35% of PC gamers pirate

>dude why won't release the game for PC?!

Other urls found in this thread:


yes, but not 100% of the time.

Try before you buy, pirating is cancer but if they released demos like in ye olde days then it might go down.

Or up cause ya know, pirates gunna pirate but you cant blame them for wanting to see if the company deserves the money instead of shilling out and getting ripped off.

I love this meme

I'll never understand the mustard race.
They have the largest install-base but have the lowest attach rate. They proudly pirate moments before crying IT'S NOT FAIR BROS left and right when something isn't ported over. in the chance that something is, they brag about it incessantly before whining that the port was bad.
The other fanbases aren't much better with their blind loyalty, but at least they aren't as bad as they are. Literally the MLP fanbase of the gaming world.


Whats wrong with it? Almost every time I've pirated a game its to see if it can run well on my PC.

who exactly did they survey? I didn't get surveyed

Because they want the other 65% which should be enough to justify a shitty port?

Also, I buy good games, pirate shit ones. But I rarely pirate anyways.

>lowest attatch rate
>keeps games alive with active servers of close communities for years and decades even long after games are dead on console

Are you a pirate?

Like hell I'm going to let people know I play weebshit by having it linked to my steam.

>hmm it seems PC gamers are pirating because it is more convenient than using our forced methods.
>I know sir! we'll make our games with performance killing and unbearable DRM & proprietary distribution.
>that'll stop the pirates! God knows if we were to come up with creative methods to make a service better than pirating
>crisis avoided, right sir?
>right jamal

I never pirate modern games. I'm tempted to emulate older games from like 1996 because the companies don't release them anymore.

I know it's illegal in many provinces, which is why I stay away from it. Still, it pains me that Tales of Destiny and the original Grandia and older games will likely never see the light of day again. But I feel happy knowing that no company can prevent the downloading of DOSbox titles.

It ain't a meme.
I pirated the new attack on titan game, played it for 30 mins and decided I didn't like it.

Would've refunded it through steam but didn't go through the process of waiting for a refund.

>dude why won't release the game for PC?!
I no longer ask this.
Xbox One is losing all it's exclusives to PC, weebshit games getting PC ports daily, we had a fucking Metal Gear Solid coming to PC on day one...

It's no longer a matter of ''If'' but a matter of ''when'' regarding games coming to PC.

>this one private server i go on with thirty other autists must mean he's wrong!

>paying for games

lolol im no cuck!!

n-no! only when I want to test a game before I buy.

>lowest attach rate
Diablo 2 still has people playing it.

>Pirates make lame excuses for games
>No one even bothers defending pirating movies/shows/music
Just admit you dont wanna pay for it. I pirate games cause I want free shit.

COD4 and Bad Company 2 are quite alive nowadays.
How are those two on consoles?

The only games you keep alive are modern Cowadootys.


Its the moral thing to do user. Or face judgement.

Some companies do, some don't.

I do like the shareware model better. It weeds out the shit. If a game's good, you're going to want more of it, and even if you're a pirate, you're probably more willing to put money down for something you know you like yet haven't actually played yet, than something you don't know or have already played all the way.

And if a game's shit, it ends there. Company gets no money at all for putting out shit games, because everyone played the free part first and realized it wasn't worth buying.

I'm a PC gamer and I pirate console games

That's because games on PC are designed to last.

>Splatoon and Overwatch, games purposely designed for consoles to play
>dead after 1 year

>had console releases, but all focus was put on the PC release only
>10 years in, still has a steady playerbase

And you can argue that they're kids or bronies or yada yada, but that's still money in the bag, and free community servers for me.

>Just admit you dont wanna pay for it
If I did I wouldn't get waves of fat virgins telling me piracy is wrong.

did you know that japan actually wants people to pirate their anime

100% of humanity would rather receive everything they ever need or want for free.
100% of humanity are just kikes and jews who wouldn't want to give everything away for free.

The Vita should be getting a fuckton of games since it's not as easy to pirate yet the DS is the more popular system by far despite it being very easy to pirate.

The same thing happened with the PS2. Rampant piracy, yet it was the more popular console with the biggest library.

What's the longest running console game? Can any console game still be considered as active as WoW is?

>The Vita should be getting a fuckton of games since it's not as easy to pirate
you aren't up on the news are you
Vita piracy is EZ as of about a week ago. Most* games work, no exploit on current firmware but all "new" systems ship exploitable.

>Implying pirates don't download even good games

>What's the longest running console game?

