Can anyone recap the games confirmed for this system already?

Can anyone recap the games confirmed for this system already?

I only remember sonic. I know some other companies have confirmed unknown games on it right?

Also, NX thread I guess

Other urls found in this thread:

Dragon quest, a new retro IP, Koei Tecmo

What did I miss?

My wife's son's sugar daddy works at Nintendo and he can confirm that a Mario game will be released on the NX

Just Dance 2017

DQ 10 and 11
Just Dance

Dragon Quest 10/11/Possibly Builders
Just Dance
Possibly FFXIV

Confirmed facts
>home console ( [take note that that might only be one part of the NX 'family']
>Zelda BotW ('different visuals than Wii U')
>'new type of mario' avaliable
>sonic game
>new game by Koei tecmo(
>no VR (Statements by miyamoto)
>Just dance

>VERY likely/ partically confirmed stuff
Pikmin 4 launch title
Animal crossing (mobile app supposed to crossover with something)
Dragon Quest XI
Metroid (
New IP by retro (
NX consist of more than one component

Stronger than Wii U (see: Zelda point)

>Some stuff stated by companies, but not confirmed
'moving away from Wii Brand' Good video explaining the reliability of the leaks

>Rumours (3rd party devs excited) (specs rumours are all over the place, do not trust any of them)
Memory cards and Catridges from Zelda trademarks
Beyond good and evil from Ubisoft
Smash 4 and Mk8 ports

>Home console.

I've seen it. I can confirm that's not the case.

>Different visuals


>I've seen it.
Either prove it or shitpost elsewhere.

Zelda Breath of the Nu Male
Super Mario Jumpstars
Metroid: My husbands son
Sonic: Gota go fast, Gaiden

also some new ips designed to appeal to Japanese children but we'll eat them up anyway

don't forget the inevitable game that treehouse """""censors""""""

Post proof or get out

Do you think of anything besides cuck.

You seem to be obsessed with it, really.

Is cuckholding your fetish or something?

user, it's my life

prove it cuck.

I was just pullin your legs m8s. Get reckt

Pull this leg
*unzips dick*

oh fuck

Can't post pictures without compromising my position. But I have the controller sitting in front of me.

It's basically a controller that connects to your phone and uses that as a screen. The real reason BOTW doesn't use the gamepad is because of this.

The idea is to bring more traditional games into the cell phone age. I can confirm that Fire Emblem AND Animal Crossing apps (The non NX games) will have features that tie into the NX and Wii U versions.

My Baby: Happy Life NX exclusive


Post a cropped picture. No one would know you faggot

No matter what anyone says after this post, just know that I believe you user

What the fuck

Can we assume that porting is easy then?

People like you are a diamond a dozen. If you can't even post a pic then you're likely another dipshit lying out his ass.