Now that the dust has settled, which one was better?

Now that the dust has settled, which one was better?

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Bayonetta. And not by a little bit either.

Bayonetta and any other answer signifies your PLEBIAN taste

Great taste :)

Bayonetta. EASY.

Why; because it's a complete game, DMC4 is a fucking demo. An incomplete demo at that.


Bayonetta is a better game, but DMC4 has a more skillful combat system.

Well DMC4 was rushed.
The entire second half of the game is backtracking as Dante instead of Nero.

Bayonetta was good but it really required no skill.

DMC4 has better gameplay. Bayno had too many QTE's and technical issues.

>m-muh my game r-requires more skill so it's way better!

Legit, bayo had more content but with far less polish and the combat was a bit more floaty with most of the abilities just serving as flourish. Instead of serving a purpose and looking cool on the side.

DMC4 was unfinished but had the capcom effort put into it and everything that was there, worked perfectly

Bayonetta if you're a shitter.

DMC4 if you're a patrician.

>game genre that focuses on deep skill-based gameplay at a quick pace needing combos

Yeah, DMC4 DOES do it better

>OP ask which was a better game
>DMCfags on full damage control

As usual.

The conversation always go from what the OP asked to "It's got jump cancelling, star raves, and lucifer glitch! But most importantly, it's not BLOODY PALACE!! Game!? DMC doesn't need to be a game."

And at the end of the day these people who stand by DMC can't even execute any of those moves themselves and groupie off of DMC Youtube stars.

DMC4 easily. The combat is just so much better.

DMC4 only succeeds in the character mechanics. Those are spot on once you've unlocked everything. However, the enemies in DMC4 offer little threat and can easily be killed. Bayonetta succeeds in this department by offering a huge portfolio of enemies with challenging attack patterns. Which games has the best gameplay is simply on what you want from the game.

Bayonetta if you ignore the killgore glitch. Too bad that thing didnt get fixed in the wii version.

bayonetta was trash.
I regret spending money and finishing it.


Bayonetta is a far better game overall. I mean it's not even a contest, it's actually finished. DMC4 has a better and deeper combat system for sure but you need more than just that to make a great game and DMC4 doesn't have a lot going for it outside of that.


DMC4 for my dollar. I don't like dial a combo, I don't like the dedicated dodge button and I don't like witch time.

Bayonetta. Ninja Gaiden Black is better than both, but the design in DMC4 is just not very good.

I still can't fucking stand the stupid "hidden" fights and ranking system in Bayonetta but it's still overall the better game.

Can you remove dmg numbers

Your shit opinion is utterly worthless just like yourself.

Consider suicide. Seriously.

I'm hoping for another PS4 exclusive to give me enough of a reason to pick one up as I really wanna play Ni-Oh and I think a PC port is unlikely.

Right now it's just this, Bloodborne and the new God of War. I guess Until Dawn as well.

I fucking love waifu fags, they always get me self-esteem in orbit, I may be anything but at least I'll never be a cringeworthy, perma-virgin piece of trash, thanks guys.

Quality retort/falseflag

Lol no.

Are you in the wrong thread? I mean what are you even talking about?

I find it funny how this exact cherrypicked webm is posted everywhere by Nioh fanboys desperately trying to show that their game isn't just another shitty souls-clone.

Opinions/10. I prefer Bayonetta for its level design and overall depth. DMC4 gives the player tons of tools to use and nothing to use them on. The game is short, copy/pasted and the enemies are overall boring sandbags.

The gameplay in DMC4 is better but the game itself isn't engaging.


Nigga you play the first few floors of bloody palace for a living with infinite health on, you get no pussy.

Bayonetta, easily

Don't get me wrong, I think DMC4 is a great game with some of the greatest combat in a game ever and I prefer DMC combat, but Bayonetta was easily the better, more well-rounded game. DMC4 was way too flawed, although the Special Edition does kinda make up for its flaws.

it uses things from souls as a template, but once you play it you realize it is its own thing


Onimusha is a literally who game.I wonder if even Capcom knows they have an IP called Onimusha.

Honestly, I don't see how SE makes up for the flaws in the game. I own it and it's great (even the small tweaks they made to the main campaign like making Speed kick in faster and getting Proud Souls quicker made a world of difference) but even adding a bunch of new playable characters and improving some simple items doesn't close the massive gap between the fantastic gameplay and mediocre game.

For me, it just made the disconnect more apparent. Adding Vergil and Lady and Trish just made me wish they were all in a game where all of these skills mattered.

Most souls fans can't even manage to remember there was a game in the series before Dark souls. They're not really firing on all cylinders you'll have to forgive them.

Fucking seriously. It's clear this game is channeling Onimusha far more than the Souls series.

I guess if it helps sell, I'll take it.

Try harder shill. I finished both demos. Even the twilight mission. The game really doesn't have anything going for it other than meme difficulty but without the trademark NG combat to back it up.

DMC4's combat system is insanely overrated. There's nothing fun about memorising D-Pad inputs just to switch styles.

to each to their own i guess

Honestly, I feel like it's just really fun to play. After awhile, you kind of get used to the flaws, and while it does suck to fight the same boss for the third time in a row and to backtrack endlessly, I really feel like playing as every character is just too much fun.

Only thing about the new characters is that I feel like Trish and Lady are a little on the simple, shallow side. And Vergil's super OP.

You don't do yourselves any favours by saying shit like "meme difficulty" it makes me instantly want to dismiss you as a moron. I also played both demos and it's one of my most anticipated games.

>twilight mission
that is your tell right there that you did not play it.
nice try though

FUCK, I need a PS4 so I can play this game.

>the twilight mission

What I think you meant to say was that DMC has horrible control scheme. The combat is not overrated.


