Raining in game

>raining in game
>raining irl

>tfw love rain
>tfw basically need rain in my life
>tfw it never rains where I live

should I kys myself already

if your only problem in life is that it doesn't rain enough you're doing pretty well.

well it's not my only problem
it's just that sun gets me depressed and rain gives me the opposite
are you feeling good user

move to a rainy place then you diphthong

Reminds me of the time I played TellTale's The Walking Dead episode 2. As the story went by, the weather gets worse and worse and when you hear the thunder roaring in the distance you know shit was about to get down.

Incidentally, the same was happening IRL when I was playing it and I swear to god, it was fully synced with the game so my immersion was at 100%. When it started raining in the game, the rain started IRL too.

I wish it would happen in more games, but rain here is so rare

>Snowing in game
>Snowing irl


how do i report this?


>are you feeling good

I feel a million miles away

Dang. Is it just me or is Cosmo looking kind of hot lately?

Who is this an i add her on snapchar

keked IRL

move to washington, it's gonna get real comfy soon
don't move to seattle, or any place in king county for that matter

Wow someone that actually feels the same as me. Only time I leave the house is when it's raining even to just sit outside my house.

>tfw summer is over
>in 2 months i'll be able to sleep with the covers up to my chin, cuddling my dakimakura
>playing on my PC without caring about the temperature
>playing online games in a puffy jacket and drinking my hot water with gas

A EU LoL caster

Not with those teeth.

sorry user I had to do some work
share your feelings
I'll listen

I'm not american user

let's marry user

>raining in game
>sunny irl

Played pic related to completion on a rainy afternoon. I don't recall a lot of people liking it but it's one of those games that, unsurprisingly, works like magic in this kind of context.

I don't feel anything at all