You said this game was good Sup Forums

Fuck you guys for hyping me.

The worst part is how slow it is, the enemies are fast and your character is a tank.
They gave the shotgun a shitty close range and added a bunch of time wasting weapon customization nonsense.
The environments while very pretty are poorly designed for a shooter since it's hard to make out enemies when trying to dodge stuff.
Did i mention how SLOW the character movement is?
The music is god awful, you can tell there is a good metal track buried underneath all the glitchy trash and that just makes it worse.
Constantly going for glory kills fucks the shooting flow and gets old FAST.
Ammo is very scarce.

I'm at the first shooting after getting the assault rifle, does this get better at any point?

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I guess they did a good job on the technical side so far. Only positive thing at the moment.

It's amazing how all these Denuvo games turn out to be shit and yet all get praised here. It's almost like people who spend money on games are afraid to admit they fucked up.

Doomguy objectively moves faster than modern FPS characters.
Your criticism seems very... not true.

Official daily Sup Forums bait general?

all those paying faggots doing damage control

Why would you ever listen to anyone on Sup Forums's opinion of a game? They're majority underage kids who have probably never even played an FPS without Call of Duty or Halo in the title.
Of course they would think this pile of shit is good.

I enjoyed it for what it was. A fast paced shooter, especially when compared to the garbage on the market.

It wasn't perfect, by any means, but it was certainly enjoyable.

Name three single player shooters with faster movement released in the last decade. Hit me.

were we even playing the same doom 2016? i mean. I'm not even mad I'm just confused. Is this a weird type of bait or something?

in the odd chance this is legit, I don't know what to tell you. Doom 2016 was my best fps experience since maybe hl2+episodes for me. But opinion's subjective. I'm sorry to hear you didn't like it.

t. butthurt poorfag.

it doesnt feel like it. But I will humour you and go along. My counter argument is that the other games are balanced on cover mechanics.
I have very little incentive to go balls out in the open arena style in this since i need to be constantly trying to glory kill things to survive the undodgeable energy blasts from the imps and monsters coming from all directions.

Also i hated that they still go for the realistic route on the environments, if this was other genre they would be great but I guess i really wanted the open surreal environments of the originals with an emphasis on combat.

I pirated the game and played for about two hours before it froze at an autosave and corrupted my file.

At least it ran really well on Vulkan

>glory kill things to survive the undodgeable energy blasts

I don't know what you're trying to say here, but glory kills don't make you invulnerable. If anything, they are a liability for you to take more damage than needed. Which is good design, in my opinion.

They'll drop health and ammo packs regardless of how you kill them.

yes its real, (keep in mind i have only played like 2 hours so far) but that was enough to get me hooked on the original doom.

Last year i installed brutal doom (inb4) and that was what i consider fast paced, this game goes in slow motion compared to that.

the speed compared to doom1 isn't fast. the glorykill mechanic began to wear thin on me but I turned off the highlight and it made me rely on it less and just do it when i knew it was a surefire kill.

The gauss cannon (aka railgun) is my favorite thing in the game. Normally I don't like railguns but its just so motherfucking mean.

stick with it until you've been in/out of hell at least once. sorry we steered you wrong bud.

okay then it was a misunderstanding. Ill stop with the glory kill spree. Lets hope i dont get blasted too much.

>Doomguy moves like a tank

Did you even play the fucking game?

No he doesn't.

What did you think it was going to be like?

Double jumping, running around super fast and killing demons.

Back it's roots and 30's games bought it out of nostalgia.

I guess we could trade opinions all night or set a reference point, he moves FAR slower than doom 1 and 2 which are my reference point in a doom game.

If you want to say he moves faster than modern cover based shooters then you may have a point.

>itt Pirate fags have no taste

Go smoke some more. That will help.

Do you stand still during a fire fight? If so, you are playing on babby mode, and you need to consider growing some balls. If you like gears of war, then play gears of war. The incentive lies in exploring the terrain as you fight. If you had done so, you would have found a few more weapons then the assault rifle.

Look if you are not having fun, dont play it. Dont blame anyone but yourself for not having fun, or not understanding an objectively good game. Doom is about one thing, its about blowing shit up in hell. Thats it. Doom is a game, not a TV show, not a movie, and not shooting gallery. It is Doom, like it or leave it.

Not him, but do you realize how ridiculous it would look if he moved the speed he had in Doom 1 and 2? It would be so unrealistic that it would be laughably bad. That's the charm old DOS games had, though. They looked unrealistic so they could get away with stuff like that.

ohyeah, 2016 doom never reaches the fever pitch of doom1, and i agree that the music could have been more metal, less djentstep. It's good for what it is. Stick with it until youve thrown down with an actual Baron of Hell, and remove the glorykill highlights/hud.

upgrade the shotgun with rapid burst, machinegun with micro rockets and forget everything else. stick with it though. the pacing is pretty solid and the maps are really neat. lots of alternate paths and stuff. especially in hell

>It's good for what it is

Not him, but that's all that needs to be said about the game.

i guess deep down i just wanted doom 2 with better graphics , more demons, new music and brutal doom aiming.

