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>any retard that uses postal 2 as a technology arguement
Mirrors aren't impressive in the first place

Fuck off retard, you will like anything with anime in it there is no technology in it



fite me.



>it's broken so it no longer reflects

>Bottom middle is from the hotel tape opportunity
My favorite one so far. Making him beg for his life and threaten you with his dad is so satisfying.

the technology of cute


>you're not getting wet

Game looks nice. If only Crytek made FPS with good gameplay.

what a shame they put sop much effort into such a shitty game

they should have just remade all of timesplitters 2 instead of just 2 levels

Jensen never actually existed, he was a tool used by the Illuminati to dwahddjawidjgtmn dakdlaldma dwad adaa

>Vampire cats




Holy FUCK this is pretty damn cool. Is there any other game that does this?



>"wait wut. oh shit"

damn thats pretty crazy

consoles, but not really shaders are used differently now
basically engines can't do mirrors yet it's mathematical hell if you want to do a mirror and not just render another level inside it

Aha!! Villainous lizard! You have fallen into my grand trap now!! For I was always prepared! ALWAYS!

>Eidos Montreal revealed the Dawn Engine, a new game engine for use in Mankind Divided. Its technology is based on IO Interactive's proprietary Glacier 2 game engine

Yeah, they do that a lot with water reflections, like if you stand at the edge of a lake or a river, with an object between you and the water, you'll see the object reflected in the water (or your weapon) Rather than the objects on the other side. And I don't mean looking down into your reflection, I mean looking int othe reflection on the horizon.

It was Dambuster studios that pushed this out, only thing it has to do with Crytek is using Cryengine


uhh... okay...


>nice environment interaction
>No body guards wonder why i put a powder bag on the floor


IA is not optimal
Everyone is losing their because they heard a coin falling

didn't they say their goal wasn't brilliant AI but making as fun and detailed a hitman sandbox as they could?

im actually thinking of buying this as soon as its out of its early access shit

You mean shit like this?

>Shoot the rear bumper
>Oil comes out

This is not technology

that's gasoline you tard fuck

What are you on about, that's petrol, you dunce.

literally no difference

loved messing with that

Not really technology, just cool design. The climax of that chapter is a surprise attack by russian forces, and that shows that you can just barely spot them getting in position on the projector. I actually didn't know that.

those soldiers are traversing through the map to your location, they arrive momentarily