Ahh no you didn't!!

It was a free demo retard. Congratulations on finding a typo.

devil may cry 1

You're right but that game isn't one of the options

to the guy who said nioh was like onimusha, is there a system like the issen mechanic in onimusha, that shit was my jam.

also, bayonetta and dmc4 are fun, thats all that matters.

It has a parry system instead.

Bayonetta by far, I fucking hated DMC4 until the PC version with turbo and shit like debug to fuck around with came out, and even then all I've ever done is mess around in BP because the actual missions are so terrible.

Neither. I thought they were both shitty games.

the katana has 3 distinct parries, one based on perfect block frames and 2 based on active frames

not really, but you can parry if you time it right
webm related

backwave is honestly better than either of the active parries

The whole DMC franchise is fucking garbage.

I would say Bayonetta.

Better level variety, forced platforming sections worked much better due to Bayonetta's jump and the free form camera.

Lots of enemies that never slowed down the pace of the game like some of the enemies from DMC4 would do.

Lots of weapons and weapon combinations, and I liked the combat though I think DMC4 has it topped there.

noice, those animations look sick. shame i dont have a ps4, oh well, another reason to get one i guess.

>the katana has 3 distinct parries, one based on perfect block frames and 2 based on active frames
forgive me for sounding stupid but what did you mean by this?

Do people really like that nip junk?


It derives much of its difficulty and percieved technical depth from the unnecessarily convoluted input system.

I recall once explaining to someone that Bayonetta didn't NEED a style system because it incorporated the interesting elements of the various styles into a single, cohesive control scheme, and receiving the response that the style system was more fun.

Which is to say, having 25% of your useful inputs hidden behind an activator hotkey, relying on 3-button inputs for things like basic dodging, etc., is what people find APPEALING about DMC.

It's not that there's a really brilliant combat system buried inside a bad input system, it's that once you disentangle the actions from the input system what's left is perceived as "casual" or "shallow" because it lacks unnecessary complexity.

For one you block at the last possible instant sort of like shitty issens from onimusha. The other two require an input and they parry during their active frames but leave you vulnerable.

DMC4 has the better combat, but Bayo wins in every other catergory. DMC3 trumps both, and will always be top unless Bayo 3 or DMC5 tops DMC3 PC with style-switching

Between Bayo and DMC, I've always loved the aesthetic in DMC better than Bayo. Dunno why either, it just feels and looks better imo

What about the other 4 characters in DMC4: SE you inbred mongoloid?


i take back the nice try. now you just sound sad.
it is beyond retarded for anyone who played nioh to say that it is a souls clone.
but sure, keep trying to convince yourself otherwise so you won't cry yourself to sleep.
i bet you do not even have a ps4 and you are one of those pcmaster race kids so you feel compelled to shit on any game that is console exclusive.
the tell for that was in how you mentioned it is a free demo while that had nothing to do with what i said lol

It does that in a bit of a shitty way though. In DMC you're always a few inputs away from whatever you want. Due to the dial-a-combo system in bayonetta I might have to hit 6 or more buttons to get an attack I want. Whiffing because you only want one or two attacks near the end of the chain isn't super uncommon and it's dumb and boring.

different weapons have different movesets. the katana moveset has 3 distinct counterattacks.. one of them is initiated by raising your sword to block at the instant you get hit (like metal gear rising, but less forgiving). the other 2 are moves that you activate, and you have to be hit during specific frames of the animation to initiate the counterattack (like dark souls, but imo the animation is much clearer).


tried to like this game but everything was so stiff


It's okay Timmy. When you grow up you'll learn that not everyone agrees with your opinion.

>being this desperate to seem cool on an internet message board

has the West made a single good character action game?

Vergil is kind of interesting. You can do Trick and Summon Swords in Bayo using Crow Within (Umbran Spear is basically Trick) but it's not really the same.

Taking Nero as-is, his entire combat system could basically be had in Bayo by equipping Kulshedra to either set.

>not understanding the mechanics of the souls series this badly

whats the appeal of that?I dont really get it looks boring.

da fuk?


>Being a shill for free

and when you grow up i hope you will be able to afford both a pc and a console.
this way you can actually post real opinions instead of lies. then we can actually have a real discussion.

The jap lore/mythical beings/ combat mechanics

I can see it. It definitely is carving out its own niche with its unique elements, but it is structured similar to demons souls in particular. I mean, ask yourself, would this game exist in this form without the souls series?

It's Japan.

Mechanically dmc4, overall package bayo

Nioh wouldn't exist the way it is right now if it wasn't for Souls.

But I'm done arguing with you delusional Nioh babbies. Your head is so far up your ass that you invade threads such as this that have nothing to do with Nioh. For no reason other than to shill your game.

he's using a cat as a clock
yes its a thing :

Are there really any hits you want that far "into" a chain?

PKP = horizontal knockback
P•P = launch
P•K = rising launch
->> P = Gap close
K = knock down
J, K = juggle extend

Basically all the rest is just stunlock with animation variety.

this i can agree with. this game does indeed have elements from souls in it's template. no one is disgreeing with that. it has souls and way of the samurai and ninja gaiden and onimusha and diablo all mixed in it's template.
the disagreement is calling it souls clone, because the game is clearly a beast of it's own to anyone who touched the demos.
it has elements from all these games, yet is a clone of none.



Oh man this shit reminded me of dodging the demons in Godhand once I got gud
Might get a ps4 for this shit

DMC4, I never enjoyed Bayonetta's dial-a-combo system in comparison to having all your tools at once when you wanted them and felt it and the QTEs dragged its enjoyability really far down, the weapons all felt really samey as well, kind of a waste of $10

You have to be autistic to like DMC. True or False?

DMC4 easily