College textbooks

>College textbooks

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They actually allow this sort of subjective, biased and proven false bullshit in burgerland's textbooks??

wtf I hate questions now

really makes you think.

Im fairly certain our College System exists purely to indoctrinate kids to be commies and drain money from the already stagnating middle class.

Also nice trips, you can fuck me user.

not only in textbooks
theyll make you feel like a jew during the holocaust for being conservative

Check this fucking 6

>Theft Grand Auto

Wait. I thought there were studies done that said that violent games didn't really make people violent.

Fuck. I didn't notice that.

They probably charged $200 for this trash too and sold 30 copies per class.

>go for a science degree
>don't have to touch bullshit subjects with a ten foot pole
Feels so fucking good. Also if you didn't go to a tech school you're really stupid.

There isn't anything wrong with this. It literally says go to the next page to see if violent people are attracted to violent games or vice versa, you illiterate cunts.

They did. Colleges are run by liberals who don't like facts that don't agree with them.

What's on chapter 5?

>Socioloy Majors

>only men and boys play violent video games and are aggressive

Kek, thanks edumacation


sorry guys, still kek


>presidential candidates

>people actually go to an ivy league school to study English, psychology, sociology or any other essentially non-major
Jesus Christ. I couldn't imagine spending 60k a year for four or more years just to get out and work at starbucks or as a teacher making barely minimum wage while someone flipping burgers at a fast food place makes the same with no debt.

The people who study that at Ivy Leauge are the people who get high-paying jobs. It's the state school grads that get shit.

Computer, bring up Chapter 5

My professor literally said that violent video games make people more violent due to conditioning

Those are all pretty valid questions. I doubt they can be answered scientifically though.

I had to go through this bullshit for my GE classes. God the "gender and communications" class that was mandated was pure hell.

>They have found that aggressive people and mass murders are more likely to play violent video games


People who study those shitty degrees already came form a family who studied actual STEM and ended up having a pampered baby with a trust fund.

Rags to Riches stories are dead, and it fucking sucks because I'm trying to get rid of these rags I was born in.

They're right of course

hello you quoted me but in fact I was making the same point as you in a humorous way

>implying state schools are bad
Yeah its so good paying $100k to be lectured by a famous dude, when he doesn't mark anything, give any feedback, is not involved in tutorials or labs

At state schools you might not get a famous dude, but he is probably a better teacher and actually involved in the students work

>People who study those shitty degrees already came form a family who studied actual STEM and ended up having a pampered baby with a trust fund.
Doesn't change the fact that they still get very good jobs.

Fuck you.

No, they're just going to be professors if they get a master's or PhD making 40k a year

>Reward players for killing police, prostitutes, and bystanders

List one (1) example

Money begets money, user. College majors have nothing to do with it.

dumb animeposter

There's nothing wrong with state schools for things like STEM, it's liberal arts where an ivy really helps.

Or government, or board of directors.

they do experiments on these things trying to measure aggressive behavior associated with TV and video games. A lot of them come up with both positive and negative results. It's also difficult to form any sort of causation. Still interesting.

>implying anything said by 100/200 level course professors are anything but skimming over the details and full truth

The psychology course I took as part of my general education credits was like 50% history/50% trivia facts.

If you go to college or have a degree I hate you

>go to a state school for engineering
>all the professors work in various industries
>easy as piss to get internships if you want them
>great placement in companies because they want people from the school
Felt really good.

>poor grammar
>spelling errors
>Theft Grand Auto
>no factual link between aggression and video games.

calling out a connection between video games and violence is like calling out the connection that people who've eaten pizza are also serial rapists.

so many people play video games that obviously it's bound to be a common trait amongst people in this day and age.

what's the class about?

>want to finish uni
>dont want to be a victim of the jew system and jew professors who require you to buy their online only books because their name is in them and they get a cut percentage per sale

God I hate kikes so much.

Both these

>violent people gravitate toward violent games

Huh, who knew. They also probably like MMA and football too.

correlation =/= causation

>going to a shitty school or taking classes from a shitty professor
Why? Its your money. Literally all my professors advocate getting books for free online or buying used international copies for 20 bucks

Violent video games don't make you violent. We've had studies before that prove this.

People turn violent because of shitty upbringings in their life. Drugs, alcohol, abuse. All of these things are FAR more likely to turn you into a violent individual than a video game.

