Let's release an open world game but not for PC, because they have the ability to have more players online, mods, fixes...

>Let's release an open world game but not for PC, because they have the ability to have more players online, mods, fixes, keep the community alive..

Seriously what did Rockstar have against PC?

Other urls found in this thread:


PC gamers tend to not buy games and pirate. After analyzing the market, Rockstar clearly felt it was not worth using resources to make a PC port for minimal profits.

>use denuvo
there problem fixed

>PC gamers tend to not buy games and pirate. After analyzing the market, Rockstar clearly felt it was not worth using resources to make a PC port for minimal profits.

If only Rockstar pulled a GTA V with RDR

PCuccs don't buy games

RDR was a complete programming mess

they were too lazy to fix it for pc. That and Rockstar has some sort of prejudice against pc, who knows

Rampant piracy? Obnoxious selfentitled userbase? Diverse hardware, and poorfags always bitching game doesn't run full max@60fps on their toasters? And fan favorite - some random guy will fix a gaping problem in their game within a few days of release, even without sources, clearly demonstrating what a bunch of incompetent degenerates devs are.

Because RDR was a mess of code and would have been difficult to port at the time. It only ran on consoles with black magic, a PC port would have been a GTA IV disaster.

Why did you quote the whole post after using the reply function?

>not having at least 1 current gen console to get the console exclusives while playing multiplats on pc
lmaoing at your life

Why did you quote the whole post after using the reply function?

I felt bored

>muh piracy

That didn't stop them from releasing the GTAs on PC. And not to mention piracy happens a ton on consoles as well.

The real reason we aren't getting RDR is because the game is a mountain sized mess of code that's even lucky to have been release on last gen's consoles.

And lol @ everyone shitposting in here. Like you don't want to play RDR with a higher resolution and at 60 FPS.

Consoles have always had the priority, even today most developers care more about releasing on consoles then they do PC.

>m-m-muh masterrace...

>Such a superior platform...

>w-why won't they make a PC version???


Denuvo doesn't increase sales, as we have seen with all Denuvo games on Steam, and Denuvo didn't exist in 2010.

Because the code was a fucking mess.
It needed an entire rework to port it to PC, and they simply decided it was not worth it, and if they did a half-assed job with it, GTA 4 would look like Just Cause 2 in comparison to what we would have gotten.


Not at all.
I mean, Xbox One is right now pointless to own since all of it's exclusives are coming to PC, and Sony has realized PC is not the same market as consoles.

They've talked about it in interviews before. The game's a buggy mess, and they couldn't get it to work on PC at all.

>Consoles have always had the priority
>Sony literally said the PS4 Pro was made to avoid people jumping ship to PC
>more and more games getting ported to PC

I mean, a fucking MGS was released on day one on PC.
That's how much the platform has improved.

>PS4 Pro was made to avoid people jumping ship to PC
4tflops? Good luck with that!

Of course, we didn't count on Sony being retarded and putting yet another underwhelming GPU on it, and not improving at all the horrible CPU that bottlenecks everything.

>4tflops? Good luck with that!

Thinking that flops are a good indicator of gaming performance


First time on Sup Forums? I recommended lurking for a few more years before posting again.

You fags don't buy games.
GTAV sold over 40 million copies, PC sold like 4 million copies. Do the math. Consoles is and always will be where the money is at.


You PC faggots pirate so much that no one wants to make games for your shitty thieving platform.

Good job on cucking yourselves.


>Consoles is and always will be where the money is at.
Consoles with they could make as much money as PC gaming for as little effort.

Too bad all the money in PC gaming is in shit like LoL and WoW and the like.

It was a huge pain in the ass for Rockstar just to finish the game for consoles. They couldn't be bothered going through all that again for consoles, and they don't outsource their PC ports.

>complain about not getting single player games due to pirating
>claim it isn't the pirating because PC games make shitloads of cash
>examples of said games are online multiplayer games

Really makes you think...

That's some hella salt.

Didn't the studio behind RDR disband after its completion due to a tremendously difficult and long development process? I remember this was the reason why RDR wasn't ported to PC like every other last gen RDR game except for Tabletennis.

I'm not complaining about anything actually, I just came into the thread to point out that PC exclusives make a shit-ton of cash.

>w-why won't more games come to PC?

>n-n-no!! It's not because we pirate games, hehehe...heh.

Not really most do pretty bad .

Why is the "All PC gamers are pirates" meme still used.
Piracy happens on consoles more than you'd think, just don't notice because people hide that shit in fear of getting banned/don't go online.

PC titles sell more units in the long term, because the medium always remains viable and prices drop over time.

There is no reason to not release a PC version of any cucksole game, unless you do not have the developer capacity to field a quality port.

If the pirate meme was true in reality, PC wouldn't be the timeless juggernaut it is.

