Tfw going to have to drop my backlog for school

>tfw going to have to drop my backlog for school
Feels bad man.

>been back for two weeks
>have Fridays off
>already finished Deadly Premonition (including all the side quests) in those two weeks
>The game was so god damn good

Feels good, mang.

You know what feels good?
Building your future.

>Mfw I graduated 5 years ago

A future of debt for a worthless piece of paper when experience and connections matter more.

fuck off with your cancerous shit-meme tastes

what a depressing gif

>tfw doing community college and getting a part time job soon
>tfw coupled with homework and I'll only be able to play on the weekend
At least I'm getting closer in my major and learning a lot about accounting

What's so bad about that..

ikr? u say im edge but rly im truth

Nothing, but I will miss my free time.
Still though I might be working at an arcade soon so it can't be bad.

You must be fucking retarded. I stayed home and played video games pretty much 3/5 of the week every week. Still got through and got a great job and now I spend my weeks trying to find new and fun ways to avoid work the same way I did college.

Mmmm no, you need an education to go with those two things most of the time unless you luck out.

whats so depressing about it

That's part of growing up user.

I don't like it
I just turned 24 today and it still feels weird

How weird?

>tfw university graduate with business degree
>too busy with work to even play new games.
>Back log will only increase in size until i reach 67 and retire
>Feels bad knowing i only enjoy vidya for like 11 years of my life.

>>too busy with work to even play new games.
You can't be working 24 hours a day.

well, better get used to it. It'll be like that until the day you die.

>for school
at no point in my life did I ever have as much free time as I did when I was going to college

Overall OP, its a matter of instant gratification vs. delayed gratification. It's all about will power. Hang in there. It's only 4-5 years (if you're smart), 2-3 (if you're smarter). Once you get your degree, hound for internships and paid work opportunities, start networking, and make smart career moves. You'll be sitting back in about 10-15 years with your paid house and car notes and 500k+ a year. THEN you'll have all the time in the world to enjoy your video games.

t. Baby boomer