I though World of Warcraft was dead

> Today, Blizzard announced that players have forged a truly formidable defensive front—as of the expansion’s first full day of launch on August 30, more than 3.3 million copies of Legion

You fuckers told me this game was dead and was getting shutdown in 2-3 years. Now I missed Legion launch, thanks.

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>3.3 million copies of Legion
WoW that is terrible.

trust me op a couple months from now everyone will have been max level and done all of the end game content and raids and it will be the same shit fest it has always been for every expansion

Are you literally retarded and unable to do your own research?

>3.3 million copies
>Warlords had 10 million players at the start (before immediately dropping to 7 million then 5)

>Listening to Sup Forums to form your own opinions on a game
Because that's always a good idea. That's like asking Redditors for life advice.

Honestly though, Legion's starting to get boring and the numbers are going to dip. We don't even get access to a raid before the 20th.

Here's what you do at 110:
>World quests for AP/Resources/Gear
>Get your Emissary Box which is basically a middle finger every day (unless you're broke and need 900 gold)

I guess you can farm heroics to farm your endless AP grind. At artifact 18, it takes 24,000 AP to level up.

PvP right now is completely unplayable. The only people having fun are a few melee specs. People kept saying PvP was a butchered joke but as usual "it's only beta", "it's only pre-patch, it's not tuned for 110".

Can you not raid yet?
Don't tell me raids are gated

The first one doesn't open until the 20th


Enjoy your 2 raids this expansion, if they don't decide to drop it down to just 1 and gate it the whole expansion

>PvP right now is completely unplayable. The only people having fun are a few melee specs. People kept saying PvP was a butchered joke but as usual "it's only beta", "it's only pre-patch, it's not tuned for 110".

Who the fuck does PvP in WoW?

There are 100+ games that do PvP better.

Raiding is the only thing that only a game like wow can offer, why the hell would you do PvP? Haven't done PvP outside of wPvP in years

It's good. Don't want to rush to 110

Let me know how many players it has in a month
People subbing for a month and immediately quitting don't speak well of the content

Sup Forums just keeps getting blown the fuck out with every new expansion launch. 12 years of getting assblasted

Well there should be at least 4 guaranteed, probably 5.

uh no it didn't it had exactly the same amount

Like Warlords right?

It had 3.3 same as Legion.

Day 1 concurrent doesn't equal all players

>It's good. Don't want to rush to 110
>please feed me more shit

Maybe I don't want to skip leveling just to start raiding what I'll be doing for the other 80 weeks of the expansion.

Prefer to change pace for 3 weeks.

Some people like it some don't it depends on the person, I do.

No we already know 3:

-Emerald Nightmare
-Trial of Valor

These are all 1 tier though, they said they'll do 3 tiers meaning 5 raids, but say they don't deliver, we will have at least 4 spread over 2 raid tiers.

If they deliver we have 3 over 5 or more

How long has Sup Forums been predicting how's death?

>we already know 3
Raids mean tiers of raids.

If a new content patch comes out with new raids, that's a tier.
Going from Highmaul to Blackrock is not a tier

It sunk under people's skins. Honestly, they put effort it making a genuine game, the effort shows. Warcraft 3 was pretty badass, and wow is still badass at times.

They've done this the past 2 expansions, what did you expect?

> These are all 1 tier though, they said they'll do 3 tiers meaning 5 raids, but say they don't deliver, we will have at least 4 spread over 2 raid tiers.

Can you not read?

>being this autistic

>tfw all weapons are 870+ except for one spec which is 830 because I can't find a fucking fel relic anywhere
Kill me.

>I'm not familiar with how expansions work for MMO's
It literally happens every time. Burst of new content, people themepark. Blizzard doesn't deliver on what was promised and then people leave in droves again.
>B-buh this time is different!
It wont' be,

I pre-ordered Legion after not playing through MoP and WoD and have gotten back into it and am loving it so far, however I totally agree with you and think that that's what will happen too.

But boy I hope we're wrong, user.

>This game is selling like Warlords and Cataclysm

Wow, 2 gold standard expansions that Legion really needs to be just like.