I hope the HD Rerelease is ps4 exclusive just to light a fire under you whiney pirate fucks.

This lol

PC gamers will never, EVER, play Red Dea--



>play western
>get science fiction

Who says they had anything against anything? Maybe they released it with consoles in mind. The game was a gamble, their studio (San Diego I think) hung in the balance, and there was kind of a sense of downplay on this. Few really imagined it would live up to the hype, so maybe they just didn't plan on going PC because they were not sure if this would catch on (westerns are rare).

I doubt Rockstar is as worried about piracy as people here think. most companies are not, they just say they are, but they still make millions, even a billion + like GTA5, so piracy is a stupid reason most only used to inflate the issue to appear larger than it really is.

In fairness, hackers fucked up RDR online on console already. You can skip the grind and get the zebra mount in a few minutes now, at the cost of not spawning with weapons randomly in the few matches that still go on.

So that rumor about RDR being rematsered for PS4 was bullshti or what? Why the fuck does R* have to be so fucking stingy with info? What the fuck do they even do there? Have they made anything since GTAV?

you sound upset

>Have they made anything since GTAV?

They're still sorting through all those autism bucks that V made. And knowing Rockstar, we might get an announcement if we behave

Holy fuck consoles BTFO

GTA IV was the most pirated game of it's time, and leaked on pc before release.

They were understandably pissed off. They even posted a message about how disappointed they were.

Is this the truth with GTAIV?

Can you elaborate on programming mess?

Oh please, don't talk like consolefags don't pirate shit when they can. But game leaks can happen in every platform.

most consolefags don't know how or won't risk losing their online by jailbreaking their consoles

PC is just downloading a torrent and dragging a crack into folder

Much easier on PC.

Look it up for yourself though, can't be that hard to find, and it's no coincidence the game before red dead was pirated millions of times and they made it clear how unhappy they were and then never released red dead.

Pretending that piracy is as easy or widely understood on console as PC where no jailbreaking is required is just silly.

>6 years laters
>PCucks are still crying

Also, people used to make this argument back in the PS1 days when there was virtually no piracy protection on PC and PS required you to open your case and actually mess with the hardware

Console piracy is easier now, but it'll never be as easy as torrenting a PC game

Plus PC users tend to know their PCs pretty well and be computer literate, while many console users can afford to be just plug and play and don't have anywhere near the knowledge

Ah, PCbabbies begging again. I love it. "Master Race" pfft haha get real

exclusives don't mean shit

Normies don't care about PC. They get their maddens and Call of Dutys and Battlefeilds on console.

Don't Console departments pay a shitload of money upfront for a game to be exclusive to developers?

then it is clear that potential pirates would not have purchased the games anyways and said games still netted a profit

thus, it is plainly evident that piracy is not the issue


PC gaming is niche.

It's not as big you think it is.


normies can't into pc gaming
they're all brain dead so it's easier to buy a console for the normal lad off the street

>PC autists constantly meme about how great their platform is

>Whine their asses off so they can get GTA V a couple years after everyone else has ceased to give a shit about it.

>Get all hyped up over older than dirt console shit ports like Dead Rising and EDF.

Truly the masteriest of the races.

what do you expect from redditors?

>using the word cuck, ever

>PC titles sell more units in the long term, because the medium always remains viable and prices drop over time.

Do chew have a single snatisfact to back that up?

What did rockstar mean by this?

Consoles are more proliferated than gaming PCs. The numbers make sense. You don't need to sell near as much on PC as console to be considered a success.

>Consoles are more proliferated than gaming PCs

They're also a hell of a lot cheaper and don't need to have their internal components upgraded every year or so to keep up with the newest, most demanding games.

>don't need to have their internal components upgraded every year or so to keep up with the newest, most demanding games.
this is just a meme
you don't need to upgrade every year on pc either

Sure as shit feels like it to me.

The individual components that are anywhere near decent are fucking expensive as all hell too.

this is a myth

bought a £480 pc 3 years ago and haven't changed a single thing
it can run all triple a games at high settings
i could upgrade the parts if i wanted to play on ultra but i don't see much point in it right now

>show cutscene
>no gameplay

dumb faggot poster

you're a fucking cuck, dumbass hillshill faggot.

>posting 2 footlong subs for $9.11
>posting 2 6-inch subs for $9.11

you're a colossal faggot

Skyrim is still on the top seller list on steam to this day because of its mod support.

looks better on pc

Got you, dude.


FNAF is also on there. Your point is meaningless.

no it can't, you won't post specs either because you're a goddamn liar lmfao
get bent kid

PC is a shit platform

You most likely wouldn't be able to upgrade a lot of things.

Processor for example.

Unless you stripped the whole fucking thing and bought a new motherboard and started from square one (which would be expensive as fuck).

For when those console vs PC fights start getting good