So after replaying both of these games at least twice i can honestly give this opinion...

So after replaying both of these games at least twice i can honestly give this opinion. While both are great bayo 2 inches out for the simple fact that i had more fun with it then i did bloodborne

Both 10s as far as I'm concerned.

>cinematic experience
>a powerpoint presentation

If you ask me, I did not find favor with either game. They both miss what's most important about a game and instead focus too much on graphics and sex and cinematics and being "mature". I find both to be in terrible taste because of it.

Bayonetta 2 wasn't even the best Bayonetta game, plus the Wii U version of Bayo 1 runs worse than the original Xbox 360 version.

no it doesn't

>runs worse and the Xbox 360 version

but the PS3 version ran the worst

>both games are highly regarded for their gameplay
Heres the (you) that your desperitely trying to b8 for

Why are you even comparing these two games in different fucking genres.

Here Is Your (you), And Also See My Attached Response

Sure, but a smaller piece of shit is still a piece of shit. Bayo 1 on the Xbox 360 (now backwards compatible with the One S, meaning even more stable framerates) is the only one worth playing. The final boss of Bayo 2 was cringeworthy and the game was boring as fuck after the intro mission.

You mean by the same game journalists that praised TLOU and Undertale as the "citizen kane" of their genres?

no by the people who actually played the games faggot. both these games are the closest to 10/10s we got this generation and sadly its looking like that isnt going to change

Oh, so you refer to the user scores.

In other words, not an argument. Pic related explains why.

nobody is talking about reviews you fucking autist. if you ask anyone who has actually played either of these games gameplay will be the first thing they will mention. holy shit you are a faggot

>if you ask anyone who has actually played either of these games gameplay will be the first thing they will mention. holy shit you are a faggot
In that same vein, if I go to neogaf and ask what everyone thought of TLOU, they'll praise it as the best thing they ever played.

As you can tell, fanboy bias is not only completely unreliable, but it should be completely discarded in terms of discussing a game and whether it's good or not.


oh so you prefer the user scores

your autism is impressive user, ill give you one last (you)

bias will always make its way into discussion about anything, regardless of how you feel these are both great games and the only reason you would think otherwise is you are either a contrarian faggot or are still butthurt over


Obvious bait and im retarded for replying, but i recently played through bloodborne on a ps4 i borrowed and expected terrible fps from what people have been saying, mostly haters. And i was pleasantly surprised it was that smooth, now i dont know how they did that, it didnt look like ds2 150% motionblur but animations were smooth and i didnt have any noticable dips, so if you're gonna be one of those that just wants riot, you might as well break a store window.

That strengthens my argument actually. """fans""" will usually be shills, marketers, or people whose only argument for the game revolves around something not quite usable as a defense of quality. Usually a buzzword like "it's fun" or "it's comfy".

>regardless of how you feel these are both great games
To you, they're great games. To me, they're not. Simple as that. I have reasons for disliking both, whether it spends too much time boring me with filler and boring environments, or it performs like crap and has constant frame rate drops (neither can maintain a consistent 60 FPS) and neither can achieve over 1080p resolution.

This combined with many issues makes these games too weak. I'd rather play an indie game or something from CDProject. If you ask me, The Witcher 3 blew away both Bayonetta and Bloodborne, though it too is flawed.

>the Wii U


>neither can achieve over 1080p resolution.
Bayonetta 2 is 720p
>I'd rather play an indie game or something from CDProject
Confirmed you don't care about gameplay

No one gives a shit about your garbage opinion

Both are top 10 for me.

Most intense part of the game most likely. Average framerate is somewhere in the 50 range.

>Platinum and Nintendo Seal of Quality

Im guessing you didnt mean to reply to me?

There can also be bias against it too. By your point of view we shouldn't trust anyone but ourselves and even the act off discussing video game is deemed worthless.
On the contrary, tho, there is video proof of the fact that both Bayonetta and Bloodborne are gameplay-heavy games.

>witcher 3
>better than bayo and bloodborne

sauce pls?

Why are bloodboner kiddies the most obnoxious and insecure fanbase?


Please point to the example of it in this thread?

Well tlou had

Melee combat
Ranged combat
Character upgrades
Weapons upgrades

On top of having AAA presentation, voice acting, story, current gen graphics for the time.

There's literally NOTHING wrong with tlou when using standard game metrics, not bullshit meme le cinematic experience movie xdxdxd Sup Forums metrics.

K, all that matters is that you had fun


Weird comparison to make.

Bayonetta 2 felt like a lateral move at best from 1, but overall is still an incredibly good game.

Bloodborne had a fantastic aesthetic and decent mechanics, but games are measured by gameplay and Fromsoftware continually holds back their games with underwhelming mechanics that still hail back to the original King's Field games, shit like the stamina system that is fucking stupid as a mechanic over traditional combo based affair.

Liked both, I guess.