6 months left until release

>6 months left until release
>We still don't even know it's actual name

What the fuck is Nintendo doing?

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It's a jetpack that can cure cancer

Screencap this, my dog works at Nintendo

Sorry user.

We're trying. Honestly.

6 months isn't that close.

And given what keeps popping up, we have a pretty good idea of what it is.

Ok tell me what it is

>6 months
[Spoiler] try 14

Nintendo themselves said March 2017, why the fuck do you people keep thinking otherwise?

Not that user, but based on the rumors... imagine the Wii U GamePad as the entire console but the controls are detachable.

Exactly. They even told the investors. You don't lie to investors

They are going to hold it until next year because they want people to buy new3ds at top price.

So it's a horrible piece of shit? Good to know.

Ive been through a few nintendo console releases

Now that we know the PS4 Pro is garbage, they'll make the announcement soon.


Are you implying that a date set forever ago cannot be changed?

That date was set in June.

That's the best I've got. Nintendo's kept the NX locked tight.

>Nintendo's kept the NX locked tight.
So we don't 'pretty much know what it is'

We didn;'t know of the PS4 Pro name until yesterday.

It apperently has a life changing gimmick, one so good (yet very copyable) that they want to hold off announcing it for as long as possible so they can get it out on the shelves before Sony and Microsoft can dash in and steal sales.

We really have no idea about it. Nintendo has patented all kinds of crazy shit and none of it can be indicative of future actions. The only things I've seen perhaps giving real implications are notes about "cartridges" coming out for NX games.

Maybe YOU don't, pussy.

Never going to make it to Fortune 500 with that sort of limp-dicked attitude.

we still dont know for sure if its the 3ds succesor or the succesor of both 3ds and wii u

big fucking difference

Cancer is an aging disease; you can't stop it, only delay it.

then why does my wifes son have it

Why is there so much people so eagerly anticipating nx reveal? It seems full blown between Sup Forums and gaf. I thought people didnt care too much given their initial reactions on the rumors.

Good. Why do everything related to vydia needs to be hyped months if not years before the actual release?

Shitty genetics; his tumor suppressing gene is weak as fuck.

Sorry man.

>implying it's not going to explode within the first 5 minutes of actually being revealed on the internet.
>The device will pretty much be a small tablet with a controller dock that it can fit in,
>Mario Run
>The company is starting to understand the mobile market better
>Still recognizes Wii U owners

He is saving Nintendo.

Delays happen, it's not lying

The rumors are bullshit.

Nobody knows what the NX will be.

They're gonna win this generation. I know it.




Literally trainwreck fucking their company.

Nintendo will 100% be dead by 2024, or in best case scenario owned as a subsidiary, likely of Microsoft, Sony or possibly even Apple.

The Wii was a complete fluke, filled the vacuum of casual games left by the leap in era before the smartphone apps. All of the Nintendo consoles have sold in a downward trend since the 80s in succession, the Wii is the only exception to this rule because it tapped into a market that was rapidly swallowed by Google and Apple.

The NX will be an utterly failed console. Every Wii U owner knows, as much as they may attempt to deny it, that the console is terrible from an objective design standpoint and lacks the exclusive software to push sales. The numbers just illustrate the truth the die hard fans adamantly refuse to see. The sane Wii U owners sell the console before the price reduces too low.

Everyone knows the majority of the demographic of Nintendo players from the 80s and 90s have grown into Sony, Microsoft and Steam customers in this decade. Nintendo simply lost touch with them in the 2000s, and now ever since the rise of smartphones they have also lost touch with the casual market. Ironically, it's their smartphone endeavors which may end up being the only saving hope of the company.

The Nintendo NX will make the failures of the Wii U look like successes in comparison.

>he thinks it's actually going to release when they said it would

At this point March 2017 is looking very unlikely.

>NX will fail
if it's the successor to the 3DS, it'll do just fine unless there's a gimmick that utterly ruins the system. That's why Nintendo is pushing the idea of a hybrid console, to capitalize on the handheld market where the 3DS thrives and the Vita slowly trudges to its grave. Oh wait, you didn't even make it past the greentext.
