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You fucking idiot, replying to an OP post doesn't do that.

>The year 2016
>STILL being a sonycuck

The cpu isn't twice more powerful so there you go

>Upscaled 1080p

Why are people falling for this bullshit again?

That's true. It's 2.3X faster.


remember that some cpu architectures doesnt scale well when increasing cpu clock, so cpu boost would be more like 1.1-1.2+

He said CPU not GPU, and since that was already somewhat of a bottleneck for the PS4, it's going to be an outrageous bottleneck with the Pro.

who cares about the specs,
where are the games?


Is this even run on 4K ?

Someone please explain this to me, what is the ps4pro? I thought the next gen was neo, and if it's just some remodel what happened to the slim? I thought it was supposed to be like the Xbox slim? I'm so confused

What about the harddrive?

No. It's upscaled. So it's "4K."

It's the WiiU all over again, this time for sony.

>console problems

so the slim is just a regular ps4 but slimmer and the pro is thicker and has better CPU/GPU but no 4k support?

yes. at least we are getting bloodborne at 60fps

Yes except the pro technically can display in 4K, but it won't be powerful enough to render games in 4K natively, so they will be upscaled.

So it's not 4K, it's "4K"?

What's the difference between 4K and "4K"?

So it's a new underpowered console then?

Google "what is upscaling." It's not complicated but requires enough explanation that I don't feel like typing it out.

It looks better than displaying a straight up 1080 image on a 4K machine but can't compare to something actually rendered natively in 4K.


The game is capped at 30 and even if it is capable of 60 the game will still be capped at 30fps unless From releases a patch that uncaps the framerate.

A direct upscale'd picture/video/game would be exactly the same as a 1080p upscaled.


(add the dot)

It is more powerful but as Sony said, it's up to the developers what they do with it. Bioware, being incompetent as always, is doing jack shit with it.

I never thought I would agree with an autistic frogposter.

>there are more versions of the PS4 than there are games for it

Will this be able to run Bloodborne at a more stable framerate?

They use a different upscaling method than TVs normally use. Here is some comparison. There is an obvious difference but still looks better than 1080p.

Where the fuck is this 4k 60fps PS4Pro meme coming from?

How fucking delusional are people to honestly believe a console manufacturer will sell you something this powerful for 400$?

I bet the same people shilling this shit also bought the 1300$ edition of No Mans Sky.

Pic related


Not to try sounding like a shill for sony, I could give a fuck about this PS4Pro shit and what the fuck ever.

But We all know Bioware is shit, they removed their fourms, this game most likley is a steaming turd they cant figure out how to get to run proper.


Why are there so many fuckups in these presentations?

The developers have to make the game look better for the Pro themselves.

If they lock the game at 30fps, and do nothing else, like improving the textures or adding more stuff on the screen at a given time, then the game will run and look the same on both versions of the PS4, a better hardware won't magically make a game look better.


I don't think you understood what I was saying.

its funny. im pretty sure people know why both the ps4 and pro version runs at the same frame rate in a development point of view but people just choose to shitpost and memespeak instead.

People want to believe in this stuff because they love things that are too good to be true. It's just a happy fantasy to indulge in until the reality hits. It's basically mental masturbation.


>there are more versions of the PS4 than there are games for it
no, there is 3 PS4's, and for games it has Bloodborne, Bloodborne Limited Edition, and InFamous

So you guys know its not the console that magically increases FPS in games right?

This is Bioware/EA not doing anything to improve FPS but rather they are improving the graphics.

It's full 4K using checkerboard rendering. Rainbow Six Siege uses it right now to get 60fps on consoles and nobody has noticed.

>one is 1920x1080
>the other is 3840x2160
>literally quadruple the amount of pixels
>disregarding Tumblr Effect matters to no one
>disregarding that other studios have already confirmed having made various viewing options but EA cant into figuring it out

here you go man just like, get that patch on the xbone to play 4k games and
>oops 8fps