MORE THAN TWICE the power of the PS4 Slim for only $100 more

>MORE THAN TWICE the power of the PS4 Slim for only $100 more.
>ac compatible, 5Ghz band WiFi with a 1TB HDD
>Games display in either native or checkerboard 4k when displayed on a 4k TV.
>Games have multiple output modes in 1080 TV sets, for e.g. Rise of the Tomb Raider has a 1080p60 and a 1080p30 with Ultra or higher graphics settings
>Plays all 4k content except UHD discs which ALL COME WITH A 4k digital version that the PS4P CAN play
>Remains the console with the best exclusives like Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, Infamous Second Son, Disgaea 5, etc, not including games that aren't out yet.
>About to get a whole slew of Japanese exclusives announced at TGS in less than a week.

For ONLY $399


There is literally nothing that competes with this that comes even close to that price.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who would buy the slim when a measly $100 more gets you a console that is more than 2x the power..?

So no one can argue these points? Is that it?

why when this page is bumped it's not going back to the front page?


ebin dude, ebin

>More powerful
>It plays most games at the same framerate.

PS4 Pro is literally nothing

epic falseflag post user, too bad no one is gonna fall for it

>Framerate is still the same
And it meant fuck all.

Except that is false retard, enjoy your lies and delusions faggot.

Yes it's actually really good value for the money. Doubt Sony's cutting a good profit from it.

I'll buy PS4Pro if GR2 runs 60 fps on it.

Please SCEJ make it happen.

Ask Project Siren to on twitter I guess.

Isn't this already going to run at 60 FPS?

The Infamous games and the new Mass Effect are confirmed for running at 30 fps.
But by all means, enjoy your one game with confirmed 60 fps and all your upscaled graphics.

No that's Gravity Rush Remastered.

>i-it's not actual 4K
How many PC users play games at native 4K? Because Steam survey data says less than 1%. The hardware is stronger than the majority of PC users. And it's pretty decent value if you want to get a PS4 now.


Why should I buy it when I already have a ps4? 4k can fuck off for now.

Second Son has no details about it's patch yet, and Mass Effect is running at 30FPS in 4k, which is what everyone expects, with no mention of it's 1080p mode. Either you're too stupid to know this, or just a shitposter.

Bcause you get multiple improvements at 1080p..?
>>Games have multiple output modes in 1080 TV sets, for e.g. Rise of the Tomb Raider has a 1080p60 and a 1080p30 with Ultra or higher graphics settings.

4K streaming produces a lot of artifacts, and Xbone S is $299 starting. Who cares about PS4 Pro's 4K checkerboard rendering, Scorpio will probably have NATIVE 4K rendering, plus 60fps, PLUS backwards compatibility with Xbox 360 and Xbone. PS4 Pro is a joke, it's honestly not as good as Xbone S right now. I'll stick with my launch PS4.

I've never seen a more stupid post on Sup Forums.
>it's honestly not as good as Xbone S right now.
Which makes you look like a total moron to everyone on this board.

>Tomb Raider only one confirmed to be improved significantly

Yeah. No.

Why would you assume these things?

Boy I wonder who's behind this post

>meme "technologies"

>Producer Fabrice Condominas shared the detail in an interview with GameSpot this evening at the PlayStation Meeting. The PS4 Pro is more powerful than the existing model. It is in theory capable of delivering higher frame rates, but that won't be the case here, apparently.

>Earlier in the evening, Jason Connell of Sucker Punch Productions told GameSpot during a roundtable interview that Infamous: Second Son and First Light's PS4 Pro versions will run at the same frame rate as the standard PS4 versions.

But hey, you can refute it with your own source if you want.

>PLUS backwards compatibility with Xbox 360
The BC feature is a joke, virtually any game you might want to play isn't supported

Well, some Sony shill is responsible for this whole thread. It's only fair I guess.

>no 4k Blu Ray
>no games in the forseeable future are utilizing these upgrades to not give pro users an "advantage"

Unless it plays Bloodborne at 60 fps it's not worth it

>mattering to console users

top kek

Console users want visuals, they dont sit up close and play games on a 15 inch monitor searching for bad textures and pixels instead of playing games which the PC has none of anyway.

