Is SE ever going to port DQ:X to NA/EU?
Is SE ever going to port DQ:X to NA/EU?
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At Pax they said its too much of a risk, not because of that platforms its on but because the series still hasn't broken into the western market.
All I want is a translation, nothing else. I'll pay monthly and im sure many others would too.
I feel like if DQ 7 and 8 does good on 3DS there's an extremely small chance the NX version could come out. If the NX version doesn't come out it's a never ever.
Wrong word.
>Translating an MMO is a daunting task, and in this case, it doesn't make sense business wise. But if there's enough fan outcry we might look into it as it happened with DQ7 (and he pointed at the pics and letters fans sent to SE petitioning for DQ7 3DS translation).
I like Japanese games alot but there's nothing appealing about Dragon's Quest. From the name to the artstyle it screams generic grindfest.
Never because it's a direct competitor to FFXIV and FFXI, both of which SE rely on Western cash flow.
DQX is basically the natural successor of FFXI, just not in the same setting and people that liked FFXI would flock there instead of even bothering FFXIV, something SE doesn't want.
Learn Japanese then.
He's said that same line for 4 years. He also said the same about Dragon Quest VII. But when Yuji Horii 'leaked' that DQVII was being localized, he had to retract his statement.
Basically, we need Yuji Horii or someone else above him to randomly say its gonna happen. Since Fujimoto seems to be a puppet.
Dragon Quest X is sitting at a stable 300k subs in just Japan. And is about to be released in China. Final Fantasy XIV is sitting at 250k worldwide.
They can't even claim FFXIV is more profitable anymore. There's no reason left for them to not bring over DQX.
How are you tonight, Chen?
>implying Iwata's death wasn't what brought it over
Do you have a folder with chen reactions? If yes, can you upload all that shit on mediafire or somewhere else?
If they port it to the right thing, honestly. The Wii U is a rocky boat now and 3DS might not be the most profitable or high-profile for then (even though that's what I want it on most).
It's on PC, and it's being ported to NX and PS4.
It just needs to be localized. They're pushing the final expansion soon too.
What the fuck does Iwata have to do with anything? Iwata actually supported the localization of Dragon Quest.
>the series still hasn't broken into the western market.
That's utter bullshit. The last two main games broke a million each in the west. The fact the game is not another WoW clone means it's not competing against World of Warcraft, which is a big plus for a MMO.
According to them they think it wouldn't have done so great on the PS3 since majority of DQ fans were on Nintendo anyway, NX and PS4 port soon
They also said DQ Builders might also get an NX port.
>tfw have a friend that works as a developer for DQ:X
>she always posts cool screenshots and stuff
>tfw will never get to play the game
Fuck SE though, they only need to lift the IP ban
>knows a Japanese girl who works on the DQX team
I call bullshit.
Who said anything about her being Japanese?
I hope we get XI by the end of 2018.
>I hope we get XI
Seconed I'll pay monthly for this shit and cancel my ff14 sub in a heartbeat.
After playing a few MMOs in Japanese and dealing with the language and Japanese customs I CANNOT do it again.
Dragon Quest X - $60
Expansion 1 - $40
Expansion 2 - $40
Expansion 3 - $40
4 years worth of monthly subs at $12 each - $576
Total - $756
That's how much money SquareEnix would have gotten from me. For one game. Instead, all they got was $40 for FFXIV. And I didn't even play it past my first month so I never payed a sub fee.
But hey, if you don't want my money Squenix, then fine.
Oh, it'll come. It's only a matter of when, and if Sony and Nintendo are publishing it.
I didn't even bother buying FFXIV after playing the OB. It was just a step in the wrong direction unless you wanted to play a WoW like game in new setting
Seeing these prices, it makes me glad I didn't jump onto the DQX wagon.
I enjoyed playing the base story and liked my character. So for me, it just felt like a single player game. But yeah, there's no point to play the 'end game' that fans obsess over. Which is just endless raiding for gear that will be useless in 3 months and the worst crafting system I've ever seen.
Is it a lot like XI? That was my favorite mmo.
It uses the XI combat system and was made by the XI team I read. If you watch videos it plays nearly just like XI did.
The all-in-one package is $40 now and monthly subscriptions are $10
A lot of the people who worked on the game were from the FFXI team. But its combat is Dragon Quest combat with slight tweaks. Not really like FFXI.
Well that would be great if it came out now. But back when they first launched, it would have been full price. And I would have paid it.
Thanks guys. I wish I could try it out.
No, it costs way too much to build the datacenters for no payout.
You're forgetting the cost of a nice VPN too, thats mostly what Im paying for when I play it.
You can just use a VPN.
There are translations
>No, it costs way too much to build the datacenters for no payout.
Bullshit. Virtually unknown korean MMOs that get sub 100k players are still getting released in the west. And somehow make a profit. Server costs are not as big as you people think.
And DQX would get way more players just from the core DQ fans. Let alone all the MMO fans who jump on any new MMO.
I used a free VPN.
Japan complained and told SE to stop bringing DQ to the West and Heroes didn't even sell up to 100k copies combined in the West while it sold over a million only on PS3 and 4
>it still hasn't broken into the western market
it hasn't done so because SE isn't fucking making an attempt for DQ to succeed
fuck them
fuck them in the ass
Is that the mmo for 3ds? How the fuck did they packed a whole mmo into that handheld? Or does it have big differences and separate servers?
>No Dragon Quest X
>Have to put up with Yoshi-p funnelling sub money so he can afford his flamboyant rockstar lifestyle
The 3DS version is streamed over the Internets and it only works over there because they have good internet.
but is it fun
They attempted for like 3 or 4 generations. I guess it didn't match up to their expectations or something but you can't say they never tried
Its true though Japan will complain about anything and the only reason why DQ is being neglected is because the West likes poor man's DQ(Legend of Zelda) more than DQ.
You guys should just be focusing on getting 7 sales instead of asking for 10 already.
>its true, I heard it can happen sometimes
>DQ is being neglected because the west only likes Zelda
Listening to your posts is like listening to my idiot high school friends at the end of the 90s.
>release a series with no marketing
>complain it doesn't sell well
That's not trying.
>release a couple games with marketing
>sales skyrocket, but then SquareEnix complains it still didn't sell well and stops releasing future games
This is also not trying.
>Final Fantasy XIV is sitting at 250k worldwide.
That's active* players, you stupid fuck. I'm playing ffxiv right now and not even included in that number.
Its counting any player who has reached a certain point in the game with their character. That point being they got their first mount, which is level 46-48. Which takes 3-5 days to do.
If you've been playing FFXIV and keep making a dozen characters, all of which never get to level 50, then you deserve to not be counted.
Holy shit
>That point being they got their first mount
No it isn't
>which is level 46-48
No it isn't
>Which takes 3-5 days to do.
No it doesn't
you get your first mount at 20
those active subs are based on a minion gotten from compelting the latest story quests which sre done at 60
7 will be just as big as when it released on PSone
>Point being first mount
Wrong. It's at a certain minion which is gotten at the end of the story quests
>Level 46-48
Mount is level 20
>3-5 days to do
takes one day to get mount. will take about a week of playing to clear the whole story
So you're so casual you can't beat a story that takes a week?
So instead of being on the first day, its 4-5 days. The point still stands. If you can't even play the game long enough to get through 5 days worth of content, then you probably shouldn't be counted as a regular subscriber. Since you get 30 days free before you even have to subscribe.
And the majority of people do fall into this. Despite FFXIV losing a lot of active subs, there's still quite a few people playing. But most of them just quit in the first month. FFXIV just has a huge turn over rate of new people buying the game and trying it. But a low sub count.