Psych 101

This. These people who think they're going to join the 1% just by choosing the right major are in for one hell of a rude awakening.


what does any of that have to do with Judaism, even tangentially? what?

also your fault for not just pirating them all. I don't expect animeposters to be smart though

Did you know Hitler was Jewish

Did you tell him/her to please provide one source to back up that claim?

> School shooters used toothpaste, therefor toothpaste must cause school shootings

Fucking retards. Why if games have gotten more and more popular for the last 30 years is violent crime is so low?

Is your professor a woman? is she obviously a feminist? did she write the text book? I had a professor who literally used his own book as the text for his class and never made us read it, fucking prick.


Should've refunded the book.

Why are there no black teachers?

>people still talking about that Kitty Genovese bystander story as if it's fact

Fucking professors should know better. And I say that as a professor.

Oh by the way kid, almost every professor spends most of their time teaching low level classes, because that's where most demand is. There no such thing as "100 level" professors.

It's already been confirmed that people with violent tendencies do seek out games that are very violent and those games reinforce their behavior, but normal people who play violent games do not become more violent. Stop freaking out, you big gay bitch.

I drop the classes if they mention it but its not easy to then find an opening in another class in the first week or two before the schedule is finalized.

Pirating doesnt work because the professor checks off everyone who did buy the online book.

Funny thing is they knew about it and did nothing about it.

Suck my fuck

>Shot himself to death

Surely 'Shot himself' is clear enough


Maybe Trevor's rampages in GTAV?

But all those people are armed and shoot at you.

That doesn't really reward you. The rampages are just side missions that don't provide you with any benefit other than game completion.

You can shoot yourself and survive

No, it's about private companies using public money to train their future employees for private profit.

The chapter they point to specifically argues against the question raised in that blurb. Have you never heard of falsifying a hypothesis?

I guess you can get a little money from running people over in GTA.

In fucking liberal, lower level thinking courses. Everything is still okay in higher fields.

Some people have survived headshots, if they got shot in the right place. Presumably if you fuck up and miss any critical part of the brain, you could survive a self-inflicted gunshot to the head.
Again, it says that it only reinforces existing violent behavior, but does not create it ex nihilo.

you get money from killing prostitutes, and weapons from killing cops

read the fucking chapter

Yeah i know. Its just that the working sounds so strange like it was written by someone with English as a second language

To be real though, Sup Forums users and even people IRL who are interested in the topics relevant to high traffic boards on here tend to be pretty damn degenerate. I would suspect most of you here to commit a mass shooting before anyone I know. You can't help but notice that many young violent people share the same nihilism as the people on Sup Forums, most who got here by being interested in video games, one way or another.

>textbook with color pictures
goddamn you people are stupid

Almost every college professor is a liberal, even the STEM fielders. Only ones I've seen that aren't libs are business college teachers; they're overwhelmingly libertarian idiots.

Thank god, too. I can't stand learning shit from conservatives, they always fucking lie about shit. "Hurr, evolution isn't real" and all that shit.

if you want to
fucking psychopath



>going to college
>for anything but economy, laws or STEM

>only reinforces existing violent behavior,

All those job markets are complete shit right now. Have fun!

"Shot himself to death" is perfectly normal English. I have no idea what you're getting at.

Increasing implies that there's something to increase in the first place.

My history teacher was a republican, and my annoying anthro teacher sounds like a trump supporter

you only play videogames if you want to, what the fuck kind of point is that?

>Theft Grand Auto

How do you fuck this up? It's not even a fucking term invented for the game, it's a basic crime

thats nothing every one of my statistics and math classes pretty much have math problems that are like men vs women in the workplace and its always women who make less in every problem.

>My Cousin shot himself
>My Cousin shot himself to death

the second one is awkward sounding. You only need to add anything after 'shot himself' if they survived the suicide attempt

OH BOY! yet another thread of americans complaining that they can't """debate""" their teachers in community college humanities classes and crying that the womyn's studies courses they selected are actually about womyn's studies crap!

Death to America.

Gotta have something to fix for the next edition.

Do you have sweet boi pussy?

Something i learned today: correlation doesnt imply causality

That image is absolute gold.

>Not pirating all those shitty books

WTF, I hate theft grand auto now!

t. agressive psychopath