I feel this is a stupid question to ask because you're still in the mentality that console games need online to function

First post best post, thread over

>I-If the game is good I'll buy it.. !
>I swear, bros!

>no foolproof way to tell if a game is shit before buying it (no, youtube is not a valid answer)
>can only play for 120 minutes before losing the ability to return the game for any reason; consoles can return the game up to a week later, sometimes more
>3 hour long titles cost $20

fix these 3 things and i'll stop pirating.

nice projection there lad


So hows that new hitman game

>came out less than 5 months ago
>has more active players than tf2
>already dead
Nigger what fucking crack are you smoking, can you please tell me?
Like I think tf2 is the better game but how the fuck is overwatch anywhere close to dead?

>2/3 pc gamers have never pirated anything ever
can't even imagine living such an ignorant existence

>and i'll stop pirating.

>>dude why won't release the game for PC?!
Well I find myself saying this less and less since damn near every game goes to PC sooner or later

Which kinda makes you wonder what OP knows that these devs don't but whatever

Isn't the more interesting stat the % of pirates that buy games?

>people whine about pirating pc games while continuing to torrent movies, music, anime and manga

i really would, though.

>They have the largest install-base but have the lowest attach rate

Yet people always buy up old games on steam sales regularly. Meanwhile once 1-2 years pass, a game on console is basically done selling anything at all.

Bad Company 2 is the best bf ever, damn i miss it.

You know how much console shit gets pirated?
People are jizzing over themselves about jail breaking 3sd's.
PSP might as well stand for Pirate Station Portable since damn near everyone who uses them pirates everything on them.
Dreamcast? Easiest system in history to play pirated shit on.
And don't get me started on FreeMcBoot for the ps2.

Of course they didn't ask how many people do those things, now did they.

>PCucks cant even make a single decent excuse this time.

Like I mean holy fuck, this article was published TODAY
Why the fuck would blizzard put a dev team larger than the entirety of valve on a dead game?

Like I'm not trying to shill this game or anything, but could you please just explain how this is a dead game?

I don't see why they care so much. I'm not paying $60 for a video game, so if they sell it at that price I'm going to either pirate it or not bother. They should sell their games for $10 if they want me to buy them.

>le "I-I-I'll pay you later, honest!!" meme

As much as people bitch about Steam being DRM, it's pretty nice being able to have a library for who knows how long without having to rebuy my games as HD remasters.

I haven't pirated a game since the Steam refund service was introduce. 2 hours is more than enough to see of a game is worth your time, the whole "It gets better later!" notion is retarded. If a game is terrible off the bat then even if the last hour is amazing, it's still a terrible game and was a complete waste of time. FF13 is a great example "The whole it gets good after 20 hours!" meme is one of most ridiculous statements to ever be conceived in defense of a game. Even if it got good after 20 hours, I still spent 20 fucking hours hating the game.

Piracy is a service problem. If Gaben said anything that was correct before he went full jew, it was that.

If you make it simpler to just buy the fucking thing than it is to pirate, people will pirate less.

I still pirate games pretty often because I'm a massive kike but if I can get a game cheap sure I'll pick it up, especially if you can't play online or certain other features on pirated copies. My steam library has over 100 games on it and I've got some decent stacks of games for consoles that are otherwise easy to emulate or pirate games on too.

In other words you can't answer.

attach rate doesn't mean how many soulless drones and bots are on the "X users online" list. it means how many people from [platform here] purchased [game here] divided by [total number of platform here].

If it were up to me I'd ban all forms of gaming media being made for the PC meme platform.

Literally the cancer that is killing this industry. Think of all the great games we missed out on due to piracy.

Good question they are missing out on a potential 65% sales to millions of customers on a release to a platform half of the games were made on anyway. Possibly more since some try then buy, laugh all you want, but it is true.

PC has a huge market of people still paying for older games so sale life is often much longer.

because he doesn't like it.

No one said that, you autistic sperg.

only neckbeards play pc as their primary gaming source anyway so literally nothing of value would be lost

Piracy is decriminalized in Switzerland, since the Swiss government deduced that people pirate because they want more things, not because they want to get away with not buying anything. They spend the money they save by pirating on more digital media.

In fact, there are lots of studies that prove that pirates are more likely to buy intellectual property. But the Swiss give you delicious chocolate and those nifty pocket knives. If you can't trust them, who CAN you trust?

I only pirate games that either aren't available to buy or games I'm not sure are worth the purchase. Case in point, The beginner's guide. Sure I could've bought it and then issued a refund, but I'd rather pirate it and see if I enjoy the game, then put it on wishlist and wait for a sale to buy it. Some developers also aren't worth supporting like Double Fine.

