Why are healers so entitled? They know they only clear content because of DPS right?
Why are healers so entitled? They know they only clear content because of DPS right?
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All I ask is for you to get the damage out. I can heal you just fine, but if you aren't getting kills my healing is pointless.
I try to know my place, i'm sorry if I mess up the group, I just want to help...
Because a lot of games force you to bring them so all the insufferable cunts that people normally want nothing to do with flock to the classes and force people to interact with them
>Being an angry healer
>Not being a master commander healer, calling incomings and directing my troops to each point.
Come on now
Imagine being a parent whose's children instinctively throw themselves in front of charging cars
Why are Tanks so dumb?
Why do dps act important? You're literally there to speed up runs.
The only reason one tank, one healer, and one dps isn't the go-to group configuration is because of enrage timers, a mechanic that literally only exists to make you douchebags pull your collective heads from your asses long enough to do some actual thinking.
Never seen this thread before.
You want your healers to stop being angry? Actually hold threat and do your job. The only time anyone on my runs dies is when the Tank does something stupid.
I'm your glorious leader you little shitty pantywaist, shape the fuck up and listen to your superior.
Yes sir i'm sorry sir
Thread is boring. Post more heal sluts.
>Playing FFXIV today
>Running Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) on roulettes
>WAR(me), WHM(first timer), DRG, and BLM
>DRG and I are perfectly in sync, he and I focus the most dangerous/annoying enemies at the same time
>WHM keeps me topped up 99% of the time, even throws out Aero III and Holys on every pull
>Everybody is working together and having a wonderful time
>Except the BLM
>This retarded motherfucker
>Continuously spams Fire IV, a single target spell, on the same enemy
>The WRONG enemy
>Keeps crying about "shit tank"
>WHM slaps his shit and tells him to manage his aggro
>Complains the whole time about what a shit group we are
>Gloriously fucks up first boss by facing the wrong way during his cloning cast, causing a massive cone AoE over 70% of the arena
>Dies during ezpz last boss because he refused to move out of her DoT field on second phase and pulled adds with his retarded Fire IV spam
>WHM refuses to raise him
>I can almost taste the briny, refreshing mist of his tears
>WHM staff drops
>BLM ragequits
>WHM and DRG both /fistbump/ me
>2 commendations
Sometimes healers get to be angry. Healing tends to be an exercise in babysitting 2-3 retarded children.
Here you go.
You guys just don't understand.
Being a healer is FUCKING TIRESOME sometimes.
>WHM in The Aery
>The DPS are 2 BRD fem c@s
>None of them use Wanderer's Minuet
>None of them use their DoTs
>Tank ask them to put wanderer on
>They don't reply and don't do anything
>I tell them to fucking put it on and use their goddamn dots already
>No reply
>I tel lthem "Fucking do it already you cunts"
>They get offended, like seriously offended and they say that I am "toxic" and that I should apologies
>I refuse and they kick me
At least I was free from this hell.
>those earrings
Slut confirmed.
>a small percentage plays support/healers
>"healing is the most important job! really!"
>"healing is the most fun job! really!"
>"If people dont thanks me I cant have fun, guuys you know this class suck ass so a little thanks would be nice"
>mfw just carried a bunch of noobs and handled all the fight mechanics while adding to the dps and topping off retarded dps that don't understand how to not stand in aoe damage
The worst part is when I put aoe heals on the floor and they move out of it for no reason. Fucking retards.
Tell me user.
How do you command a bunch of retarded children who refuse or outright insult you everytime you try to give them commands or explain on how the boss mechanics works?
/leave group
Works for me every time.
except healers can pump out dps too and decent dps at that
know your place, dps trashcan
To be fair only the top 2-3% of healers even realize that they can add to the dps, most never figure out dps windows, most healers are retarded. I say that a person that has played healer exclusively in every mmo.
>not being a chill and secretly high healer
I move as fast as the tank does and change my playlist accordingly while giving tips if asked for. Some players make you question life but its only game
It's not bad DPS and it's not angry healers.
It's simply bad players.
When I play in parties I live off not getting hit, being that "pro" who could solo the content if he wanted to, and without even trying.
But everyone isn't me. Some people play with their wife after a long day of work and taking care of their children. I can understand this. But what I hate are people who just suck and do not have an IQ high enough to understand when there's a large AOE box under your characters feet you need to get the fuck off of that box. And there are people who just lack awareness and reaction time.
In short, some people just DO NOT meet the minimum requirements to play video games.
Me desu
>mfw bitch ass boy pussy tank is moving at a snails pace, doing ready checks before every group and keyboard turning around to make sure we are all still there
That's when I start to pull for him, what is he going to do? let the healer die?
