Update #86 - Farewell to Xbox 360 and PS3

>Some months back we asked you to please confirm your platform of choice, and there was a mass migration from the previous generation of consoles to Xbox One and PS4. Because we’re down to 1% of backers who still prefer Xbox 360 or PS3, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel these versions of the game. We feel that the months it would take for the team to release these versions would be better spent on the game’s DLC, which serves the majority of Backers in the best possible way. We’ve been working through the remaining list of Backers who have no other means of enjoying the game, and are working with them one-on-one to make sure they’re taken care of in light of their very long wait for this product. If you fall into that category and have not heard from us yet, please contact us ([email protected]). Our goal is to make sure you can play the game, and that you are completely satisfied.

Bravo Wayforward, fucking over the people who donated specifically for those versions of the game.

TLDR: No PS3 or Xbox 360 versions

I can't even remember what platform I told them that I wanted it on. I don't even know how to check at this point.

Check your email, they have a direct link to your profile that will tell you what version you selected.

Just giving anons here a heads up.








>mfw the master race just keeps on winning

i guess you can play the vita version (if there is any) on your ps4

and technically the 360 version counts as the pc version

console buyers deserve it.
they get shat on constantly and still continue to funnel obnoxious amounts of money towards these un-upgradable pseudo computers.

how many times must they get shat on before they learn?

>Still using a 360 or PS3
>Not having a PC that can handle this

It's entirely your fault

>had to calculate that

>needing a calculator to find the 1%

Well if each person gave $15, then the total amount of dollars they would have lost would be 116,412.

Pulled a slick willy.

honestly the two should be switched

>he still uses a 7th gen console
lol nigga like wut?

It's for the best.

>people are still actively playing new games on the 360 and PS3
How? I gave up getting games for them last year after MGSV looked terrible on the PS3.

People could easily jump that wall and that Hotel or whatever it is has an awful view. What place this is?

>Instead of wasting on ports no one gives a shit about, we're just cutting them and moving forward with the other platforms
based wayforward.

Looks like somewhere in Brazil.

I like my PS3 to play JRPGs and has free online.

If only some other companies realized that cutting those ports were better than nothing.

But do you buy new games for it?

nah we just take the left side and add another layer on top for 4k******

******not 4k******

>it is has an awful view
>implying fuckin 10/10 bitches in front of your massive glass window while all the favela dwellers stare at you starving is not the apex of rich living

Is PS3 online still active for a lot of games?
I kind of want to play Resistance multiplayer again.

poorfag towns always look comfy, were it not for the crime rates and literal shit everywhere

Conman´s game have shitty mechanics and NES Megaman games exist, there is no reason to not make a good Megaman game with good mechanics and level design even if it looks like fucking shit.

More than I buy for the PS4.

Why wouldn't I? There're a lot of great games on my PS3 and they still keep releasing (new Sengoku Basara recently, BlazBlue and P5 are next). I should sell it for meme 4K HDR games, right?

Wait, people are still releasing new game for ps3? They have to be niche jap shit, right?

I will buy Cold Steel 2 and Persona 5. Some months ago PS3 got some PS2 games too.

>Why are devs not supporting my Super Nintendo?
>user refusing to buy a Gamecube in 2001

I suppose. I got Odin Sphere recently, and Life is Strange

>With a lot of people

I never played Resistance games but if fucking Bioshock 2 still has people playing it, Resistance should have too.

>Jumping 2 gens apart
>Promised to make the port in exchange for money
>oops we lied, thanks for money suckers

Mexico City

>Will get it for different system of your choice.
>Somehow don't have a single other system to run it on.
Get out of the fucking hood before you start donating to kickstarters Tyrone.

I still hate how Nintendo started the tradition of instantly dropping support of their old consoles when the newer one releases.

NES had 4 extra years but SNES, N64, GC and Wii had nothing.

Be more specific, I had been in Mexico City a lot of times and never had seen this place

It would have been better had he not just try to make his own Megaman in the first place. Not that much better, but at least it'd stand out on its own instead of just being a shallow shadow of a Megaman clone. People claim they just want more Megaman, but Daddy Capcom won't give them Megamans, so they run to Mommy Inafune for quasiMegamans instead, only to get a knockoff that wasn't quite what they wanted, so they whine about Mommy Inafune not giving them specifically what they wanted, and Daddy Capcom is laughing at their autism and making them look like a joke (which they are).

he's bullshitting, google image search favela things it up

People are making their own Megaman clones with some moderate success and we had threads about Megaman X Street Fighter.
And you don't have to prove your points like that, is annoying and makes you look like a faggot.

Thanks dude, well, those favelas look less shitty that the ones they always show on TV.

i like how update 86 is the one that kills the platform

>Still having a PS3 or 360

>is annoying and makes you look like a faggot.

If there were so many Megaman fangames that were enough to sate MM game desires, I don't see why they had to get yet ANOTHER MM game from a hack like Inafune. It was just sad.

