Halo 4 is better than this game

Halo 4 is better than this game.

I wouldn't call it better, but its sadly much more of a Halo game than 5.

Agreed. While 4 had a weak campaign I enjoyed Master Chief's personal story. that being said Halo 5 definitely has a better multiplayer.

If they were to fix the Halo series for 6 I'd say all they'd need to do is make Master Chief the main character again, remove squad controlling since that hurt the campaign more than helped it, Redeem Cortana because new Cortana is shit, use Locke less since literally nobody likes him, and launch the game with all multiplayer features at launch instead of free updates.

343 could easily make the perfect halo game if they stuck to formula instead shoving their foot up their asses trying to reinvent the wheel.

Its much better, no cod aiming, real big team battle maps, etc. Felt more like Halo then Halo 5. But that campaign yeah definitely, Halo 4s was better because you only controlled chief.

I agree that would make Halo 6 better. And the removal of smartscope. I'm actually talking about multiplayer though, I'm OP, as well as campaign. For multiplayer in Halo 4, legendary classic online was much better than Halo 5. And also BTB was actually goos as well. I ranted in this post in another thread about halo 5s multi.

Multiplayer is the worst because it is catered to competitive shitbags. Bungie kept the competitive scene at bay and gave them their little reservation playlists. 343 made a whole game for them.

Campaign wise yes

Exactly this.

Halo 4 is too casual and Halo 5 is too competitive. 343 needs to combine these elements together this is what made Halo 1-3 good. Bungie had something for everybody instead of just one group.

Which is why halo 5 is boring as well, that and cod gameplay

>If they were to fix the Halo series for 6 I'd say all they'd need to do is make Master Chief the main character again
Agreed, if I play anyone else other Master Chief anymore in a mainline Halo game, I'm dropping the series. I play mainline games for the Chief, not Arbiter, Noble Six, or Locke, just Chief.

Halo was different from CoD. CoD is fast with very low TTK, Halo is slow, it took a long time to kill someone in Halo. Halo used to sell 12 million copies. But since 343 took over and tried to make it feel like CoD sales have started to go down. Halo 5 only sold 5 million. Why did you had fuck with a perfectly working formula, with perfectly fine controls? What the fuck? CoD kids don't want anything but CoD. But Halo is now dead because 343 wanted the CoD audience, why? Holy shit you have 12 million people who are ready to pay 60 bucks for a good Halo game and instead of making a good Halo for them you decide to shit on their faces repeatedly while chasing the CoD audience who don't give a shit about Halo? Very fucking nice.

I enjoyed the fast pace competitive gameplay. i guess people are going to have their own opinions on it.

i think that it's pretty safe to assume though that nobody actually liked Locke stealing 12/15 from the Chief, and turning Cortana evil when she was waifu tier in 4.

What the fuck are you faggots talking about.

Halo 5 is an actual arenea FPS, it's much closer to the core of Halo then 4 was, though it's not like 4 was that far from it either.

I absolutely fucking hated the competive halo scene back in the day, but it's much less cancerous now. 5 has the best weapon balance and automatics the series has ever had despite the competive focus.
>CoD gameplay
None of the halo games have CoD gameplay, but the closest that does is 4, the fuck are you talking about?

Halo 5 fas a lower TTK then the other halo games, but not susbntionally. It still playes like halo, and i'd argue it plays closer to CE and especially 2 then 3 or reach and certainly 4 did.

I think locke is bland and boring but you are just as bad as the competivefags from back in the day that is talking about

>I enjoyed the fast pace competitive gameplay.
Nice meme marketing buzzwords. But actually Halo 5 is considerably slower than Halo 3 if we're talking about skilled competitive gameplay. The amount of actions and the sheer number of things going through the player's head is incomparably higher in Halo 3, even though the movement speed there is slower.

This x100. Fuckin 343's just shit. 343 are scared sellouts, betraying a series.

Look dude they really want to shove so sorry Chief replacements down our throats then make a fucking spin off like ODST instead shoehorning these other fuckers in Chief's spotlight. Every time a main Halo takes Chief out of the spotlight it sucks.

what the fuck is the point in punching giant ass mkiv armor


I agree but Halo 4 wasn't very good either.