It didnt look too bad on the videos. I'll play it for awhile more before i decide to refund it.

>not Plasma Rifle with heat blast

I bet you are a virgin.

poor bait

Then dont make it realistic?

yeah I will stick with it for awhile. Maybe I'll like it if i treat it as a modern shooter instead of DOOM.

oh, also make sure your fov isn't too low. 85-90 fov is good for upclose tight combat but it gives the illusion of moving slower than you actually are. go for 100-110

There are some really good Doom 1 and Doom 2 mods, if you are willing to dig around the old communities. I have not been on there in a while, but some where rather entertaining.

>walk in room
>door closes behind you
>demons spawn(sometimes there's already some spawned in)
>kill demons until they stop spawning
>doors opens
>walk to next room

That's it. That's literally the whole game. It feels like they just strung a bunch of hallways between a fuckload of multiplayer maps, then filled them with ai.

I feel your pain, comrade.

Trailer build hype, reviews 'confirm' hype and word of mouth is usually 'seeding' the crowd.


fuck i forgot about that, he's right. i get less pussy than a burgerking mensroom.

it's as good as a DOOM game in 2016 could possibly be

you know, just because your opinion isnt the same as the consensus doesn't always mean it's all a paid-shill hype conspiracy.

it's actually okay to be in the minority and dislike stuff a lot of other people like..

>walk into a room
>gets sealed off until you kill all demons
>repeat 1000 times
woooooow like best fps eva

Games shit, thanks for saving my money CPY.

It's called an arena shooter for a reason you literal fucking retard.

>walk down linear path
>stop occasionally, shoot dudes
>blow up large vehicle/building at the end
>repeat 5 times
every other fps out there right now.

>The music is god awful, you can tell there is a good metal track buried underneath all the glitchy trash and that just makes it worse.
Congratulations on having shit taste. Here's your (you)

that track has less wub than metal so its good i guess. The ones I have been exposed in the game so far are lower pitched wuuubs

Legit cannot tell if this is bait

>undodgeable energy blasts from the imps
Get fucking good, holy shit

>The worst part is how slow it is, the enemies are fast and your character is a tank.
So start hopping and get fast.
>They gave the shotgun a shitty close range and added a bunch of time wasting weapon customization nonsense.
Game is designed to get in close, not try and pick people off at a distance like CoD/Battlefield/whatever
>The environments while very pretty are poorly designed for a shooter since it's hard to make out enemies when trying to dodge stuff.
This is literally never an issue when you are at close range.
>Did i mention how SLOW the character movement is?
You did. So start hopping.
>The music is god awful, you can tell there is a good metal track buried underneath all the glitchy trash and that just makes it worse.
Eh. Most game music is god awful. Take what you can get. If you want metal play Killing Floor 2.
>Constantly going for glory kills fucks the shooting flow and gets old FAST.
True, so only do it when you need health.
>Ammo is very scarce.
I'd only call it scarce if you only use one or two weapons. If you cycle through weapons there's never an issue with ammo scarcity.

>undodgeable energy blasts from the imps
How can you be that bad? That's why you do not enjoy it.
And you don't need to glory kill every enemy. just shoot it again.

i'm not even involved in this argument but i wanna say that this metal is heavy but it really doesn't feel unique or memorable.

Doom benefited an incredible amount to being limited to midi's, the music had to be simple but memorable and enjoyable.

He can also use chainsaw for getting ammo from enemies, but I forgot it even existed because of ammo upgrades and weapon switching.

I prefer explosive shotgun, the super shotty outshines the regular in raw DPS but an AOE blast is useful and fun sometimes

>Game is designed to get in close, not try and pick people off at a distance like CoD/Battlefield/whatever

or you know the original Doom?

>I'd only call it scarce if you only use one or two weapons. If you cycle through weapons there's never an issue with ammo scarcity.

I usually use one or 2 weapons at most in most games so yeah. I wanted the satisfying shotgun of the originals.

Well i dodge the ones in front but you get blasted from behind while doing glory kills, which i will stop doing.

>Undodgeable energy blasts.

Are you fucking serious? Everything in the game is dodgeable, Seriously git gud.

>undodgeable energy blasts from the imps and monsters coming from all directions.
What the fuck?

I used the regular shotgun most of the time, but as a grenade launcher.

OP's points are mostly wrong but I would have liked to move a little faster.

Is it faster than just about every other modern FPS? Yes. Its still not nearly as fast as the original

DOOM 2016 Super Shotgun was every bit as satisfying for me as ye olde groovy machine, once you get it to four shots it is just as game breaking (although triple minigun and fully maxed siege mode railgun are perhaps even MORE gamebreaking)

Best, most fun vidya shotgun in years

I agree but the scale of the levels really doesn't permit it, if you were the good old rocket wheelchairGuy it would take a few seconds to cross the map at 45mph. DOOMGuy classic can outrun his own rockets, think about that for a second

which is why we will never get another good doom game unless we drop the realistic crap

Also you can shoot enemies further away with it.
You can snipe imps and soldiers with it.
Got plenty of training because I played shitty RAGE game. Shotgun with grenade shots is best weapon in the that game which you get early. Even fucking bfg was worse.

