Tfw will never be able to play this game

>tfw will never be able to play this game.
Feels bad man.

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Stubbs was an awesome idea executed poorly.

Id absolutely love a sequel to this shit. Make it either neo 80s or funky 70s.

Stubbs the Zombie in

fuck you nigger Stubbs was amazing

It's roughly 40 bucks on amazon, if you still have an xbox... original? lying around you can play it.


Hard to believe death cab for cutie was once popular.

It's not on xbox 360 bc is it?



Why not? Just play the PC port.

Impossible to play on Win. 7 esp. without nVidia card.

Also expensive to find a copy and doesn't work on 360

what a shame

>all those then popular emo-indie bands making covers of 50's songs

05's were ok.

I want you to shove that CD up your candy-ass.
Kidding, hope you had fun with it

DCfC is a guilty pleasure.

cost me $14.99 I wanna say 6-7 years ago. forgot this game used the Halo 2 engine.

I replayed this game a month ago.
Man it is really fun.

>tfw I still have my copy

For what it is, it is pretty fun.

Posting best cover.

I bought this on xbox 360 market place. Don't have 360 anymore tho feels bad

Thurston Moore is pretty good. No Reb Beach though.

no it isn't

>doesn't work on 360

Yes it does.

I have a copy on Xbox as well, but I thought the PC port worked fine? I remember playing it on Windows 7 not too long ago.

That's pretty good. I could see the Flaming Lips cover be in American Mcgee's Oz

Not too sure, I remember no videos properly showed it or if there was it was in spanish and involved nVidia. Could never get it working well on PC no matter how hard I tried.

Pretty sure it was the original CE engine.

b-b-but Stubbs isn't on Steam...

The originality saves it though, as frustrating as the game can be. If I want a zombie game, I'm choosing Stubbs over Walking Dead or The Last of Us.

What are you talking about? i have a pc copy.

Also i played it on a win 7 laptop with a AMD video card