Really hope Halo 6 is good

>cod mechanics
>closer to how halo is

Lmao halo 4 doesn't even have that. and 4 had arena and btb vehicle gameplay. Halo isn't one or the other. Its both. And the vehicle/huge btb map gameplay is what makes it iconic, not boring ass cod sized map arena shit. Halo 4 legendary modes are classic with only sprint, that beats h5s cod gameplay. That's it.

>5 has the best weapon balance and automatics the series has ever had despite the competive focus.
Halo never had weapon balance, it never needed it because equal starts and one BR that rule everything.
Automatics in Halo must be last resort weapon that can't stand up against BR. Halo 5 automatics are too powerful because they wanted a blue shell: something for noobs to cling on. Thankfully the pro competitive scene don't care about OP assault rifles because they communicate and teamshoot everyone. But surprise-suprise: 90% of people online DON'T communicate and OP automatic weapons ruin their experience, because BR/DMR duels, a huge element of Halo just got shit on. But pro players don't care about that so it's all fine right.

>It still playes like halo
But controls and feels like CoD.

This guy fucking knows.

The arbiter was fine you faggot

And that's shit weapon balance. Automatics in 5 aren't OP, they are just actually fucking useful for once. At most, they are only as useful as precision guns, and generally they are still worse.

>Automatics in Halo must be last resort weapon that can't stand up against BR.
Fuck off, go play other game that you can shit up the balance of.

>telling lies on the interent

5 objectively has the best forge and customs in the series, and the gameplay has flaws but its the best since Halo 2.

The rest is bad, yeah.

To add onto this: The fact that the BR is the only useful gun completely defeated the point of why bungie wanted a two weapon limit to begin with.

The point was that you would have to make choices about which weapons to carry around, vs other shooters without a limit where you had a tool for every situation on you.

The fact the BR is absurdedly OP and is the best gun in 90% of situattions completely defeatys the point of it, and yes, that's shitty balance.

>because BR/DMR duels, a huge element of Halo just got shit on
It SHOULDN'T be a huge element of Halo. The only reason it is is because you had wannabe MLG faggots trying to be pro and hardcore that wanted their fucking crutch to stay OP.

Wanting the BR to outclass autos is an indication of a LACK of skill. Having to balance and juggle weapon combinations SHOULD be a part of skillful play.


There's no reason automatics can't be made to take skill to use effectively. Reward burst fire and headshots, deincenstize spray and pray and bodyshots. 5's beta had a headshot multiplayer for automatics on shield, and if it stayed that way it could be tuned to work.

Also, it's not like getting headshots with the BR is hard.

>Fuck off, go play other game that you can shit up the balance of.
Maybe you should do that. Because Halo automatics always were a last resort weapons, useful only when you have no choice but to use them. "Balancig" weapons like that in Halo 5 is not a welcomed change.

Bullshit. Competitive is great.

Casuals have Big Team Battle (like they always have) and Warzone. It's the best halo multiplayer yet.

>Because Halo automatics always were a last resort weapons, useful only when you have no choice but to use them.

Right, and that was a flaw with the older halo games. They had shitty balance.

Just because it used to be that way doesn't mean it's good.

the same reason gundams/jaegers/transformers fight each other....

It's not about skill, it's about how fucking fun it was to 1v1 someone with BR. How fair the duels felt. When you melt someone or someone melts you with AR it just feels cheap, swallow and dirty. That's why AR must never outclass BR, in any situation. Because if AR is truly underpowered yet you managed to kill someone with it, woah, suddenly it feels good again, not cheap and dirty like in Halo 5.

>Just because it used to be that way doesn't mean it's good.

It was. Your starter weapon was an auto. It was shit for mid-long range. Upgrading meant knowing weapon spawns and map layout. It separated the skilled players from the newcomers and increased competitiveness. Now the learning curve has been lowered, Halo became "accessible" to an even wider audience that is used to instant gratification with minimal effort.

>Right, and that was a flaw with the older halo games. They had shitty balance.
So, using your amazing logic, it means Quake III has shitty balance too? I hope they fix that in Champions.

Arbiter's missions were garbage and ruined Halo 2's campaign, fuck off.

Except it feels good to win by using controlled accurate bursts with the AR as well, especially because it's at a disadvantage in most situations.