I can probably get a more powerful PC dollar/performance wise to play even better exclusives like Mount and Blade and CSGO

Who said Infamous isn't 60 fps? Go to 3:45. It's clearly running 60 fps. Or did I fall for another meme by the MS marketing department?

Ain't no point in owning a system until Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and 3 come out famalamadingdong

15 inch monitor?
I've got a 55 4k that is basicly 4x 27.5 108's.



>>no games in the forseeable future are utilizing these upgrades to not give pro users an "advantage"

mass effect, days gone, horizon zero dawn, final fantasy xv, spiderman, watch dogs 2 and for honour all have confirmed Pro upgrades

They can never have it play out in such a way that there will be exclusives. Look at new 3DS' whopping 1 exclusive (Xenoblade) and 1 game with significant performance improvement on new 3ds (Hyrule Warriors). It's bad business.

Nothing OP said is a lie opposite to what you were trying to pull. Does MS really pay that well?

Keep up that damage control, boys

> assuming I'm the same user

Sorry not all of us suck Sony cock, friend. Microsoft can fuck off with Scorpio too.

Does it play pc games?

The new Tomb Raider doesn't have 1080p@60fps mode, What they have is 1080p with unlocked fps mode similar to Infamous: Second Son Demo.

So what GPU has 4,2 TF on PC? How can Sony sell it at such a price when such a GPU costs $300 alone on PC?

They already said they are focusing on gwafix instead of proper FPS so fuck em I'm just sticking with my OG PS4 since the new one will get me only up to 45 fps.


I think I'm going to sell my PS4 for a PS4 Pro. How much should I sell one for with three-four games?

It's a custom gpu if that accounts for anything. PC gaming has been and always will be more expensive than console gaming.
If you care about fps you sholdnt went to PC retard.

It's not falseflag when its true. MP titles play at same framerate, games only look prettier they arent actually better in terms of performancd

Same for me. I'm certainly not paying another 400 dollars for something that works somewhat better. Sticking with both my original PS4 and Xbone. If I'm going to buy any console in the next 2 years, it'll be the NX because at least that's a new fucking platform.

except multiple games are 60fps on console and literally all multi modes are as well, and some games will never be 60fps because developers just don't care/dont want to do it because they know its fucking pointless in like 80% of games, and the only way to do it on pc is bruteforce it for a price that is ridiculous
ebgames is doing a trade in deal for like 150-200 without games

Can it play PS1 through 3 games?

Wait until a shop has a trade in deal, or sell your shit for $300-$350 right now.

I think I'll just use Ebay or something. No good games until Gravity Rush 2 anyways.

I wanna know how loud that thing is gonna be

Isn't it bigger than the original Xbone? Not that THAT's entirely relevant, but generally the big consoles sound like a goddamn jet engine.

Ebay isnt bad. Sold my 3ds xl with katsukity cap card for $420, bought it originally for $500

I don't care about FPS why the fuck do you think I play primarily on my console instead of my PC?

I like the active communities and the comfort ability of playing on my sofa

the question was if I'm going to get a Pro and I answered why.

No point in getting something that doesn't do what it should have been focused on.

>"Hey, guys, so deal is this: you're buying our console once and can play a whole generation of games without needing to upgrade your console."

>selling your old consoles

The launch model PS4 is the sexiest console in existence and has much signifiance for Playstation, it's a keepsake and piece of history.

You'll regret it later trust me, they are no longer even in production.

>Last Guardian drops Oct. 25th
>Titanfall 2 drops Oct. 28th
>New Cowadoody drops Nov. 4th
>PS4 Pro drops Nov. 11th
Really? They couldn't bump it up one week? I have collector's edition of TLG and Infinite Warfare Legacy Pro edition preordered... kind of asinine having to sit there with games, waiting for the console to release.

>big consoles sound like a goddamn jet engine

Making things up? Xbox One is way quieter than PS4. PS4 is unacceptably loud. I mean think about it, the smaller consoles have more of an issue cooling than larger ones, did you even think about what you were posting?

Well to be fair you still can. So I don't get the point of this shit at all. I guess for retards with money to burn.

hey, look on the bright side dude, the whole

>b-but you need to buy n-new pc parts every f-few years!!

meme is finally dead. now there's no reason not to own a pc instead.

