trilogy did them the best of any game on that shitty system, but motion controls are pure fucking garbage.
Prime 3 should've had normal controls, like Prime 1/2 or Twilight Princess. Prime 3 is just as bad as Skyward Sword.
Weakest Prime game, but still great and one of the best Wii games.
Did you turn up the sensitivity? I'm pretty sure that was a thing. Aiming speed was way too slow so I had to up that shit to atleast be more responsive.
It's funny how you keep saying motion controls, when Prime 3 didn't use motion controls. It used pointer controls.
Skyward Sword used motion controls.
Advanced mode. Game is shit on default sensitivity, godlike on advanced.
Pointing at the screen is using motion controls.
Literal shit that put the franchise into the grave.
No. Thrusting the Nunchuck forward to activate the Grapple Beam is motion controls. Aiming at the screen is pointer controls.
It seriously was. Probably the closest thing to a light gun arcade shooting experience with a Metroid Prime game and it was fun.
This hits on most of my problems with the game. Prime 3 isn't a bad game, just easily the worst Prime game that isn't a spin-off.
They're both motion controls. Waggle is motion controls. Pointing at the screens is motion controls. Shaking the nunchuk is motion controls. Everything about it is shit. The Wii was rife with games that would've been amazing on a system with a real controller. Very few games on the system made the Wiimote's motion controls feel helpful, rather than a hindrance.
Everyone always mentions the separate planets as a big departure from 1 and 2, but I always saw them as just like the different sections of Tallon IV and Aether. Instead of taking an elevator between them you take your ship.
Though I guess the ship lets you go from any point to any point instead of a single connector.
Also very story oriented. It wasn't what fans of metroid were looking for but it wasn't a bad game