Want to replay game

>Want to replay game
>Then you remember "that part"
What was it Sup Forums?

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Nino Ruins: Megaman Legends 2

The entire opening of Persona 4 and the dungeons up until Mitsuo's.

>want to replay MGS2 to see if I "get" it now
>remember everything after this part

no thanks


all of the intro

The tutorial

All of Max Payne 1's nightmare sequences

The bomb hunt. Never forget.

What's wrong with them though? They're surreal as fuck.

AM2R: fighting the metroids in the dark

Pretty much the hour to two hour start of tutorials and story info dumping before the game lets you play it in any game PS2 era onwards.

The Sewers

Close to Contessa.

there was a room in AM2R that has like 5 alpha metroids in it.

I dread version 1.0 on hard mode

>oh boy another platforming sections where the path is 1 pixel wide and I have no depth perception because the entire background is flat black
>oh boy another maze
>oh boy I get to start over again

It really is the casual filter.

>First block, enemies give 2 to 6 exp on average
>First two bosses tough as nails
>Second block, enemies give 50 to 100 exp on average
The scaling totally makes sense guys.

>But the fourth boss, oh man its RNG especially on hard.

SMTIV's map/find this/head to this/deliver these locations. So glad they added a guide to where shit are in SMTIVA.

Is there a single game with a good sewer level?

MGR:R's was ok, not awful. The stealth shit was dumb though.

Yes there is. Ish's story are the best collectibles.

RE3 Nemesis, basically the whole game.

Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith
The Body of the Many

Xmen legends

After you beat Marrow, who nearly kills your whole team, instead of going back to Xavier's mansion, Charles is all "hey we gotta get you guys to a boat being attacked by sentinels"

So you have to fight them off with whatever health you have left, fight them, and then save a bunch of civilians while getting pummeled by endless mooks, while being timed

Fuck that shit

ah just finished beating this game on Grounded mode seriously never a bad moment in this game

The Desert areas in LoZ Skyward Sword. So bland, boring and slow. I'll never replay that game again just because of it.

How many times did you die?

Doom and the long fucking loading screens.

Have they fixed that on ps4 yet?


>want to replay Persona 4
>remember how incredibly annoying its constant use of Japanese honorifics in spoken English is


Noveria. I don't like the planet for some reason.

Play the undub?

Tartarsauce is piss easy with even modest skill with persona fusion and exploiting weakness.

First 2 months of X-com UFO defense.
Fuck you australia,I Melbourne can fuck itself,'m not going to defend it without laser

Want to replay Dark Souls.

Remember the Depths, Blighttown and the Great Hollow.

Sup Sup Forums.

>Resident Evil 4
>Everything post the village

The game is great but the castle is a terrible place to fight since its always Hallways and corridors to fuck you over especially when they threw a bowman into the mix in a straight hallway you can't peak or aim fast enough to kill because aiming your sniper takes forever or your pistol.

>Mujihina kotoba dake ga detarame ni machi ni afureteru

the fade in da:o

>two and half areas that can be skipped

how about the pinball stage?

fuck that stage

Skipping areas is for pussies. And if you skip you can never reach Ash Lake or Gaping Dragon.

>First two bosses tough as nails


First boss is literally "Have a bow, you dumbass"
Second boss is "You don't HAVE to use all-out everytime the option comes up"

Dark Souls 1

>Corona Mountain

mass effect 1

that ice planet

>deep caverns

>Mafia II
>the entire beginning

>mass effect 1
>every mako level


Also, saving Arycelle.

Any of the sniping parts in MGS1. It's the only bad part of the game.


It is the best because you can skip almost all of it.

Deadly premonition.
One of my favorite games ever of the entire time.

>remember that car chase scene
Fuck the hell NOPE
i'd rather bite my hands off than play that again

>Start replaying MGS2
>Play it until I reach her
>Never touch the game again

KOTOR : Underwater level

It's a shame that show was canceled.

Mass Effect 1, Thorian planet, ice planet, all the endless Mako missions.

pop tt, that garden puzzle.... fuuuuuuck

Dragon Age: Origins.
Everything that isn't party banter and camp conversations.

Escorting the hydra's head in Dragon's Dogma.

The entirety of P4.

Prettymuch the first 6-8 hours. The missions get pretty fun afterwards, but the first half of the story is just really boring. It was alright the first time around when they set up characters and all that, but its so tiring to go through again. All GTA games suffer from this same shit.
That part was so great first time around. One very memorable and fun moment for me, but goddamn its just a pain in the arse after the first time.

So you want to actually play P4 but then remember it's P4?

I think you may be bipolar user.

Ending of Mass Effect 3.
Just fucking kill me

This, so much this.
And I love Mass Effect 1 and 2, with all their faults, but Me3 made the whole saga indigestible, not just the ending, the entire game of ME3 is wrong on so many levels.

While it's a game I wouldn't go back to, Hitman Absolution, with the entire sequence where you sneak into Dexter Blake's HQ in the desert. The outskirts, the caves, the cliffs after it, and finally sneaking unto the building itself.

Its poorly mapped, confusing layout, and tedious level progression as you wait for certain enemies to finish their rote little conversation, slogging through that shit.

Special Mention goes to: The Cemetary, The Saints, avoiding the ICA in the town, and the fight ring level with El Gigante Burrito.

The Depths is my least favorite area in DaS 1.