Apparently, this is the main villain in Watch Dogs 2
>rage meme t-shirt
Who still thinks this game won't be shit?
Apparently, this is the main villain in Watch Dogs 2
>rage meme t-shirt
Who still thinks this game won't be shit?
>implying this isn't who the real world attention whore hackers are
I thought the villain was that evil politician Thruss who wants to Make the Bay Area Stronger?
>mfw you get to shoot her to death with your 1337 hAx0rZ 3D printed hacker rifle
i don't have a face because i won't play this turd and i know she'll end up being a brave hero that saw the error of her dyke ways and joins your team to defeat "not donald trump"
This can't be real, jesus fuck
Jesus God, this is EXACTLY what will happen, isn't it?
Didn't see any trailers of this piece of turd, just stumpled upon this print
You're somewhat right.
Hackers are all either trannies or teenage boys.
The game was going to be shit regardless of whatever transnigger they put into the game to try and be hip and square with the kids.
It's still literally a shitty GTA clone mixed with Ubisoft the Open World Game.
would be exiting to have those sjws in a postal game
>mfw you're actually right
dafuq is that on her arm?
Are we vilifying transgender people now?
Come on guys, it is the CURRENT YEAR.
Nothing wrong with transgender people, just with cringy corporate decisions
I don't understand.
Why do they keep spouting the meme that hackers are weird fat neckbeard transgender memesters?
I'm majoring in Cyber Security. Hacking kinda comes with the curriculum. Literally nobody in my class is like this.
>She MAD
What did he mean by this?
What even is the audience for this?
Every new piece of information of this game just screams "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS?"
In what year do you think videogames will start to be not absolute shit again?
Is this supposed to be intimidating or just realistic?
The creative directors and writers think the audience are just like them. See OP's pic for visual reference.
Fuck. This is almost certainly true if you aren't basically paired with them from the getgo.
Do plebs even know what real hackers look like? They look Chinese first of all and look bookish smart. They're not some retarded overweight fanatic.
everything about watchdogs 2 is an abomination
i wonder if they'll catch flack with this design
Christ almighty.
This seriously feels like they just went on google, typed in "hip teenager/liberal trends", and based an entire game around it. The worst part about it is that the gameplay looks vastly better than anything seen in the first Watch Dogs. But it's being ruined by an attempt to seemingly appear edgy and cool by shoving in terrible modern cultural trends.
And I thought Life Is Strange was bad about this. This is a whole different level of cringey bullshit.
How do we know >she is the main villain? I thought the main villain was Ronald Grump or whatever the hell Ubisoft is calling him. I doubt they'd have the Tumblr pandering character as a full-on antagonist.
So is she the biggest hack of the history?
I'd imagine it's not a villain seeing as how they say it's a rival hacker. Like others have said, they'll probably just get in the way of your missions sometimes then eventually team up to take down the big bad.
Because yeah, god forbid we have our pandering character be actually a villain.
>villain looks like a typical tumblr user
>Sup Forums is upset they'll be fighting tumblr
Doesn't sound like a main villain, sounds like some secondary antagonist or just some shitty 'rival' character.
Except that its a mental illness
>implying the dindu and tranny won't team up to beat the evil white trumpkin
OP is an idiot. They say it's a rival, not a villain. They'll probably turn out to be good or team up with you at some point.
I just realized its Lenni probably like Lenny face
we wuz rivals and shit
Fucking Ubisoft, why couldn't they just go full cyberpunk.
Why is Sup Forums so slow tonight?
A new cyberpunk game would be awesome, and I know about Deus Ex, it was underwhelming
It's a school night. Tomorrow's friday. Kiddies gotta get their sleep for those tests.
Is there any reason people will look back fondly at the 2010s? Anything at all?
Yeah, Trump's presidency
>What even is the audience for this?
It's for people who share the MCs name
Well now i have to get it.
They don't know what the fuck they are doing. Taking every story element to the exact opposite end is more than likely going to backfire.
>current year
>still no Hackers: the Game
>Look for this tweet
>It has fuck all retweets etc
>None of us would hear about this pandering character and shitty game if retards on Sup Forums didnt get triggered and make threads about it
Kill Me Paul
I thought this was a typo or something.
not even actual trannies want to be represented like this, only those tumblr idiots that are the tranny variants of faghags would be into this type of character
>Nothing wrong with transgender people
The first game decided to ignore almost all real world hacker precedent, and now this game will incorporate the worst parts of modern hacking the fuck around attention whores.
back to fapping to trap doujins
rival is not same as villain, and about "main villain" you're pulling from your ass the hardest
That fucking shirt...