I'm so glad Zenyatta exists. If my dps isn't doing their job I can just kill shit and then go back to healing. I love not feeling like a helpless shit
Warframe player here. Upon getting into the game you realize at some point that every weapon is available to every class, at equal effectiveness. At this point, I discovered Trinity (later Trinity Prime) the game's primary healer class. With equal armaments to my DPS classes I quickly found trinity amazing, simply because she acts as anti-DPS, with a trinity in your party and a savvy player playing, this one player can keep the party alive, and is in-goddamn-vincible, due to healing, shielding, damage redirection, and MP restoration. It is now my experience that no, DPS doesn't make the healer win, the healer lets the DPS live long enough to do its job, and the healer will be around a lot longer.
>just got out of a 45 minute Quarn run
>no wipes, tank was just that fucking slow moving between mobs
Asshole you don't need a full MP bar between every pull. Just pop Blood Price and pull the next set, fuck.
>tfw addicted to DPS when healing in ff14
>tfw some shitter tanks that get overhealed by stupid females that spam cure 2 gets stuck with me
>learns that they gotta use shadowskin and they wont get a heal until i get my dots and bane off
Better hope that galvanize holds your ass in the first few seconds of that pull.
>tank is probably a 60 fag that is running is roulette
>stone vigil
>sees I can heal him and manage fairy even though im newer
>he starts grabbing like 3 Aevis or 2 packs of mobs
>heal him and DPS and shield when needed
>the pulls get larger
>the run goes faster
>beat the boss while most mechanics got shield
>3 comms
>Doing my weekly A5S with a pug as a SCH
>WHM tell me he can solo heal without problem so I'm in full DPS mode
>Somehow we get stuck on the fausts
>Put my parser on
>I do more DPS than the BRD and the NIN even though I missed 2 times (around 1200-1300)
>Mfw they try to blame me
I'm still not sure if I can blatantly say that I'm using a parser and tell them to shut the fuck up since one year ago I knew someone who got banned for saying that.
They sound terrible but a levelling bard doing Aery might not have the skill speed on gear to justify the cast time. At least a lvl synched 60 bard would likely have skill speed on his gear. 2 bards either way sounds painfully slow.
With 240 weapons you might as well go AFK, you'll probably hit enrage with DPS like that.
I used to main healer in Guild Wars 1 years ago. What active games that aren't WoW have fun healer roles?
when I get a tank that bad >60 I just pull for them
fuck em if they get mad, go faster you wanker
>Not realizing heal sluts are the most powerful of them all and are the equivalent of the joke characters in anime that kick ass only when they feel like it
just call their rotations shitty
they can't ban you for that, because you can see them without a parse
FFXIV is pretty fun as a main healer.
Do you like being a pure healer with some offensive abilities that let you deal good damage when you want while still have some sexy burst healing?
WHM is for you.
Do you like being a "healer" who's actually more like a DPS who has a bitch fairy that do almost all the healer for you while you DPS like a motherfucker?
SCH is for you.
Wildstar its dead as FUCK though
>tfw dont play tank anymore because first few times doing the dungeon I feel comfortable doing them a little slower with regular size pulls
Good point, I'll do that next time.
that fucking tranny voice
How hard is a5s to pick up and pug as a SCH?
Harder than nidex?
I want to get into a static sometime before next expansion and a5s seems like a requirement
Honestly, as long as you know the mechanics, it's rather easy since there's no real DPS check.
Nidex on the other hand, ask DPS to not be braindead so it's a lot fucking harder.
I swooced in a couple of times with Shoulder Tackle towards the end, healer and I were in voice chat and were moaning about it the entire run
Smaller pulls is fine, standing around for 2-3 minutes between pulls is not
>plays health bar whack a mole
>why don't you guys use your brain
Maybe I'll bear with some learning groups for a5s then
nidex is getting infuriating because people keep fucking dying before fang and claw, or someone isn't in a place to pick up an orb, or the dps are all doing pitiful damage because weakness from dying
fuck you, I'll jump where and when I want
DRG for lyfe
>posting the shitty knockoff
>not the original
>Smaller pulls is fine
Many dont seem to think so. I wish hard mode ff14 dungeons synced to a lower ilvl. It makes no sense that the optimal strategy is like pulling half of the dungeon.
>nidex is getting infuriating because people keep fucking dying before fang and claw, or someone isn't in a place to pick up an orb, or the dps are all doing pitiful damage because weakness from dying
That's what I meant about "not being braindead".
Nidex ask DPS to do their best dring adds phase and most can fucking get their rotation right.
Then we somehow succeed and get to Fang and claw and they all run around like headless chicken without knowing what to do.
Mystic was fun in Tera, especially defending sieges in battlegrounds. Large aoe heals and totem buffs. Dropping heal orbs for team members in key locations. Summoning thralls to annoy the enemy.
Billposter in Flyff. Healing/Buffing class that also had great taking ability and a few good aoe skills.
