What's a game from the last 5 years that you really enjoyed?

What's a game from the last 5 years that you really enjoyed?

Has anything wormed its way into your top 10?

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Basically newer stuff that could be on my 3x3 if I ever bothered with one?

Mark of the Ninja, The Wonderful 101, Bloodborne.

Bravely Default/Second, Ni No Kuni, KI:U, Dragon's Crown, Ratchet & Clank (ITN, PS4 reboot, ACiT)

Seconding W101 and Bloodborne

Fuck, those games are so good


Ori and the Blind Forest
Dark Souls Games
Monster Hunter 3U/4U
Binding of Isaac

All games I really enjoyed these last 5 years.

if island farming didn't fuck the pacing it would've been near perfect


>hear so much praise for game
>pick up game because
>get through the early chapters alright
>beat medusa
>get wrecked in following levels I'm struggling even after lowering difficulty all the way

I tried, man. I tried really hard.

Hurts like a bitch... but I've gotta accept that I'm really just another casual gamer.

I don't think I've ever tried any animal crossing game.

What is so appealing about them?

CSGO. Literally all I play.

Honorable mentions:
Wolfenstein: TNO & TOB
Dark Souls 1&3
MGSV: Ground Zeroes (fuck Phantom Pain)

Yep, your pic is one, alongside Wonderful 101, Splatoon, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Undertale.

Name me a better rival theme than youtube.com/watch?v=QG77HTdreh0

Protip: you probably can, rivals usually have amazing theme songs, this is still one of theme.

Comfy as fuck.

It's a cute little life simulator.

Gotta Protectors
I just wish there were people sharing stages for it from the map editor.

k. Is New Leaf the best one or...?

is this porn?

it's a realtime sim game with a lot of charm and personality behind. for the first few months, it feels like there's always something to do, and it's great that the game is so flexible that you could just spend a few minutes on it each day or spend hours exploring every nook and cranny it had to offer.

digging up fossils, chatting up your neighbors, checking out nook's wares for the day, improving the town as mayor, expanding your house, and best of all timed events...there's just a lot to love about it that's sounds kind of lame when you describe it through text, but it really is an amazing game.

like every animal crossing it eventually wears thin as you start to see everything the game has to offer, but once the new update comes out I'll probably boot it up for the first time in years.

haven't played it, I've only played Gamecube and Wild World on DS.

Wild World was the better one in my opinion, it had a lot more content.

There's a Wii one too.

The 3DS is really good from what hear, you can't really go wrong with any of them.

New Leaf probably has the most content though.

Alright. Thx anons. I'll pick up New Leaf since that'll be the most convenient right now.

Monster hunter 4u.
Not since my oblivion days did I spend several hundred hours in a game and love it.

No, it's 2D musou.

Just know it's not really a game with a point, you just do things. No real objective.


kid icarus uprising was a 10/10 game for me. and i cant seem to bring myself to play it again

KI: Uprising, Bayo 2, Bloodborne, EO games, Legend of the Dark Witch.

You posted it nigga KI:U is my shit
I wish I had more AR cards. I have the ones it came with, and the Thanatos, Posidon and Medusa (Battle) that came in a magazine.
I use them as Tokens in Yugioh.

There's so much stuff that once you've done just about everything, it's been so thorough that you don't really feel the need to play it again.

Light vs. Dark was the shit

KI Uprising is fucking repetitive and linear as shit.

>stage based game
Stop the presses.

Wonderful 101
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Hyrule Warriors

I'll probably add Bayo 2 to the list, once I actually get around to playing it.

I dont like the new title, but I'm happy Protect me, Knight got the sequel it deserved.
Worst part of my 360 RRoD was losing access to this gem.

>Bayo 2
>Dark Souls
>Crimzon Clover

All top tier gaming experiences that were a fun time through and through. Not sure what my top 10 even looks like anymore because when I go back and play SNES stuff etc that I loved as a kid I get bored and quit after 20 mins.

There's a couple of Nintendo titles I've greatly enjoyed.

I've also put a lot of hours into Doom, Infamous Second Son, Witcher 3 and though Sup Forums will give me shit for this, Uncharted 4.

The only thing hard about the game is the bone crippling controls

Why are you talking about games you don't like?

Are you confused about the point of this thread?

There have been plenty. MH4U and Dark Souls are on my 3x3.


That one, W101, Splatoon

God I've put too much time into AC and still haven't gotten that stupid fortune teller shop

Just so you know they came out with a Nintendo Selects version recently that's only $20

I'm interested. Is it fun enough to play alone? For reference I'm really enjoying Hyrule Warriors Legends.

Never heard of this; just looked it up on YT and now I'm interested.

>that image
Fucking nice taste, brah.

I still need to play Captain Toad myself though and maybe Codename: STEAM. Kirby doesn't interest me though.

Still need to play the new DOOM as well.