Finally someone reposted my version, thanks
They clearly showed at E3 that the big bad was Donald Trump.
rival, not villian. Enemy would be Trump look-alike. This thing gonna help us or even become love interest.
This game just gets more cringe every new piece of info that comes out
How low will we go?
My bet is she would be mocking and taunting protag at first, but later turn to be the bro archetype
Wow good point
>female hackers
>the main villain is everything gamers hate
why are you mad tho?
The only thing Watch Dogs 2 has to do with hacks is the developers.
>we want the sjw audience
ubisoft about to find out the hard way that pandering to SF bay press hipster faggots that make up their circle of friends doesn't make you money
can't wait to hear the excuses when this flops....
>"fucking WHITE MALES won't buy games that are on the right side of history"
>"lotta overlap between trump supporters and vocal critics of WD2.... yikes!"
What is Soulhackers?
>Game set in SF
>Bad guy is a trans-fat
GOTY desu
Makes me smile whenever a corporation subverts a movement to use to their own gains under the guise of support - every time it happens means the movement dies a little bit more
Every cyber security student I've met looks more normal than anyone I've met in any of the history/philosophy/non-STEM science classes I've seen.
i want to play as a lean badass asshole stereotypical character.
>protag is a black lives matter activist
Can someone post a pic of this supposed Donald Trump character?
I don't understand sites like Neofag and Somethingawful, it's one thing to not discriminate against trannies, but these sites ban you if you don't constantly talk about how beautiful and brave these freaks are. These people get stuck in these hugboxes and refuse to listen to anybody else and start wearing diapers and shitty wigs because all they hear is how pretty they look.
got you family
Didn't Ubisoft already find that out with that Ass Creed debacle years back?
Somebody post the hi-res version so you can see the scars and the device underneath her skin.
>4channit: The Videogame
Red-fucking-pilled bro
>ban you if you don't constantly talk about how beautiful and brave these freaks are
it's brownie points
I support transgender people, of course, but there's no denying that some can be ugly as sin before they actually end up finishing(?) their HRT and getting surgery
What's his name?
>inb4 Tyrone
>Neogaf convinces some fat old loser that hormones and becoming a horrible caricature of what a woman is will make his life better
This trend is fucking hilarious, going to be so many suicides in about 5 years time from all these idiots who meme-transitioned realise being male wasn't the problem.
We're nearly there user..
We're nearly there...
Give it a few more years
I thought it was a dude until i looked at the chest and though," are those tits? like actual female tits?"
yes, the game is set in America
Hugboxers must be incredibly frail in how they imagine themselves. That frailty (or, lack of integrity, honesty) might also keep them utterly attached to the approval of their peers, so they surround themselves with people who endorse their delusions. They get attached to anyone that supports, strengthens and renews their frail, hilariously simple version of reality.
At the end of the day, any tremors at the level of how they imagine themselves and they basically fall apart.
I'm honestly not sure if thats a female character, a m2f trans character, or a typo.
What the fuck are you even doing Ubisoft? You heard us say Watchdogs was too bland, so you injected as much stupid shit ass possible.
Watchdogs 2 is the cringiest game ever made.
I like that night of the dedsec sticker
>prime 8
Cripple chan reference?
Sun Wukong reference.
Prime 8
>These people get stuck in these hugboxes and refuse to listen to anybody else
He says, posting on Sup Forums
you call this place a fucking hugbox
Not the same. You can make a post here like you just did calling Sup Forums a hugbox, but if you said that on NeoFAG or SA you would be permanently banned.
Here you are a free to say whatever you want for the most part and the worst that will happen is a bunch of people will mock you.
You could go on Sup Forums right now and say you want to vote for Hillary and suck a black cock, you wouldn't be banned.
Places like NeoFAG foster this weird environment of mod worship and tip toeing around saying anything that might be construed as controversial or against the SJW narrative.
Holy dickpickle, if this was satire it would be GOTYAY.
But no, they serious. What a shitshow. This is some CSI/NCIS level shit.