>healing on ozma
>drg gets targeted by the meteor
>goes and places it like normal on the left side
>see him just fucking fly off the side of the platform directly into ozma, like it was his destiny
>"guess i can't jump here"
lost my shit and then revived him
>Play Mystic
>Put heal orbs on the ground
>No one fucking pick them up
>Get blamed for "not healing".
Nigga what.
Most BPs people would rather ASAL or auto attack than healing.
At least they could buff.
>tfw Wiping City of Mhach on launch week
Watching people be retarded as hell because they actually have to DO mechanics is kind of funny
another happening at qarn because I just remembered it
>we're on the final boss
>monk decides to use limit break
>at the exact moment every single laser in the room targets him, as if to go "GOTCHA BITCH"
>insta-gibbed before he could finish the cast
My first experience with Ozma was a DRG falling off the edge as the fight started.
Meh, I'm not a huge asshole about how many enemies a tank decides to pull,'it's whatever. I do expect you to maintain a brisk pace between packs if we are gonna be doing them one at a time however.
I almost had this happen to me tonight, got hit by two and barely missed by a third.
I almost want to go dps because its fucking frustrating
There's almost nothing I can do as a healer to get people past fang and claw other than throw out my dots and shield people when they're running eating orbs, hoping one doesnt slip by and heal it back to full
>play dps
>other dps is fucking retarded and fucking up mechanics
>handle your mechanics AND his, pop all your CD's and shit
>healer doesn't heal you even though you've got all the adds on you
>"wow dps why you die you're trash im fucking done carrying this group"
>healer leaves, causing everyone else to leave
fuck ff14
If they were also not using DoTs they were missing bloodletter procs too. That's like a total 50% dps loss.
I did Qarn hard earlier and had to finish the last fight as a solo BLM. The healer and Tank were both Zombified and the DRG was dead and couldn't be brought back.
Yeah that's pretty bad. They probably weren't using barrage effectively either.
Don't mind this too but I'd rather not have the tank decide to start the next big pull before the first one is finished. Especially while I'm summoning and in Dreadwyrm trance only to pull the grouped enemies out of my range before I can nuke.
O don't get me started on those blm
>take my DPS friends into roullettes
>don't heal them unless it was unavoidable damage
>they bitch at first cause they died to dumb shit but come crawling back to me for quick queues anyway
>eventually they learn how to stay out of aoes
Feels good housetraining your animals.
>SCH in Wiping City
>The other healer is also a SCH
>Our group is doing fairly well compared to the others since we are carrying the team
>I'm obliged to rez group B and A since they keep on dying on Forgall
>Then Ozma
>Group A and B keep on wiping
>We stay alive until the end
>After the 4th wipe half of group A and B leave the raid and new people come in and we do Ozma first try
>Last boss
>DPS keep on staying in the big orange circle on the ground
>Top them off immediately and dispel the dot
>Keep on doing that until the end
>About to leave when the DPS in my party actually apologies and congratulate me on my healing
>Mfw I get my first 6 commendation
Now for the actual important question.
Was the healer dpsing or a lazy piece of shit?
you know i just like the reactive playstyle role that healers have to do
i rolled healer because i wanted a change of pace because ive already tanked and dps'd
jesus christ fuck off with your fetishes
I remember doing that 1 run and the tank went full on crybaby mode. Refusing to even move or do anything until I apologized to him for doing his job.
I said fuck it, and decided to be the tank instead, clearing all the way up to the last boss before kicking him out. Then we did the boss without a tank aswell.
Why are people so opposed to a healer dpsing in their downtime?
Scholar is perfect for applying a bunch of dots and racking up crit broils.
Don't worrry, once I see your health in jeopardy I'll cancel cleric stance and pop a lustrate if you're really hurting.
With infinite MP there is no reason for scholars to not dps too.
One of the reasons I loved Scholar and Warrior so much is that I can compensate for bad players. Pick up some of the slack. DPS is a little too slow? Both classes can output a decent chunk. Healer pretty bad? Warrior has lot of self sustain. SCH shields can also help with bad tanks who refuses to pop cd's.
Shame warriors have a pretty bad rep these days. I've run warrior since 2.0.
I want hardcore ass mmo's back.
I don't care for the challenge anymore. I just want the casual retards out of my online games.
No matter how much I read up on optimal gear, rotations and making things as efficient as possible when I play tank it doesn't fucking matter when I keep getting grouped with the polar opposite.
The least I can expect out of people is to google "howi play jobff ex i vee" once they hit cap but nope. I have to put on my disgusting mentor tag and try to get people to listen to me and teach them fundamental things like how to cast fire2 followed by flare.
As a EU player I can't even opt out of playing with German and French-fags because of course they always opt in for shitting up English speaking groups.