Also, then those people should just play the a seperate mode designed for that.

And that's still a factor. The BR is still a better gun in most situations. It's just the AR is actually not just dead weight now.

In other halo games, the ONLY gun worth picking up was the BR and power weapons. All the other autos and weapons were shit and weren't worth using.

Quake's entire approach to weapon balance and gameplay is different and it's not comparable. It doesn't have a clear dviide between normal guns and power weapons, and doesn't have a weapon limit. Each weapon in quake and UT have a very specific and defined role

Halo's sandbox isn't designed like that. CE's sorta was, but even then CE had the issue of the magnum being a gun you wanted on you at all times, which, again,, defeated the whole point of bungie having a two gun limit

And those missions would be any better if you played as cheif instead? Of course not, that's an issue with the mission design, not with him as a character.

Also, his missions were on average just as good as CE's entire campaign.

I just miss when the campaign was about the UNSC fighting the Covenant without the Forerunner BS shit

fuck 343i's story direction.

I miss when Halo was an 80's action movie with wise-cracking marines, zombies and cool fucking missions.

Not this dumbass Didact, Librarian shit


Halo is about map/power weapon control not weapon balance, you cod shitter.

Word. All that other no-fun bullshit needs to be erased from the lore.

The AR is SUPPOSED to be a dead weight because it's a starter weapon. As a starter weapon it's going to be used a lot anyway, no matter how bad it is. Which brings us to the second point, it MUST be weak and outclassed by almost any weapon BECAUSE it's a starter weapon and player MUST be HIGHLY encouraged to change it to something else every time he gets an opportunity to do so. Basically it must scream CHANGE ME at you with everything from design to sound to attack values.

Your logic is flawed, all i can tell is that you don't understand Halo but you try to justify and defend the garbage that is Halo 5.


Fuck off, you faggot. Halo 4 is the most CoD-like.

I disagree with "I miss when Halo was an 80's action movie with wise-cracking marines, zombies and cool fucking missions.", since 2 had the best story and it took itself more seriously, as do the books, which are great, but I agree with your general idea.

Their general direction with the lore of the franchise, both in the games and in the books (even if the specific books are really good) is bad. They are rushing through story points/arcs'

It needs to have both you retard

Power weapons are intentuionally broken, yes, but the BR isn't a power weapon. The non power weapons still need to be good enough to be worth using.

But it's not just an issue of that. It's not just the AR that's shit, it's EVERY non BR/Carbine non power weapon.

Halo DID have starting weapon that was intentionally shit, to prioritize you getting better ones. It was Halo 2 SMG starts, and people fucking hated it, because that was dumb.

None of that is in halo 4 legendary modes. And sprint is in halo 5. Halo 5 has ads and sprint. THAT is cod

>Halo 5 has ADS

No it doesn't. It has zoom that looks like ADS, but it's still zoom.

And it JUST HAPPENED to be mapped to LT instead of right sick click. Total coincidence, right?

The campaign would've been 9/10 if Master chief just threw Locke into the lava right there

Legendary modes don't fucking matter. What matters is base matchmaking modes. 90% of your time will be spent in matchmaking.

Also, it's not ADS, not even close. Halo 5 is better than Halo 4 is basically every way aside from campaign story and having no split-screen. Halo 4 was pure garbage

No not even close. 5 has its flaws but its the best gameplay since 3. Reach and 4 arguably had better campaigns but beyond that they were an embarrassment.

It actually would've been better. You would have access to UNSC weapons and vehicles and Marines. You would be fighting the covenant, Flood, and Sentinels, at times you would've fought them all at once. When the Brutes betrayed the Elites, you could've had both Marines and Elites fighting on your side mixed with Grunts and also Hunters. Honestly Halo 2 would've been better if you would've just played the Chief the entire game with Arbiter being a rival who would join your side when you finally convinced him.

>Halo DID have starting weapon that was intentionally shit, to prioritize you getting better ones. It was Halo 2 SMG starts, and people fucking hated it, because that was dumb.
Let's be honest here, auto spawns has always been terrible in Halo until 5. That's why everyone wanted to play Pistol starts in H1, BR starts in H2 and 3, and DMR starts in Reach.

