I'm very interested in getting a PS4 for Bloodborne and Nioh...

I'm very interested in getting a PS4 for Bloodborne and Nioh, but I don't feel like 2 games is enough to justify that big of a purchase. What other good games does the PS4 have? What do you guys like to play on it?

>inb4 somebody starts a console war
I'm already interested in buying the PS4, I just want to know what games are fun on it

EDF 4.1 and Gundam Breaker 3

edf 4.1 is on pc now though

I'll probably get looked down upon for suggesting this, but Guitar Hero Live. I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne, but ended up playing Guitar Hero Live every night without fail. Fun game.

>getting a PS4 for Bloodborne and Nioh
are you me? i was about to make this same thread
>think dark souls is garbage
>Love BB and Nioh

Psn+ gives you good shit every so often. I watch a lot of Netflix on mine also. Games wise, Uncharted, Bloodbourne, Street Fighter 5, Nioh, Infamous Second Son. Currently waiting on Persona 5, Kingdom Hearts 3, Last Guardian, Deep Down, Detroit, Horizon, God of War, Gravity Rush 2, Ni No Kuni 2. It's an alright system, honestly, but ofcourse if you can afford a pc there's a lot of games that are only console exclusive and you can get em on pc. But it has a decent amount of good exclusives that make it worth it and a good lineup for the future. Meh. It's alright. Not sure which one I like more between my Wii U and my PS4, but my PC definitely sees the most use.

Here's my list of games in no particular order:

Senran Kagura Estival Versus
Deception 4 The Nightmare Princess
Dragon Quest Heroes
Disgaea 5
Megadimension Neptunia V2
Ratchet & Clank
Atelier Sophie
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
GG Xrd Revelator
EDF 4.1
Dark Souls 3
Project Diva X

And before anyone says


I don't give a fuck you pedantic shitlord.

Disgaea 5, Infamous Second Son, Digimon story cyber sleuth, Odin sphere L, alienation, Uncharted 4, the tomorrow children, Ratchet and Clank, the last guardian, gravity rush 2, mate there's a ton of games, World of Final fantasy too, all Playstation exclusive

christ you have some god awful taste you pathetic weaboo

I see literally only three good games

neck yourself you walking piece of trash

Sengoku Basara

How about you go back to rebbit and jack each other off over how good Battlefield 1 is going to be, you normie scum?

>He goes on Sup Forums and whines about weaboos

Grow a fucking brain.

Nioh will be ported just like Nier was.

Ratchet and clank

That list alone I feel is enough to justify the purchase

They didn't mention anything about Nier being exclusive, just stated it was for PS4. Not sure about Nioh.

And the two you mention.
Dont know about you user but im good to go.

I'm in the same boat OP. Also going to use it for Blu Ray and shit so that'll be good too

I assume you just want exclusives?
Uncharted 4
Ratchet and Clank
Until Dawn
Infamous Second Son + First Light
Tearaway Unfolded

A lot of remasters if you don't have a PS3 or Vita

literally 2020 release
just get the ps3 version.

Does the access to Playstation Store require a PS+ thing where I have to pay some per-month fee? Because I have no intentions of playing online shit

nah u good senpai

What about MGS? I know the HD collection is for PS3 and to my knowledge that wouldn't be playable, but if you had PS2 disks would those work?

Well, aside from BB and Nioh, you have

The Odin Sphere pseudo-remake and that upcoming mech game that VW are doing
Gravity Rush 2 (The remaster of the original also if you don't have a Vita)
Disgaea 5 and Grand Kingdom if you're into SRPGs
Ratchet and Clank '16
inFamous Second Son and First Light aren't really the kinds of game you'd pick up a console specifically for, but they're both pretty good and worth getting now that they're cheap if you have a PS4
Nights of Azure (Not fantastic, but excellent art direction and soundtrack. Again, worth picking up now that it's cheap) with a sequel due next year
Exist Archive
Persona 5
Two more From/Japan Studio collaborations

Yeah, KT press releases have always been saying Nioh is an exclusive (At least initially), as opposed to Nier, where staff literally said "we don't know at this stage" when asked if it was a PS4 exclusive in the days following its reveal. Didn't Platinum say not long ago that SE were considering a PC release right from the start?

No. The only thing you're missing out on store-wise is sometimes PS+ members get small discounts on shit that's barely ever even worth looking at, and the free monthly games which are usually shit.

Dude, if you can't use a search engine then go fuck yourself.

No. PS4 ONLY plays PS4 games unless you're using their streaming rental shit.

Same boat as you OP, but I also look forward to Persona 5, which I was kinda not looking forward to playing on PS3.

I'm also tired of waiting on PC ports for fighting games.

Probably just gonna buy an old PS4 on black friday or secondhand since I imagine some idiots will be unloading them to ""upgrade"" pretty soon.

It's going to be difficult to not get a PS4pro for FFXV, considering how long I've waited

Despite knowing it'll come to PC and knowing I could get a cheaper PS4 normal and knowing it really doesn't look that great, I'm really impulsive about Final Fantasy games

Are we talking exclusive only here? The new GT might be neat but I think Forza has surpassed it as king of the racers. Star Ocean 5 can be fun if you are into weeb games. FF15 is not coming to PC yet so you got that, P5 is coming.

You can get used PS4s for 150 bucks all day on CL, it's worth it for that

I bought a PS4 just for King of Fighters OP and I don't really have plans on buying any other game at the moment.

I may end up buying GGRev, Persona 5, and the Berserk Musou though.

>Forza has surpassed it as king of the racers
Come on.

The last time GT was better than Forza was GT3 A-spec.

And I don't even have an xbone or win10 so inb4 shill.

If you're a huge fucking weeb, don't. If you're not, Uncharted is always good.

But you're retarded. GT6 was miles better than F4.

>tfw bought one for my GTA Online fix
I'm personally looking forward to The Last Guardian and that Spidey game next year.

There are remasters if you're interested in The Last of Us, the original Uncharted Trilogy, God of War 3, Valkyria Chronicles, and Final Fantasy X/X-2.

Uncharted 4 is pretty good, though not my favorite of the series, and I really loved the new Ratchet and Clank. I'm also enjoying King of Fighters 14.