Sup Forums has just been blocked by entire ISPs due to new EU rule taking place

>Sup Forums has just been blocked by entire ISPs due to new EU rule taking place

Holy shit, bros. Not that European shitposting is being blocked out. Let's talk about our favorite American developed games.

Other urls found in this thread:

>new EU rule taking place

hi im from EU

U foken wot m8? Ill foken rek u i swaer on me mum

dont make shit up fatty

Explain why Sup Forums's posting has just grinded to a halt.
People in Krautchan are freaking out.

Americans lost the ability to make good games after 9/11


[citation needed]

It's a school night

Dutch here.

Testing 1 2 3

its 6 in the morning

>implying I am blocked

If only Australia would follow suit

Biggest shitposters

Britain did literally nothing wrong.


>implying you could live without us

Mugi is Finnish.
I am Finnish.
Finns are not European as proved by recent studies.
Spurdo Spärde is the greatest meme ever created.
And OP is cumguzzling turbofaggot.

shit that never happened dot txt

Sup Forums is working fine, krauts are retarded

eurotrash isn't nearly as bad as ozzy filth

What the fuck does the EU even have that America doesn't? Inferior continent. Nobody gives a fuck about you subhuman scum. You lost WW2 for a reason.

>What the fuck does the EU even have that America doesn't?
Longer and more interesting history, more art, etc

But you probably don't care about those things. I'm murrikan btw

Less niggers but we got muzzies but there's still less of them relatively than you got niggers.
Less kikes too.
Less liberal indoctrination centers.
>Europe is one country

Slav here. Fuck you Americans I'll shitpost extra hard now.

Niggers don't explode.

>Less kikes
>Less Liberals indoctrination

Based devs?

If you count native americans as part of american history then we have a long history as well. I mean really English history should kinda reset when the French took over the english throne

>Sup Forums has just been blocked by entire ISPs due to new EU rule taking place
Oh shit. Is that why the shitposting and general posting has slowed down a ton?

Better government

>you lost WW2 for a reason
Because all of Europe was in favor Nazis.
Ameretard education strikes again.

>If you count native americans as part of american history
I don't, and native American history is not that well-documented and detailed in the first place.

French people are still European and we're talking about european history in general, not just English

Post spurdo please

chan has just been blocked by entire ISPs due to new EU rule taking place

I live in the UK, and I've heard nothing about this. Going to need a source on what you're saying.

At least both sexes here dont bleed from their cunts unlike in USA :^)

>european history

Then the natives history counts, along with everything that happened. And since you wanna count all of Europe we get to count all of North America. Plenty of history then.

They might be cucked but at least they're white.

>his country fought for the Jew

But Native History doesn't impact the present. You can go to Europe and drink in pubs that have existed longer than America, go to churches that are hundreds of years old, even check out ruins of the Roman Empire. Europe has done a good job at preserving itself not counting the world wars and how badly they fucked up Germany.

>Not that European shitposting is being blocked out.
Spending time in /vg/ has made me realise that a large amount of Sup Forums shitposting comes from yurop.

EU getting blocked just means all boards slow down and threads die faster until they find proxies to shitpost from.

OP is too busy gurgling on cocks to actually read whats going on, here's an old Sup Forums thread if want some actual information since op hasn't posted any >

the link is dead cumstain

You have to prefix it with the board first.

e.g. >Sup Forumsacks still don't know how to crosslink

Weren't Kraitchan been taken down by police for being "bigotted"?

Civilization. Not much of it. But some.

If that was enough to be taken down by police basically the whole german speaking internet would have to be taken down.

Amerifat what are you on about?

Where's your freedom now, yurocucks?

How does the UN taking control of US DNS servers effect euros only?

The UK had the right idea.

UK the police state that already blocks sites and cam be arrested for posting mean things on twitter. Sure...

Let's see

works fine for me

I shitpost so hard I'm at work and i don't give a fuck.

Fuck ye. Straya cunt.

Cutenatsu is fuggin sexy.

Free health care

Why are european countries so scared of freedom?

If I happen to get sick, I won't be in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for the rest of my life.

I guess that doesn't really matter though, after you've already taken student loans that are 10-20 times higher than anywhere in the civilised world.

Austrian here, still fine. What rule? Sure it's not just germans censoring themselves again?

I thought they already blocked Sup Forums already, or was I thinking of another part of tthe world?

Decent internet

More like it's 8AM in europe so nobody is at home/awake
No, their server "broke" some months ago
2/10 made me check

>uk anons chatting shit when their ISPs already have this shithole blocked by default

Fuck are you me

The banter has to live on

European here.
Nothing out of the ordinary.

>this simple drawing of a little girl is sexy

t. pathetic neet


only correct answer

Pretty sure the only place in the world where Sup Forums is blocked is like Pakistan or Syria.

And even then 1 click to turn on a proxy and the block is pointless.

You can't really do something like that anymore.

The only way to make someone unable to visit a site would be to like... cut his internet cable and deepfry the wifi with a sonic wave in the entire city.

Other than that you can't really do shit.


>free healthcare

>sonic wave

White presidents

Not Pakistan, just Best Korea and China. But China was banned by Sup Forums actually, and alot of Euro nations were Ranged banned also.

If you want to see what flags are allowed, go to a flag board like Sup Forums or Sup Forums



Canada is worse, at least australia has good bantz

Vhats göing ön in this threäd?

? I live in germany and seems to be working fine for me

I think I have testicular cancer and i'm too scared to take a shower and feel my balls again in case it feels even more firm or feels like its swollen more i'm too scared to tell my mom because i first noticed one ball being harder than the other 2 days ago and i dont want to have to go to the doctor

>Chinatsu poster

Makes sense

Don't worry, you won't have to go to the doctor when your balls have metastasized into your lungs and liver.

lol fuck yurop

Does this affect me

phew good

L O N D O N reporting in
all is well

>posting empty pictures.


Same here

It's not blocked in Russia. So much for bloodthirsty putin regime.

>Less liberal indoctrination

Spain here
Fear not, we will continue our shitposting

In EU can confirm op is infact a fag