Series is 6 years old

>series is 6 years old
>already has 12 games released

How is this even possible? Or a better question, how is this even acceptable? Do people really buy these games TWICE in a year?

Call of Duty has 13 games released in 13 years, Assassin's Creed has 9 games released in 9 years. I see a bunch of people complaining about these two series but I don't see anyone complaining about Neptunia. This series really needs to end.

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Neptunia and Atlier are the CoD of weeb games.

Pussy. Anime pussy sells games fast and hard. The entire anime industry runs on pussy. It's a crazy drug and it can't be stopped.

4 made by CH
4 made by Felistella
3 made by Tamsoft
and one made by Sting

people don't complain about neptunia because it's just a niche thing that only a small group of dedicated people attach to. people complain about assassin's creed and CoD because the fan base for those just leak squeakers who make claim in other games.

and not than many people even complain about CoD and Asscread anymore, so what's even the problem?


Hyperdimension Neptunia
Neptunia MkII
Neptunia V
Neptunia ReBirth 1-3
Neptunia V-II

That's all for the mainline games.

It's ok.

Does a reboot even count since the first games were a mistake?

>Call of Duty has 13 games released in 13 years
I count 24.
>Assassin's Creed has 9 games released in 9 years
I count 20.

Neptunia is CRAP but you're counting spin-offs, if you do the same for CoD and AC you will get a lot more.

I know a retard who buys 3-4 copies per system and plays they from 0
wish I enjoyed games like that I'd be over with my backlog by now

Neptunia as a whole was a mistake.

you're just saying that because you know people like it.

I dunno why you should end anything that still could make money, OP.

>first games were a mistake?
Only HDN1 was a mistake
mk2 and V are better that ReBirth 2 and 3

>not wanting to play cute games with cute girls
Holy shit you're such a faggot onii-chan.

Would you prefer the Kingdom Hearts method, where they take over a decade to make THREE games, and waste the rest of the time with eight spinoffs?

Not really. It saved Idea Factory. Idea Fuck is now the house that Nep built.

That game is never coming out.

The Japanese end of SE is fucked.

Hell, I'd be willing to bet that FFXV isn't coming out this year at all.

>Do people really buy these games TWICE in a year?
Well it's their money, sooo...why not?

>don't complain about Neptunia
Gametrailers certainly thinks that Nep should die.

nep outlived gametrailers though.

There any good weeb game for the 3ds?

It's unprofessional for them to think a game should've just die when they still sells. I think GT just having a personal hatred for nep

I heard fire emblem awakening was good.

That it did.

Project x Zone 2

I bought the first game in Steam for shit and giggles and refunded it before 2 hours in. There's no story, there's annoying jump sound, gameplay sucks, the series got only anime girls and boobs. Stop milking Japs, for real.

>There's no story

I doubt you even bought it.

Would you rather have 1 game in 10 years?

You clearly didn't buy it.

I think OP rather shitposts.

Reused assets. No expectations. Zero effort put into plot and dialogue.

There are a ton, NOA just has the sense to leave them in Japan like LovePlus

Idea Factory never lied about a Nep game though. They are consistent, I'll give them that.

Just stared playing the series. I must say this shit is pretty addicting.

Hell finished the first Rebirth game this past Sunday, started Rebirth 2 a day or so later.

I swear that leftmost guy just has Murray's face shopped onto him, only difference is one has glasses.

how many hours did you put on rebirth 1?
I'm only like 3 chapters into the rebirth 2 and I've already spent like 8 hours and I even used the free dlc scrub weapon because I have like 2 more on backlog.

> started Rebirth 2

Try to get the Symbol Attack Gain plan as soon as possible... tho that would be nearly one complete playthrough on a certain route. That plan will make getting the rest of the endings pretty easy and way less grindy.

What's this supposed to show? That nip "women" are ugly and have downs?

I just went through the main story and just got the normal ending. I don't really bother with 100% my games or anything like that.

I also used the free DLC weapons at times. I just use those to grind levels quicker. The way I did was I unlocked Darkness 60 then used the change dungeon plan. Then I fought the Maximus Dogoo a few times with the DLC weapon and watch the levels just shoot up.

