What games are examples of Kintsukuroi?
What games are examples of Kintsukuroi?
Project M
Stalker, any bethesda game
One of the best examples of a bug turning the game into something amazing
Wind Waker HD, FUCK Wind Waker.
Any games where the phrase "patches will fix it" is more than just a marketing term by shills to make them buy a shitty game the devs had no intention of fixing. It's the games so broken at release or at some point in their patch cycle that they're unplayable but actually get fixed and made into something worthwile from later patches. Usually this applies to class-based multiplayer games.
Strafe jumping, Skiing (in FPS games).
Modern Warfare 2
Sonic 2006
Killing Floor 2
To a less extent, also GunZ.
Fallout 2 was a beautiful work of art.
Fallout 3 shattered it.
New Vegas is kintsukuroi.
Timesplitters 2 was rife with bugs, but pretty much every single bug in that game improved the game in some way. Especially bugs involving the level editor.
REmake. The original was garbage.
Agreed. Also, the steaming pile of buggy shit NV was on release.
New Vegas.
Literally any game that people claim "It's better with mods"
Dwarf Fortress is a perpetual motion quantum Kintsukuroi machine, in a constant state of simultaneous brokenness and perfection.
Oblivion is pure kintsukuroikino
You "break" it with exploits and it becomes a beautiful competitive game.
Destiny. Was a rushed, disappointing turd when it first came out. Now it's in a great place and Rise of Iron will likely be another step in the right direction.
Street Fighter 2, for embracing the bug that made combos possible
>people saying mods
Mods isn't it. Mods is like taking the original and then banging it with a hammer to change it into something else.
Actually a pretty good example.
Patches to a shit game done really work since the end result has to be exemplary.
Was the bottom of the bowl repaired with cum?
Majora's Mask
not sure if finnish or japanese
ARR is shit though. I don't understand how a gear treadmill theme park can be considered 'beautiful.'
Pokemon 1st Gen.
Assuming Japanese because "kin" means gold
金繕い, lit. "gold-mending"
I dont really think people are answering this very well. The resulting game has to be better AS A RESULT of being "broken", the game being shit has to have somehow lead to it being better than it would have been if it hadn't been shit in the first place.
Where can I find a kintsukuroi gf?
I thought this was called Kintsugi
Deadly Premonition
The Paralympics are happening at the very moment.
Diablo3 RoS
they're both asian chinks anyway
more like pokemon every-gen, because each generation comes with a Yellow equivalent.
hold on, no
it was repaired so now it's even better than the original, their answers make sense
Chrono Cross.
Trigger was a generic jrpg - Cross turned it into something amazing and unique.
Any game with mods
This is speed running and A press runs
Better imo. It's a philosophical viewpoint that not everyone would agree with. It's more about something being more beautiful because of its flaws and I feel like a westerner would only understand this if he had a personal love for a flawed piece.
Also Drakengard?
Gen 5 and 6 didnt have a 3rd version
mw2 was fun.
That fucking intro always gives me chills.
Catslevania SOTN
free recoveries does not make project m beautiful in any way
the ump45 is perfectly fair and balanced
An actual example is Street Fighter II, since combos were actually an accidental oversight in the original
Or Devil May Cry, since enemy juggling was a bug in the original Onimusha and DMC's core combat system was based on how fun that bug was when playing.
Grand Theft Auto (the original overhead games) were born of a software bug that caused cop cars to careen wildly toward the player instead of following road paths.
Tribes was mentioned earlier; skiing is also a good example.
gen 5 had back and white 2
it wouldn't be as good without the jank
No, that's just the broken pieces of the bowl being tied together with string
Even without moda
>Call of Pripyat
>nothing to do aside the quests, world is empty once you clear the fixed spawns meant for quests
>artifacts limited to armor slots, means getting armor with high stats and no slots, or low stats and plenty of slots which you fill with stat arts
>upgraded guns perform nicely, but weapons bought from Nimble are always the best
>widely claimed to be the best STALKER because its polished
>Shadow of Chernobyl
>stashes keep getting generated with new NPC spawns, repeatable quest are plenty
>Fixed spawns drop unique weapons which makes the early stalkan a blast as you hunt out your prefered weapons
>tons of little bugs and tricks like killing friendly NPCs with barrels to unlock certain things, using arts to repair armor or forcing spawns reward meta knowledge even if not intentional
>always getting shit because people play on novice and "dump entire magazines into their heads" and never kill anything
Techically they were sequels. But well, depends how you see them.