You can change the controls, idiot. I play bumper jumper (the best layout) and zoom is on RS like it should be.

>it's EVERY non BR/Carbine non power weapon.
Because BR/Carbine is a utility weapons that stand higher than normal weapons in weapon hierarchy. So they must be more useful and powerful.

But Recon is best

If you arent playing Recon you're actually garbage, thats a fact.

>how to spot someone that has never played Halo 5: the post

>and generally they are still worse.
That's wrong. The Storm Rifle has one of the fastest TTKs in the entire game, followed closely by the SMG. They absolutely destroy any other weapon up close to the point where you literally don't have a chance against them unless they start windmilling. The AR is less extreme, but has the tapping bug which makes it pinpoint accurate at max fire rate.

Yes, but why Halo game has a CoD control layout as it's default? Halo used to be game that practically demanded crouching to be on left stick click, now it's gone, you don't need to crouch mid-jump to get in higher places anymore. We have noob-friendly clamber move for that. Fuck skill right? Right.

Why does it bother you so much? The old controls didn't go away.

Why is it okay for halo 4 to have COD gameplay as the default modes?

But the game is no longer designed for the old controls you dumb fuck. CoD controls being the default layout kinda speaks for itself.

Actually, there's still a fuckton of challenging skill jumps on maps. They're much more complex than crouch or nade jumping as well.

But you wouldn't know, because from the way you're talking about the game you probably played it for 2 matches, decided you didn't like it, and never played it again.

It's not. H4 is shit. H5 is shit. But at least i had some fun with H4, H5 is just beyond redemption competitive pro retarded.

How is it not? Crouching is arguably more important now than it was in the original trilogy, as you can crouch while moving.

CoD modes being the gameplay settings in matchmaking in Halo 4 kinda speaks for itself too.

Halo 5 is better purely by virtue of going back to even starts, map knowledge, power weapon spawns, etc.

The game was made around ADS, that's why the default is ADS. You hold the button to stay scoped. No other control scheme has that. The fact is that Halo 4 had the capability of being a Halo that if not perfectly, closely resembled Halo through its Legendary modes. Halo 5 was just strictly made for it's CoD mechanics focus, resulting in a Halo that doesn't feel much like Halo.

Scoping is no more important than it was in older games.

Sounds like you're mad that enemies pose a challenge now rather than just being matched against whatever retarded 10 year olds were playing in past halos.

Sure old halo games had tough matches too, but there was also a lot that were absolutely steamrolls. Now each match is usually pretty even, coming down to teamwork and map control more than ever before.

>there's still a fuckton of challenging skill jumps on maps.
Who cares about that? Crouching mid-jump to reach the higher place felt good. There was a margin for error, means you felt good when you not failed it, and you didn't lose your momentum, was not locked to animation. Clamber is cheap and feels like shit.

Okay, and now you have the margin of error with jump, stabilize, mash crouch, thrust, charge ground pound until your thrust resets, thrust again, clamber.

There's an option for hold to zoom or toggle to zoom. I love how you spew this shit and then defend 4 saying "well, you could change it!" When the same is true for 5.

Only some automatic weapons could be considered ads, DMR, BR, Sniper, beam rifle, binary rifle, CE pistol, h2 BR, and a few more all function exactly like old zoom did.

You literally don't know what you're speaking about. H5 has some jumps 10x harder than any crouch jump ever was.

And it all feels like shit. Cluttered, unnecessary, uninspired.

Now you're just adding in words out of context.

>The hell it is.
Honestly, i kind of liked that line coming from master chief.

But yeah, halo 5's campaign was mind boggling stupid.

Yeah a bit too much teamwork and map control. If you're not playing with a full team with mics it's nearly impossible to play this game without getting triple teamed on while you're solo. Game shouldn't have an arena focus like that. BTB is way less annoying to play.

>Game shouldn't have an arena focus like that.
Why not?

>smacked him so damn hard with the Battle Rifle it shattered to pieces on his helmet

You dumb fuck. It doesn't mater how hard it is, it's how good it feels to do. Chaining sprint slide thrust feels like unnecessary stupid shit, doing clamber feels like shit, hanging in the air feels like shit. Halo used to be a pristine, spartan game. Very simplistic yet with so many possibilities. Now we have this shitfest, there is not enough buttons on the controller to map all this shit they had to move grenade select to d-pad.