Todd is that you? Stop spreading lies.


The drive to give back is so strong in humans people have avoided being robbed at gun point by inviting their robber to sit down and enjoy the rest of dinner with them.

That's 65% who don't pirate then. And since gaming is hugely popular and mainstream now, developers still have a larger paying customer base than ever.

Piracy is a spook.

I don't like it = Bad Game :^)

The lowest of the low scum such as yourself ought to be lynched and beheaded.

I've pirated and then bought plenty of games, and no amount of stuttering greentext will change that fact.

If devs didn't want me to pirate, they would make more demos.

peer tracking is against the law, piracy is still illegal if they manage to catch you

I bought Mirrors Edge Catalyst on PC, and had to install Origin obviously.

So like with Steam I installed it to a different hard drive just in case. Sure enough, a few months later I had to reinstall my OS for reasons. After that, I went to play the game. It launched, began to load, the game was clearly fine, but it said "could not communicate with Origin, please reinstall Origin" and I had to spend about 30 minutes fucking about getting it to work again.

If I had pirated it, it would have just worked.

>I don't like it = Bad Game
no. bad game =
>runs like shit
>too short for the price
>gutted for sequels/DLC

>all these statistics about how Steam has 10,000,000 users but only 5% even own more than a single game on Steam
>"We asked 50,000 users and a third of them pirate."
Right, sure. I'm sure that was a highly representative portion of the userbase, and that 48,000 of them were the ones who only play a single Steam game.

Or let's be honest: if there's no distinction from pirating some weird japanese porn game and pirating Overwatch, then I think your data might end up a bit skewed.

What is their definition of pirate?

If I pirate all 3 Witcher games and every Star Wars game ever made is it the same as if I pirated an episode of Anime Tits: Season 3?

Not him, but I don't know where you made the connection to justify your first statement.

>but it said "could not communicate with Origin, please reinstall Origin

this is literally the future pirates chose

Because we've been burned before. PC gamers by definition have the most expendable income.

Didn't that percentage used to be higher?

You can find all of that info without needing to play the game you inbred.

Atleast have the decency to admit that you're a pirate scum that just wants free shit.

I could have sworn that it was legal to download but not to upload. Are you Swiss?

See this

>used to pirate games all the time
>now I just wait for them to be in Steam sales and Humble Bundles
Why is this allowed?

>a crushing majority of AAA titles being near unplayable at launch
>half of them stay broken until months later
>abusive review embargoes so nobody can see if the game sucks or not until launch day or in the worst cases days after launch
>very few game companies willing to release a demo for their games nowadays
>numerous overpriced dlcs
>overpriced games everywhere

gee golly reuben mcfartface, i do wonder indeedy why 35% of gamers pirate their games

Ubisoft still thinks it is 95% of all PC users.

hahah snake eating its own tail, pigs shitting where they sleep. but you know, thats how things work :^)

>what's longest running console game
A 15 year old figthing game still gets thousands of players, without online

>runs like shit
Can vary greatly from system to system. Especially in stupid cases where they did a shit job optimizing the game for a variety of hardware setups, or when AMD or Nvidia dip their fingers into game development so it ends up running better on their cards than their competitor's. It's not like consoles where 90% of games these days run like shit out of the box and there's nothing you can do to change it.

That's a retarded metric to use. Something like 95% of all PCs aren't even used for gaming.

i also forgot abominations still in use like uplay and their myriad of problems



do people pirate overwatch?

is it even possible?

I always thought making it online with a login was bulletproof

>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money

This is what I do, I don't think I can be counted to those 35% when I buy legal version.

>but we'll ignore console pirates.

>without needing to play the game you inbred.
no, i cannot find out exactly how well or poorly a given videogame will run on my 2500k 970 system by looking at benchmarks with a 1080 and 5690X.

i also cannot tell if i will complete the game faster or slower than the average. if i complete it slower, then it might be worth what they are asking for. if i complete it faster, it might not.

>console friends don't pirate




If people care enough they'll find a way to get private servers running. But I don't think that's happened with Overwatch yet so I dunno what they fuck they'd be pirating it for.

you cant really play games that you pirated online for the most part.


Here we again with the excuses you mongoloid.

Alright I'll humor you. You mentioned that steam lets you play 2 hours before the refund period ends? That's more than enough time to judge whether or not the game "runs like shit" on your XXX video card.

Just admit that you're a parasite.