Well it's true. You don't need to get a PS4 Pro same way you don't need to get a 1080 if you own a 980.

>should have been focused on.

who's saying it should have been focused on frames per second? Console users dont give a fuck about that shit, the GPU is three times as strong as the PS4 and through optimization the visual disparity between models is going to be huge on first party games and third party games that take advantage of the hardware.

I barely use my Xbone so I'm not entirely on the ball here. I'm more comparing it to older stuff, but regardless I don't think a single Sony console has been quiet has it?

Not really, PS4 Slim is supposedly quiet though.

Calling it now. Shit will look better but run worse since the devs will just go ham with extra effects.

>CPU has been overclocked from 1,6 Ghz to 2.1 Ghz
Fucking finally. That shit was a major bottleneck. This isn't ideal but atleast it's not as restrictive as 1,6 Ghz.

>Sony marketer thinks a compressed 4k stream is the same as a physical 4k disc

Nigga, just accept that Sony fucked up.

It doesn't do native 4k
It can't even play Sony's movies in 4k
All it does it literally give a slight performance boost if the publisher decides to patch a game.

And as if it matters when the PS4 library is multiplats and cinematic bullshit.

If they actually bother with giving us options like Lara Croft Screenshot Simulator is doing, then we might be able to just choose for ourselves. I hope it becomes standard.


You sound jealous PC shit.

>all this talk about 4K

Anyone else remember how Sony said the PS4 would have 4K capabilities while it was still in early development?

>slight performance boost
I know I'm responding to MS damage control team but 4.2 TF over 1,8 TF is a huge upgrade for any GPU.

>Sony fucked up by not making a $2000 console

Go fuck yourself, for $400 what you're getting out of the box is insanely cheap even if it falls short of true native 4k, nobody has time for two thousand dollar consoles you dumb fuck. Kill yourself and daily reminder, your preffered platform is a bloated multiplat machine with zero games.

We're talking about devs that are too lazy to even give full settings options for PC hardware that's stronger than the Neo.

You can boast the specs all you want but it's been confirmed on many accounts that all that power is going towards HDR and 4k upscaling and NOT into performance!


Post sources


Lmao motha fucking Nintendo and Sega all day, baby. Literally laughing at Sony's dumb as fuck decisions.

>Launches a Slim PS4
>Launches a PS4 barely 4k at the same time

McFucking why? What the fuck is the point of the Slim when a "better" version is already out and the original PS4 is already cheaper and comes bundled with Star Wars or Call of Duty?

Lmao literally jealous of having no good games to play for three fucking years.

>higher resolution isn't improved performance
Oh God

>a machine that can do a thousand things vs a toy
Neck yourself sonyfat

>ALL COME WITH A 4k digital version that the PS4P CAN play
>the PS4P CAN play
>the PS4P
>the piss4pee

What were they thinking...

I've got a PS4 and I couldn't really give a shit if it were more powerful. It needs better online and a new system isn't going to change that.

>I'd rather play a 4k still image than have to deal with 1080p 144fps!


>Better online

Fucking yes. How is it still so shit when it's been over a decade since they launched psn? Not even the damn storefront and server is good, it takes about 5x as long to download anything off the damn thing in comparison to my PC and other devices (that includes archaic shit like the 3DS and Wii U).

>Xbone launches
>Weak as shit
>PS4 launches
>Less weak as shit

>PS4 launches
>Xbone relaunches


Read the fucking thread
Mass Effect and Infamous are confirmed to run at the same framerate the same night as the keynote
and it was said in an interview that same night that multiplayer games would be unlikely to perform better as to not create "an unfair advantage"

how will sonygaggers every recover?

I wouldn't but to claim higher resolution isn't an important aspect of a performance gain is retarded.

By installing Windows and getting every Xbone game ever.

I think I may just buy the slim version. Ans even then, I'm not sure since I really only want to play BloodBorne and Persona 5.
Nothing else really catches my attention desu...

BC on xbone is not really BC but a soft emulation which is costing MS money to host and you have to wait for games to get candidacy, Microsoft wouldn't have implemented it if they were not losing.

The Prostation 4 will be my new favorite thing to shitpost about

realistically how long will this generation last before the ps5? 3 more years maybe?

2 and a half if the idea fails.

4 tops.