Why contain it?

Why contain it?

Other urls found in this thread:



I hope you're not underestimating the problem.

oh yes!

This board, the threads are intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.


Why contain it?

Why contain it?


No, savage


Your turn.


My father just died.

He used to play Deus Ex with me when I was a kid because I didn't understand how to play.

Im sorry to hear that friend. Fire up the game and have another playthrough for him :)

What a shame.

No. Savage.
Hope you're okay, user. Play some Deus Ex for him.




He was a good man. What a rotten way to die.

install and play for him user. Why contain it?


This, and I'm sorry for your loss


its not just social media, its pretty much everything now
you cant have a smart phone while maintaining any kind of privacy from the government

Where do you talk to Morpheus? I missed that on my playthrough.

IIRC it's the same place where you find frozen Lucius DeBeers, disarm the bomb, etc. The Illuminati base, I think it was.

Just looked it up. Guess they were both at Everett's place. I didn't have enough lockpicks to go searching around his place unfortunately so I missed out on all of that good shit.

Oh well, next playthrough I'll get to it.

having these threads all the time gets stale.

its fine once in a while. its ok, let it go.

I wish i would be a deus ex dad like that some day

Third screen is repeated two times in a row

>Snaquinas spoke of the mythicaramel peanutopolis on the fill

>tfw no Helios gf

I fucked up bad, Sup Forums.

Not realizing that moving bodies means jackshit (the enemies in this game are cavemen and don't react at all to the bodies of their fallen comrades), I picked up an assault rifle and a shotgun (this game is fucky when it comes to bodies - it assumes you want to pick up the ITEMS on a person's body before you actually want to pick up the person's body, so you need to have room for their enormous weapons in your inventory in order to move them).
Then, just for the hell of it, I slapped my useless add-ons onto them (nonlethal stealth playthrough).

And now I realize that moving bodies does literally nothing.
What do I do now? I've invested too many fucking add-ons in these pieces of shit to let them go now, but I also HAVE to let them go because I need to pick up the Dragon Tooth Sword.

What the fuck are you doing user?

nigga drop them, you're barely half way through the game, there will be the same weapons and upgrades down the line.

Fair enough. Yeah, I dropped them. It's not like I needed them, anyway. Nonlethal stealth.


Yeah, RIP.

So apparently in the steam GotY edition they remove the Dragon Tooth sword from your inventory? I wouldn't know because I played a physical copy the also includes Theif 2.


Condolances, user.

God damn, thats impressive

what's the best weapon that's not the GEP gun or Dragon's Tooth?

>The Nano-Sword stolen from Chow's apartment must be retrieved to Tracer Tong, but in the Retail it remains in JC's inventory after the conversation.

That's not what the wiki says

The pistol.
Slap a laser sight on it and it can carry you for half the game.

What shit.
I got that backwards.

But the Dragon's tooth is still in my inventory, even after returning to Tong and I have GOTY addition.

I always wanted a Deus Ex sequel that takes place after the Tracer Tong ending. Where mankind has just barely lost all it's technology and civilization has gone to chaos.

I don't know how it would be done but I want it. JC Denton loses all his augments and shit.

You mean the Escape from L.A. ending?

Don't be fooled by the Jewish tricks, the Baton is just as capable of one-shotting foes as the Prod.

I actually spent half the game using the Prod for ALL nonlethal takedowns, even when I was right behind them (literally physically touching them), since I thought that was the only way to go about stealth takedowns.
Nope. If you're right behind a regular Mook, look up to their head and baton their asses. They'll go down, and most importantly, you save a prod charge for an enemy that actually needs it (read: MJ12 Commandos, Men in Black).

>Page needed to be a wire covered pickle in a jar to merge with Helios
>JC Just took a shock shower and it's done
explain this Sup Forums

JC has God's DNA.

>Jesus Christ

Wait, what the fuck? Did they actually make JC the fucking villain?


nano-machines son

Did something go wrong?

Are you by chance retarded?

You can drop things on the ground you know

Also >rping fags

why don't you go play minecraft dude

Can we get an user or two to Vocaroo this?

Is this site still up?

It's dead, Jim.

What a shame

>you will never be part of a maintenance soda machine filling conspiracy to make agents angry


This made me laugh more than it should've.

Any site that replicates this?

Unlikely, Google search just brings up discussion about the Snacklish translator.

A shame, though if it was still up there somebody would find a way to run it into the ground.

That's a tragedy. Thanks anyway.

While looking to see if there really is no translator (there's not), I found this: pastebin.com/G4nfKsDP

It seems to be a bunch of key terns on internet culture with the prefix "What is...?"

Anyone know what it's for?

>DX12 available for MD finally
>it runs worse

Depends how you look at it

What's the main draw for DX12

Seems like Jeopardy answers.

b but it's a beta!
performance, given if the devs are competent

I wish the snacklish site was still up

>if the devs are competent
God help us all

they're doing alright so far, the patching i mean

I want to make passionate love to mrs. kadlek

My condolences. May he rest in peace.

Did he forget to give Manderly his resignation?


Laputan machine.

why is Anna so cute


>tfw when those australian whores ripped me off and never danced with me

oh well, i got a hotter girl to follow me around for only 100 credits

These fucking barkeeps.






Why is Adam Jensen yellow? Is it just the game's shitty lighting?

>they were all just projecting themselves
>nobody was actually in the room

explain this

So im right at the end and i went to see kollar before shit hits the fan, but he just keeps repeating the line about unshackled augs. I also found this by the chair. did i fuck something up?


That's the only time I've seen him like that

Every other picture literally looks like this

Are you playing HR? That has a piss filter

Thats the wrong game user

Ahhh okay, HR piss filter explains it