>Shotgun with grenade shots is best weapon in the that game which you get early. Even fucking bfg was worse.

How is the bfg that one shots almost every enemy in the game worse than the combat shotgun?

It can only ever carry 3 shots, and ammo is scarce.

>I didn't play the game

I'll give you the latter parts of Hell are exactly like you described, like they ran out of time.

Actually, no. No one said this was a good game aside from the DOOM and Betheshills who made daily shill threads. If you read through any of them they are 80% saying how shit the game is and 20% shill damage control and samefagging

>damage control
You can't damage control a good game, user ;^)

>Constantly going for glory kills fucks the shooting flow and gets old FAST.
>Ammo is very scarce.

What a fucking retard.

I'm talking about RAGE. BFG there is shit, it's a machinegun that can shoot blackholes as alternative fire.

Black Ops 3.
Titanfall 2.
Advanced Warfare.

honestly i think im doing something wrong i keep getting destroyed on hurt me plenty.

How am i supposed to play this game? It doesnt play like old doom at all, it doesnt play like modern shooters. Tell me Sup Forums

Ooooh okay, that makes more sense.

I played through it on UV with a controller and barely had any trouble except on bosses. You just need to git gud.

>Black Ops 3 lets you shoot your weapons while mantling whereas Doom 4 interrupts the player with an animation


The original Doom's top speed of 50+ MPH goes largely unused (if you're not speedrunning and bumping into every wall) given nearly all of Doom and Doom II's maps are tight narrow hallways and small rooms with demons right on the other side of doors, meanwhile your weapons all fire at a pretty slow rate. If you weren't doing a Nightmare speedrun and deliberately running around everything, you were often playing a lot more paced and cautious because you didn't really have a lot of room to move and keep evading.

Doomguy's absurd speed never really fit in with the rest of the game. Honestly, Doom's enemies are among the slowest and dumbest in all shooters, and even in Nightmare with respawning double speed demons, you can strafe around everything. It really trivialized the difficulty.

"Doom Slayer" has a more reasonable speed, it is only slightly slower, like 35MPH versus 50MPH. However 2016 Doom also does not have as slow an acceleration as the originals. Slayer hits max speed almost instantly, Doomguy needs about a second. Add on that Doomguy can't get over a three foot wall while Slayer can double jump and climb while also having perfect air control, and the small loss of raw speed is dramatically outdone by the far greater boost in absolute mobility.

I didn't like it either but I only played the demo before forming my opinion on it. I guess I don't like single player first person shooters in general. Stuff like Fallout and Stalker is perfectly fine since there are other gameplay elements but this game and stuff like CoD/Battlefield campaigns is just intolerable to me, I don't get how people play that shit. At its core it's a game where you run around and shoot things, repeat ad infinitum. Sometimes those things change, sometimes they move around differently or hit harder but what you, as a player, are doing is stagnant throughout the entire experience despite the changing environment. The gameplay never really develops beyond what you see in the first few minutes. It's not as fast as the old Doom or something like Quake/UT but those games worked so well because they were multiplayer and you were playing against humans instead of the same boring AI. I didn't really like Left 4 Dead all that much either for that exact reason but at least that game is co-op which makes it much more tolerable and fun.


>with a controller

maybe this is it, I just tried again and did a flawless run by playing way slower. Playing it like original doom didnt work

Never stop moving. Just keep on running and jumping as you shoot. If you stop, you're dead.


yes a lot of the design is fundamentally flawed and unbalanced
none of you retards can differentiate a "good" game from a "quality" game
Doom is all about the shock and awe, once you peel off that thin mask you can see how shitty it really is

Yes. What's your point? These are single player games.

But fine. Here's some more.

Battlefield 3.
Battlefield 4.
Battlefield Hardline.

These all have cars, and therefore have faster movement. You aren't going to move the goalposts again are you?

Yeah, it's the kind of game where you "can" go fast, but it's not really always a good idea to.

Put Tribes: Ascend somewhere on that list and I'll be happy.

My only complaint is that literally every fight is "an encounter". It genuinely feels like every fight is scripted because it happens with a nice neat bow around it. Very bizarre.

This is an okay game, doesn't replace the classic Doom games in any way though, offers a different experience.

it actually plays better with a controller wtf

What the fuck man you literally only have to side step.
The game isn't slow, you're just autistic.

git gud faggot

i switched to a controller and everything is easy as fuck. Not sure why mouse+kb was giving me such a hard time since i always play fps with it

i fucked up and picked the explosive shots on the shotgun upgrade, can i respec later? I played only 1.5 hour after pirating it...