Having a vagina is not a excuse to make bad games.

Tsunako, unlike Sean, didn't lie one bit.
You see cute girls, you get cute girls.

Not the same person, but with a trainer I was able to beat everything in 20 hours.

I have 38 hours in Rebirth 3 and still haven't unlocked everything. Only 69 minutes in Rb2, but probably closer to the 40 hour mark on Vita.

Rebirth 2 by far has the most endings for all of the games and after that it's back to having 3 endings a game.

>with a trainer

>but with a trainer

Millionep is not something someone should be subjected to.

>There's no story

did you even get past the title screen?

>Do people really buy these games TWICE in a year?
Yes. Moeshitters will buy ANYTHING.

The only Neptunia LE I don't have is the Rebirth 1 LE because I wanted to sleep at 3am

>Kingdom Hearts
That's a funny joke.

This is an old pic. I have all the newer games special editions as well.

I can't go back now. I cannot stop nepping. Even if I die I will still be nepping. I hated on the series at first much like many of the people are doing in this thread right now. Then I played one and got hooked. Nep Nep is a drug.


You just can't stop, can you?

Hey, it's Nep-o-mania! Specially with the new crossover game coming next month.

You know, Neppu never made it into the translations.


>try nep out because I see so much about it on Sup Forums
>turns out I like the gameplay, characters, and music and it ended up being way better than everybody made it out to be

You know if you guys spent more time actually playing video games instead of being angry and shit posting on here about games you didn't even play, you might actually find some enjoyment in life.

Luckily, for me, I'm playing them on Vita. That way I can play video games AND shitpost at the same time!

On the other hand, Top Nep made it back to Japan.

>not dualboxing as you play Nep


Don't have 2 monitors, plus I don't think any of the Neptunia games would run very well on my all-in-one toaster.

Plus I feel Nep games were pretty much built for handhelds. It's so comfy playing them on your bed and stuff.


Its either be eaten or spend life in the fridge until she turns rotten.

It's pretty good to Nep on PC.

Compile heart is a fucking trash dev

especially if you have HDMI cables

Guess even Compile knew they got overseas fans and thankful for their support.

That said however, Nepu attracts Aspies like My Little Pony

Shameless recycled assets from their other IP's not just limited to enemies but even Dungeons and background CG's

But the tasteless weebs and aspies love it since it doesn't give two shits about the professional people who reviews their games.

Actually I wonder if they will ever make a SJW Journalist parody villain?



>more of a good things is bad
just don't play them then idiot

Or go and get fucking MAGES. and turn her back into a human.


Play only KH 1&2 before 3 comes out and see how lost you are at the beginning of 3

Noire has no friends

I just bought rebirth 1-3 the games are addicting, someone help me.


She has a friend in me. Friend with benefits, but a friend none-the-less.

Hey, maybe next game's plot will be SJWs are trying to take over Gamindustri and have the power to turn it's inhabitants into butt ugly fat chicks with dyke haircuts.

>Nep Nep is a drug

This. I remember a while ago seeing the original neptunia 1 on the ps3 marketplace so much but I was an underage poorfag so I never bought it. Recently when I got a pc and saw the rebirth games on sale, tried rebirth 1, beat it, bought rebirth 2,3, and V-II the next day. [Spoiler]I'm still trying to plat them all[/Spoiler]

One way to stop it =^)

I sold mine for $500.


>Neptunia is so fucking popular it got a limited release PS4

>Western VII CE came with a stupid skin instead of one of those awesome face plates

I thought those were just skins

Wtf where can i buy it

you can't

man I don't even want all the LE stuff, just one nepdoroid, it's all I ask, but she's so ridiculously overpriced now

Since it has cute girls it gets away with it. I've played through a few of them and they all feel half assed and incomplete. Oh and 90% of the assets are reused.


same here
i do hope they keep on improving the gameplay though, i like it

I want someone to redraw this to be president of the nep fanclub.

Nope. It'll be about the dominance of Apple and handheld being crushed by mobile gaming.


But OP, 8 of those games are spinoffs

It's bound by the laws of cute.
You always need more cute, you don't need more shooty-bang-bang

>you don't need more shooty-bang-bang
nep tps starring uni when?