Street Fighter X Megaman*, sorry

At least I still have RDR.

I don't see any problem with this. I just hope they can work things over with the 7,000 people (some of which have died) so they don't feel too burned.

Well, to be honest familia, I think most Megaman fans only had played MM2 and X1 and they think only Capcom/Conman can create a good Megaman game even when they don't why they like MM2 and X1 in first place and they never played other official games, probably they just say those are shit because is not MM2 or X1.

Okay, that's one

What the fuck is this bullshit I pledged $125 to this game dammit and I only have a PS3. Are they going to refund me? They say they want to personally take care of everyone that they're FUCKING OVER so that better mean buying me a PS4 or something because if they don't release on 7th gen then I have literally no way to play the game

That's the last fuckibg time I give my Trumpdollars to Kikestarter, fuck you Gayforward

>some of which have died

You also forget Ninja Gaiden 2 and Bayo 1 if you don't to spend money on a Wii U.

Wii is considered 7th gen too, if you don't have the PC to emulate it and you hack it, is one of the best consoles you will ever own.

>$125 to a kickstarter
Gee I wonder why you dont have a new console or half-decent PC.
As bait as this is, its scary to think at least one of the ~7000 will have this exact response.

Wayforward is not a complete asshole, maybe they will compensate 360/PS3 owners in some way

It's statistically very likely. Not a lot of yhem, maybe 10-20.

Lmao, it's a fucking Wayfoward game. What fucking toaster are you typing on if you can't run it. Mac fag? Lmao*2

And in all fairness, *I'm* personally upset especially because of that one gimmick that could have made MN9 be its own game that got removed except for one remnant, but even that was just a boss power thing. And people were okay with this just subtracting that one gimmick due to "tight budget" and reverting everything to doing as you do in MM games, beating a boss and stealing its powers. And it's already a jump 'n shoot game that at least cosmetically shares a reasonably perceived similarity to MM games, if not by any high measure on the metric of design itself. And to cement the MN9 supporters' desire to be okay with just making it simply be like MM (albeit watered down in the end), they would vote on designs that would pull the game closer to being an MM knockoff with no soul, like Ray.

I pitched into this thinking it would have some kind of novelty and I got jipped and pissed off. What a waste, I should have just given my steam key to someone else that'd enjoy trash.

We have reached the point where no new major titles will hit the PS3 or 360. MGSV and Destiny were basically the last ones from big name publishers

I keep my 360 around for Netflix and my parents will occasionally buy a movie off the Xbox marketplace, so it still serves some purpose. Doubly so when i won't have enough space to set up my computer for another 4 weeks

Persona 5.

Sucks KHIII will be One or PS4 only. I really don't want a game system for one game. It;s also really sad that I only want one game from the current systems.

>We’ve been working through the remaining list of Backers who have no other means of enjoying the game, and are working with them one-on-one to make sure they’re taken care of in light of their very long wait for this product

I know one way they can make for it

That's a fucking scat image btw

This better not be a crop of her spreading strawberry frosting.

Didn't SE cancel the Xbox One version of KH3?

It'll be excused because "le cute pirate titty THICC lol :^)"

Question is, are you this shit at math or are you so underage you haven't even learned percentages yet?

But hardly anyone here posts about Risky.

When I backed this I opted for Wii U because I had a weak computer, but now I have a better computer...

That can be fixed

They're refunding them, so there's no ground to stand on.

How this shit is even legal?

Maybe somebody needs to start suing these kind of companies.

What part of refund is so fucking hard to grasp?

It's a shame she's not lewded more often. PC really upped her cuteness

Reading comprehension is hard to grasp on Sup Forums in general. Even when an OP is exposed in a reply, people will still reply to OP seriously like morons. I think it's caused by the influx of redditors.

It's really that simple?

Selling a product on promises and then when you made enough money just change the terms.

They expect me to play a console game on my GTX1080?
Pff. Glad I'm getting a refund.

If you can get your money back then stop being a bitch

Better yet invest in a mustard race like you should be doing you phone posting faggot

image.jpg in your ass

They should just send all those backers a PS4 slim :^)

Even if you couldn't work that in your head you could have just opened up a calculator on your computer and done it, but you went to a site dedicated for that specific function.

Kickstarters can do whatever the fuck they want, they don't owe anybody shit.
You aren't buying a product you're just giving away money.
Theres nothing stopping someone from starting a Kickstarter, raking in a million dollars, and then coming up with some BS reason the game can't be finished and running with the money.
If you donate to a kikestarter then it's your own damn fault if you aren't satisfied later.

>7000 people

There were 18,558 backers, 1% is only 186 people.

It's not a donation system (going by the terms in KS page)

If that happens there are grounds for legal action.

>I just hope they can work things over with the 7,000 people (some of which have died)
>7000 backers
>(some of which have died)
You're a terrible bean counter for one and two you have no source for the amount of backers and three
>(some of which have died)
Statistics do not actually mean anything absolute or even relative and prone to error

d-did you say... T H I C C?