Because it's nearly impossible to play the game. For Halo 5 arena that is. For Halo 3 arena felt much more flent and fair instead of triple team rape gameplay like in 5. Maybe no sprint and slow spartans contributed to that fairness. More 1v1 battles as a result. H3 is just an all around perfect Halo game that feels like Halo.

Because overwhelming percent of online matchmaking population are playing solo and want to have fun too maybe? But they can't have fun in a game designed with a false assumption that everyone is playing in a coordinated team like those tryhards in 343 office do.



4 made for a nice little epilogue to the Bungie series, where Chief got to go home. In hindsight, I don't even know why 5 exists.


Nah, I play solo all the time. It's not really much different to me.

Feels good to do in my opinion. Oh yeah, by the way, all the "CoD" shit like sprint and clamber and ground-pound in 5 can be disabled. That would make it even more halo-like than your H4 legendary modes you keep jizzing over, because sprint can't be removed in 4.

Nah, fuck that. 4&5's stories were both absolutely atrocious. 3 was the perfect ending, it should've stayed as a trilogy.

4's multiplayer was terrible as well.

5's is an Improvement at the cost of split-screen. Hope they add it back in 6.

You probably got lucky and didn't get matched up with a team, which mostly is what happens.

I'm not the guy who likes H4, i hate both it and H5.

>Oh yeah, by the way, all the "CoD" shit like sprint and clamber and ground-pound in 5 can be disabled.

Not in matchmaking you cuckie.

That's for customs, and was never in mm. ADS on the other hand, is in mm. Legacy modes were in mm in Halo 4.

Everybody hated Arbiter at the time, just like everybody hated Raiden when MGS2 came out. In my pre-Sup Forums forum days, I recall seeing a lot of people pissed that you don't even play the final mission as Chief.

Legendary modes*

OK, that's fine. I personally think the matchmaking settings are what matter the most as well. Which is why I hate halo 4's so much.

The thing about 5, it's a weird mix of classic halo and new stuff. But for me at least, it's not automatically disgusting and offputting and un-fun like halo 4. I have fun with it, which is more than I can say for mose other FPS games. Sometimes under the right circumstances it does give me that "halo" feel, where you pull off a crazy play or do an intense flag run. While in 4, I just never had any of that.

A big factor of it was the whole loadouts/perk/ordinance system, combined with the ugly textures and aesthetics and armor designs. Didn't like any of that stuff in 4.


No, they werent. There was "rumble" modes, which still had the loadouts system. They just removed kill-cams and ordinance.

So perks and choosing what gun to spawn with and stuff was still always present.

Unless you're talking about a "classic" type mode that might've appeared in action sack or something.

It has a better story. But literally everything else Halo 5 does better.

I'd even go so far as to say that Halo 5 has better multiplayer than Halo 2.

Comic book writer doing the story. Their idea of showing us what a new character can do is putting them up against a pre-established character to show how "badass" they are


JulM'dama getting killed by Locke in the first mission (in a fucking cutscene.)

Locke winning against chief for 90% of their shitty lore-accurate fight

Locke saving Master Chief, Blue Team, and the galaxy at the end of the campaign.

I get what you're saying but the focus of H5 and its arena formula is flawed in terms of gameplay. Getting teamed on is too high. But you have to admit, Legendary felt more like Halo than Halo 5 arena. The armor designs looked pretty nice on Haven too. Halo right bumper zoom, weapon spawns with no timers, less triple teaming. More 1v1 battles etc.

This. Maybe minus the halo 2 part. And split-screen, halo 5 doesn't have that. And armor customization, it's botched compared to 3,4, and reach.

But other than those handful of flaws, (some admittedly quite big.) The core multiplayer is great, weapons are balanced, forge is god-tier. It's the most "halo" multiplayer we've gotten since 3.

I'll agree on the weapon timers, those personally just annoy me too. Zoom can be remapped to RS and set to toggle.

But you're comparing a sub-mode to the main multiplayer again. If you want a fair comparison, you've gotta compare regular H4 slayer to H5 slayer. In which H4 has loadouts, perks, kill-cams, ordinance, etc. And that's why I hated it.