Tribes is indeed the closest example to the sentiment I can think of.
A game being an example of a kintsukuroi-like scenario needs to have the unintended results of its play becoming embraced by both the community of players and the developers.
Skiing in tribes is a perfect example: holding jump to negate friction as a bug made for a more interesting experience, so in future iterations of the game the developers decided to include it as a major mechanic. Their first attempt was broken because of the bug, but they put it back together and refined it as they folded it into the actual design of the game.
Same with bhopping, but to a lesser extent because it was never embraced as an actual mechanic and remained an exploit that was outside the intended results of the way movement mechanics worked.
most accurate post in the thread.
I would argue Street Fighter is the best, since the mistake (enabling players to get stunlocked by a correct sequence of moves that come out faster than the recovery, i.e. combos) became not only a key element of its successor, but in fact a genre-defining staple that had lasting repercussions for the entirey of video games with combat systems generally.
If that "design flaw" had been caught in testing, vidya would look extremely different today
>vidya would look extremely different today
To be honest, I think it just meant some other later game would have had the bug.
Also a good example due to jump cancelling in 3
There's a mobile game that's about exactly that concept OP its called KintsuKuroi
I think it's an equally appropriate example.
I think the caveat you're presenting that the embraced bug later defined the function of other games outside of its immediate relatives is unnecessary but it's a nice thought to include. I can't think of many scenarios where one game's happy accident altered the entire landscape of its genre in the same way fighting games now have an expectation of hit stun/animation cancelling to be included as major mechanics.
Rocket jumping.
Wavedashing in SSBM.
Originally a bug that caused much controversy, it's become used so much by the competitive scene that it's become a core mechanic in future releases of the series.
Just explosive/grenade jumping in general.
The first Devil May Cry. I heard it was gonna be an RE game until they figured out you could juggle enemies, and then decided to make the gameplay around that instead.
really shocked no one posted it.
literally started out as a different game. cancelled and the took the pieces and made something beautiful from the death of the MMO
K-style makes the game shit though. It's gamebreaking nonsense that forces you to only use the gamebreaking nonsense if you want to play on a level field.
Overmeme is shit
Recycling assets of a dead project doesn't fit the definition.
>video games
pick one
Scars of Time is feels incarnate
>video game
SFIV I guess?
Don't think FADCs were intended.
u wot
it was broken and they glued it back together better than it was before. the project was completely scrapped and about to be cancelled when the small team that started it asked for chance to turn it around.
Quickscoping in Call of Duty.
You don't have to like CoD or even approve of Quickscoping, but it's a perfect example of an unintended and "broken" aspect or element that has been embraced and arguably improves things. There's legions of quickscope fanatics. Clearly to some, quickscoping makes the game better
If you read the thread, it's about shit like accidental major bugs/glitches/exploits/issues turning into core gameplay mechanics and making the game/series better for having had the bug instead of without.
The story is I think apocryphal, but the design of Space Invaders was to have a constant speed for the ships moving back and forth but the story goes that the game slowed down to draw all the sprites on screen at the same time. So their speed increasing as you killed more and more of them was actually allowing the game to draw at its intended speed and this later became a defining feature of the franchise.
teaching feeling
You're a cool guy.
BXR, double-shotting, and superbouncing in halo 2
Oh, I didn't read the thread properly.
Still works, maybe?
>The idea for the Spy originally came from a Quake glitch, which caused players of the enemy team to appear as allies.
The lods e mone they're making from it seem to speak volumes more than a random shitposter
Fixed nearly everything wrong with DP and is the __ best Pokemon game to date.
Real cheeky.
He dids good live at bonaroo
Adding snowpiles everywhere and giving the players scarves was a great aesthetic tough.
>more beautiful for being broken
I wonder how true that is for Xenogears.
Maybe the very fact that it was left unfinished is what made it so perfect for me.
Any game that was good at launch and wouldn't have aged well if not for a good modding community.
inb4 anything by bethesda go fuck yourselves all they make is shit
Skyrim + Mods
Falcon 4.0 has come a long way
Gunz: the Duel