I'm currently taking a break to play some Legion but even there with the new retard-proof rotations for every spec there are people that can't even do that.
Literally limp-wristed fags, gurlz and stay-home moms.
I should know since I'm pretty sure all but one or two of the healers in my fc are girls and they sure as fuck can't be arsed to dps.
how do you handle fast transition from mob to mob anyway?
i get the same critique when im playing on my DK in wow
i mean i can respond fast to game mechanics
pop cooldowns when needed
have very good awareness, can taunt, grip and pick up a stray mob or a spawn when needed to
am i just playing too safe?
or maybe im just not trusting the emnity/threat mechanic to work as i want to
You do a test pull to see how shit the healer is. Then you adjust accordingly+1 to hopefully make the healer feel uncomfortable for the rest of the run.
>The last 3 statics I've been in have had females as atleast 1 of the healers, always a white mage.
That's funny. 2 were mothers aswell. Why the fuck do they play white mages?
Yeah, Warriors have slim Pickens for endgame weapons this patch.
Unless you're patient enough to build up your relic weapon The Horde axe is really your only choice, and that's not easy to get if you're not in a static grinding Nid EX.
The lore weapon is a joke and the padjali axe is terrible unless parry really does get buffed like they say it will.
I sympathise, but its not a problem unique to MMOs.
Every single 'popular' (i.e. more than 20 players) multiplayer game is infested with retards. It's a problem that can't be fixed, but I suppose it feels worse in MMOs since you need to rely on these retards to clear content, whereas in a shooter or MOBA you can at least carry the team.
My friend who used to be hardcore paladin player switched to warrior in HW, so I pretty only only run scholar these days. Shit, most of the paladins I know switched to warrior or drk when HW came out. Kinda put me out of a job since I never kept warrior geared up fully compared to sch.
Parry will forever be a trash stat, and don't see how they will make it useful. Unless they make it like Vit, and have it give damage aswell as a cheap excuse to get people to use it.
so when the pull gets bigger and the issue of losing threat and maintaining survivability doesnt matter
then all pressure goes to the dps to burn the pull as fast as they can before the healer runs dry
I don't know.
My FC'S static has 4 gurls, one black mage, one white mage/yugioh, one summoner and one warrior.
I'm the only male healer and the only Scholar and the only healer that does dps at the same time.
Personally I played main Tank with reroll DPS/off-healer since 2004.
So I rolled main healer for once, and man, I regret not doing it earlier, it's s a lot of fun.
I used to think it was just a boring whack a mole like some people say here but goddamn, is so much more than that.
Yeah, PLD lucked out with their padjali blade being awesome.
The lore blade sucks with parry and the horde is ok with crit skill speed but having crit det on the padjali sword is grand, just toss out the padjali shield for the lore shield.
Threat is a non-issue in WoW.
its more like juggling actually
for tanking i felt like it was rounding up sheep on a pen and making sure they dont leave it
for dps it felt like youre pin-balling all over the place
yeah i figured
but im still mentally used to it being an issue
can you blame me for being so cautious
Literally this. It's a very different playstyle and its enjoyable; even more so if the healer has a wealth of support options to use/play around with.
It's why I find healing in XIV so fucking boring.
>started playing ffxiv as a scholar
>literally the best class I've played in an mmo
>the pretty much full dos rotation whilst also healing, managing fairies and so on.
>levelled for fucking hours and hours to hit 50
>lol now do the next 15 hours of main quest
>then level 10 more levels and do all of the heavensward main quest
>theeeeen you can do decent dungeons and raids
This shit is looooooooong
Luckily, you can just brain afk for most of it. Especially since you're a scholar. Scholars really remove most of the difficulty in the game. You also get a free DPS class if you want a change of pace.
the healing mechanics in 14 are just plain i think
then again i only bothered with whm
resto shaman healing is real fun though
maybe its just class utility
Passive aggressive healers are the absolute worst.
>you aren't doing enough to protect me, I'm not going to heal you again
Then don't jump into the line of fire and see what happens you nimrod. We're about to lose because you're throwing a bitchfit and not healing anyone, nor are you using your ults in an effective manner.
>be sure to thank your healer
Fuck off.
>glorious leader
>coordinates the team while constantly staring at the boss feet and crotches
Whatever you say, faggot
>calling incomings
Why are you playing with people that can't understand basic mechanics?
You do set up macros for all of your attacks to tell your fairy to heal the target of your target (main tank) as you dps, don't you?
Also macros for Selene to pop AOE skill/spell speed buffs when you cast Succor.
Good job, Villian in Glasses
NONE of you has played healer in a real MMO.
>try to heal in the middle of massive guild battle
>You're low on MP, around 50 enemies are macro'ing the fuck outta you and you're trying to use trees and whatnot to juke them
>you manage to pull off the super-res that gets up like 100 of your dead allies