>can't solo Steelscale

>mfw FFXIV Heavensward sold even more than Legion.

Warlords was just filler until legion

WoW won't die until another good MMO comes along.

uh no it didn't

Heavensward only sold 184000 copies in it's first week

But yeah, WoW is definitely the gold medalist in the MMOlympics right now, even if the main sport is 100m wheelchair racing.

Not really. Cataclysm and WoD sold about the same on launch day.

WoW was good when it came out.

He literally said that, l2read scrubnub

Here in the west yes. You have to remember that Blizzard takes their numbers from all over the world while FFXIV is just EU/NA.

And 80% of the sales from WoW are from China.

Fuck who's starting zones are more comfy, Human or Dwarf?

I came into this thread expecting meaty goat dick.

I'm thoroughly displeased with you faggots.

Dwarf, Loch Moda- oh right Cataclysm ruined everything.
You want comfy? Fuck you.

So the game that used to have 12mil. players now have 3? Wooow


>"Note that this is the last quarter that we plan to provide subscriber numbers," the company said. "There are other metrics that are better indicators of the overall Blizzard business performance."

>Instead, Activision Blizzard will use other unspecified "engagement" metrics to talk about the health of WoW. These were not detailed during the earnings call where the announcement was made on November 3

3.3 million isn't even a number worth bragging about for Blizzard. Most of those are returning players who will hit level cap, try out demon hunters, see what all the named characters are up to, do some dungeons and maybe a raid, then leave. Even if Legion exceeds all expectation, the game is a decade old wobbly tower made of mix-matched parts set on an engine foundation of quicksand. WoW will be lucky to have 2 million subs by this time next year.

>finally got rogue order hall campaign done

Guess it's farming dungeons and world quests now huh.

Is there anything to pickpocket this expac? So far I've got copper and stuff that sells for copper.

I pvp on my DH tank and I don't know how to fucking die.

>tfw I finally got the warrior one done and my ilvl jumped by 6

rofl are you retarded? FF14 doesnt even have 1 million players worldwide

Reminder that WoW counts Free to play players in their numbers.

I'm still baffled that so many people blindly believe in Blizzards numbers. Blizzard is known for manipulating numbers in their favors.

>Reminder that WoW counts Free to play players in their numbers.
What are you even talking about? They don't even release sub numbers anymore.

>Reminder that WoW counts Free to play players in their numbers.
>Day one SALES of the expac
>counts free to play
How do you imagine that would work?

>people confusing this with sub numbers.
Wod also sold 3.3 million copies in the same frame and it had 10 million people playing at the time. Not everyone buys the expansion day one

That's because half of the sub numbers are Chinese gold farmers(not even joking).

They basicly have no sub cost in China because of their sub system it cost so little. That's why there's so many Chinese gold farmers, they probably have around 20 accounts each they farm on.

So how is this any different than previous expansions then?

200k subs kid.

It's still not tbat great for an expansion that basically panders to nearly everyone who ever played WoW. I mean sure, considering that sub numbers were probably on one of their lowest points right before Legion, it's still a success, but probably not as tremendous as they expected it to be.

I love the ebin china meme

You realize it's one of WoW's biggest launch day sales numbers right? Not everyone gets the game on launch day.

same number of sales as WoD and I expect the sub count to drop just as hard as last time

pretty much a business failure if your high bar is WoD

So one of WoW's biggest sale is around as much as FFXIV sold?

And here I thought WoW had 100x more players than FFIXV.

>You realize it's one of WoW's biggest launch day sales numbers right?
If you're still somehow playing WoW in Legion for whatever reason, you'd have to be retarded not to get it on launch day. The first week of any expansion is always the most fun.

Haven't played since Cataclysm, have no idea what the fuck is going on

Is pet battles fun?

MoP was fine except thematically.

If MoP was resigned as WoD. Aka it was iron horde themed but was the same content wise people would consider it GOT

It's exactly the same number Cataclysm and WoD had, though. MoP was somewhat lower due to lol pandas I guess.

