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Quick Sup Forums

Tell me the BEST fucking psp games out there.

Preferably RPGs/JRPGs

Other urls found in this thread:


Little big planet

carnage heart exa

Tactic Ogres LUCT
Patapon series

nes emulator

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (with the slowdown fix)
Hexyz Force
Crimson Gem Saga
7th Dragon 2020
Breath of Fire 3
Valkyrie Profile

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Portable 3RD, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

Phantasy Star Portable 2

Def Jam and The Con

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth is one of my all time favorite RPGs. Both the Star Oceans are great too. Also FF Tactics and the mainline Final Fantasy PSP remakes.

it's not a jrpg but fuck you play DJMax anyways

FF crystal defenders

Jeanne d'Arc

Grand Knights History.

>Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
Looked at some videos and that looks interesting as fuark. Do I need to play other games in the series to understand its story?

This also looks pretty cool. Will consider

FF7 works fine

Not him but lenneth is a rerelease with some extra features. Both disgaea games are good, if you're into srpgs and wh40k check out squad command.

on the PSP?

That's the first VP.

Gran Turismo

Everything on here but TiTs since its garbage

check the v wiki cause im fucking lazy

Fuck yourself my man

Estelle a best

Crimson gem saga is shit though. I dont need to explain beyond how you need to grind for hours to be able to afford items.

Estelle a shit. Her game is even worse

Star Ocean 1 and 2
Megaman Legends

Ys series



PSP had the best version of FFIV

This list and all the great PS1 jrpgs.

Also play Holy Invasion Of Privacy Badman, it's the best psp game no one talks about

the true patrician's choice

Jokes on you growlanser isnt on there

Half Minute Hero
Phantom Brave
Battle Robot Damashii and Macross if you can read jap

Birth By Sleep and the FF4 collection. Seriously if you don't play anything else just get FF4, it looks fantastic on psp.

Is psp FFIII hard as fuck?

Trails in the Sky.

>PSP exclusive
Jeanne D'Arc

>any game
Tactics Ogre

If you like Yu gi oh then this is the best game you can get


Other stuff:
Gitaroo Man
Castlevania: Dracula X