I'd honestly expected some higher numbers with all the PLEASE RETURN TO OUR GAME pandering Legion does, but as I mentioned it's probably still rather good considering how their subs are most likely at a low point (or at least they were before the Legion launch).

MMO genre is dead outside of WoW, 1,2 others

MMO genre has always "been" dead, if anything it's bigger now than ever.

Are, not is.

WoD also sold 3 million in ti's first week and had ~7 mil players in the beginning

Of course it dipped later but still, first week sales aren't indicative of the entire player base ;^)

Cataclysm had the same amount of concurrent as Legion and had 12 mil subs WoD had 3.3 and 10 mil subs

Are you literally retarded. Not being able to differentiate two different numbers?

MoP deserved better, we finally got a nice continent after almost 10 years of everything going to shit and people moan because pandas.

Are all ff14 fags this retarded?


>Cataclysm had the same amount of concurrent as Legion
How can you tell if they don't release sub numbers anymore?

think of wow as any AAA game, you only play it the first month anyways. like AC series.

and occasionally go to it. its no longer the life sucking game it used to be.

>How can you tell if they don't release sub numbers anymore?
And now you know why they don't release sub numbers anymore.

WoD release was a business triumph, where they failed was maintaining the player base.

Stop memeing brah

Im liking it at least i dont have to play that cancerous weebshit FFXIV anymore

Same. I heard pandas and stopped playing that same day.

Yeah FFXIV sucks

My ass, less and less people are playing, expectations are getting higher and higher meaning the cost of making an mmo is too.

You have to consider it's a lot more expensive to make an mmo than Call of Duty 13 or Assassin's Creed 8 and RoI is lower, unless you are WOW.

Also the age of MMO gamers has aged. Younger kids don't want to play wow anymore, they play lol.

Avg WoW player is probably at least a few yrs older than in Vanilla if not a decade

They just released concurrent numbers. It is what we are talking about.

Are you brain dead?

cataclysm and mists of pandaria were both filler expansions, to be honest

The Burning Crusade - 2.4M First Day, 3.5M First Month
Wrath of the Lich King - 2.8M First Day, 4M First Month
Cataclysm - 3.3M First Day, 4.7M First Month
Mists of Pandaria - 2.7M First Week
Warlords of Draenor - 3.3M First Day
Legion - 3.3M First Day

Are you braindead yourself? They released the Legion sales numbers, but they never said anything concrete about current subs other than "lol we have more than we had for years", which could mean whatever.

There's litearlly never been a time were people are playing more MMO's more than now.

Just because you remember playing yourself playing Tiba or Maplestory when you were a kid, or you blindly believe Blizzards 10 MILLION PLAYERS! shit does not mean less players are playing now.

There's more MMO's actually actively up and played now than ever before. When "MMO's was as most popular" the games died down before even 1month.

What's the best way to make money with Leatherworking? I don't have my Obliterum forge yet. Sitting on like 5k leather.

What the hell, OP. Don't start your thread off with that minx of a draenei and then NOT have the thread turn into WoW lewdposting.

Way to waste everyones time.

>saving thumbnails
>listening to Sup Forums

Almost a full-retard bingo.


I hear people saying that Brewmasters are bad, but how so?

Holy shit what a retarded statement

Please... Delete this... Everytime I log into FFXIV there's literally nothing to do...

PvP is literally great though. I'm literally always top damage and killing blows as a destruction warlock

Can someone please explain to me how in the actual fuck scaling works in groups of people with different levels, specifically a dungeon?

>there are people in this thread who aren't doing mythics with a group of friends

no wonder you guys hate wow

Oh, so you have some source to that claim, user? Please share.

>30+min queues.
>Half of the players are bots.
>No rewards.
Yeah user...so great.

There's essentially no reason to do them more than once even if you don't get fully geared. The raid can be done at 420 on normal mode.

They're built around all their abilities being functional at 20-50% health

Try telling a healer to not top the tanks health

>30+ queues
What? i haven't played since early WoD, but queues were literally 2-3 mins then...