>mobile Clash of Titans-tier graphics
>cartoony explosions
>Italian leading France
>Greek leading Egypt
>Norwegians instead of Danes
>Scythians instead of Mongols
>Brazilians instead of Portuguese
>Aztecs only available for pre-order faggots

Firaxis, what are you doing?

Other urls found in this thread:


Firaxis is ded, friend

They're just getting ready for Civilizations DLC.

>b-b-but look at these things that ultimately don't impact gameplay
Get over it, OP.

There were red warning signs all over the place.

Medici's tits are ginormous.

>visual design doesn't matter in a visual medium

>Greek leading Egypt

Are you actually retarded?

God the art design is so fucking horrible. Completely killed my hype for the game.

That's what happens when American liberal arts graduates are put in charge.

If you didn't care about the visuals you'd still be playing Civ2 since the gameplay has only degraded since then.

This is why I stopped at Civ IV. Civ IV with Next War or Rhye's and Fall is best Civ.

Well when you consider those surveys that say women mostly play mobile games, it makes sense.

>Muh libs ruining muh games

Love these threads.

Can I refund my copy of Civ 5 because I hate Civ 6's art style so much?

I'm not the guy pointing fingers at anyone or any specific group but the game is definitely ruined and I'm mad at whoever's responsible.

The new American wave of graduates are incompetent and narrow-minded leftists who have no idea how to adapt their work to the setting. My money is on Firaxis is recruiting lots of new people.

>looks like mobileshit

I just want to know why

>trusting post civ 4 Firaxis to do anything right

nigga it's your own fault.

Yeah, isn't just going to be PC exclusive?

Is it because they want to run the game on shitty machines to get more marketshare? I think I was using a core 2 duo and a 5450 when I tried to run Civ 5 for the first time and of course it didn't run well.

Man you guys really don't know shit about art direction

I know more than Firaxis does. Everything looks like a fucking cartoon now because history is too awful or something for Americans.

Civ 3 was shit. Were you all too young to enjoy the glory of Civ 2 or something?

Is the direction downhill? Because I can tell that just from looking at it.

It's probably so that it's easier to port to mobile platforms easily later on.

Fireaxis please go

Is Sid Meier even working on Civilization games anymore?

>Is it because they want to run the game on shitty machines to get more marketshare?

No matter how the game looks, it's still going to need the starship Enterprise to run full graphics semi-smoothly.

Didn't he stop years, decades ago?

Its really sad watching civ completely go to shit, I grew up playing civ1 when I was like 7 and watching where its going these days is just painful

Are you me?

Not really because visuals are never the problem with 4X games, particularly Civilization. AI calculations take fucking forever as turns go on and CPU used to be a bottleneck for a variety of reasons.

This perfectly sums up what's going on at Firaxis.

Civ4 simply has insane variety of mods. And all the MUH STACKS is just preferences. Simply think of it as fielding armies and problem disappears.

>Aztecs only available for pre-order

So confirmed that the game is going to follow the trend of being a piece of shit on release and they want people to have to buy it before word gets out?

What are the two on top?
Some sort of Nobunaga's ambition games?

Carmack and Romero worked for Firaxis?

I have mixed feelings about Rhye's. The historical challenges are fun, but I feel it railroads you too hard with the "national borders" thing. It seems odd that France can get colonies in Quebec, and only Quebec, without getting fucked by dissent.

to be honest i would probably fuck the shit out of cartoon cleopatra


Not even once

>And all the MUH STACKS is just preferences

People who complain about stacks are basically complaining about the fact that if they don't build any troops, and their neighbour does, then they get fucked when their neighbour invades them.

Like, what the fuck did you expect to happen.

All I wanted was for the world to be round.

Fuck off.

I'll take that as a yes.

You guys are such whiny fucking faggots.
>Woman with entire period of fucking human history named after her
>m-muh SJWs
Please kill yourself

The removal of stacks in V just makes it feel like a board game, I was actually for the idea of trying it out until I played it and realized that the world itself would need to be about 10 times the size it was in IV for 1UPT to work, and doing that would also require changing a ton of other aspects of the game. How V ended up being just felt like playing a game rather than building a civilization, and that's about the worst insult I can think up for a part of the Civ franchise.

>clean design that looks good zoomed out (unlike the advertising bullshots you're spamming)
>iconography is great
>interface looks like a good balance between form an function, unlike Civ5's overemphasis on form and Civ4's overemphasis on function
>fog of war cartographic effect looks great in motion

Do you even play strategy games?

>Greek leading Egypt.
>Italian leading France.
>German leading England.

You know nothing about gamedev, do you?

Producers control budget and schedule and try to ration out accordingly. They have literally no creative input on the game.

>They have literally no creative input on the game.
Objectively false


I don't like the look of it, but what's important is how it plays, so I'm waiting to see.

It really looks quite a lot like Endless Legend though.

You're referring to Victoria? She has a period of ENGLISH history named after her, true, and does actually deserve to be in the game since she did things and is quite iconic for her nation.

Cleopatra's greatest achievements took place in the bedroom and she accomplished nothing politically, militarily, or economically. She belongs in a historical dating sim, not in civilization.

That's what a director does, dumbass.

I'll wait until it has all the expansions and buy it all for 10 dollars on steam sales.
>They do micro transactions instead of DLC calling it now

And a director doesn't get to do shit unless producers say it's cool.

>tfw never played a PC RTS game before
What do you guys recommend? Preferably something my shit PC can run.

Oh really? Sakaguchi had a producer role throughout numerous mainline FF games and his creative input was immense.

Turthfully speaking Cleo's saggy tits are pretty hot and italian bitch's corset is fucking hot. I'd fuck both of them on a heartbeat.

Dawn of War 1 is probably the easiest to get into. I've never liked RTS (exaggeration, I just don't get good at them really) but my friends and I managed to get pretty good at it as retarded high school kids.

Whether I end up loving or hating the game all depends on how balanced it is. If city managing is too much of a hassle, it'll probably be really lame.

>like Endless Legend

Maybe if you're blind.

RTS games are very toaster friendly. AoE2 HD is a good starting point. It's basically the foundation for modern RTS games. Also just for technicality's sake, Civ isn't an RTS.

Also check out Company of Heroes and Command Conquer Generals.

They made the male characters all cartoonish and wonky-looking too.

Really, the only visual depiction of a woman that should be tolerated by a redpilled alpha male is a wide-eyed anime maiden differentiated by hairstyle and bust size and nothing else.

>Japan not even on the list

That bad huh?

>does actually deserve to be in the game since she did things and is quite iconic for her nation.

It would be nice to actually get a Prime minster like Gladstone, Disraeli Pitt or Palmerston as the British leader rather than a Monarch. But Firaxis might not want to pick someone that isnt known widely

>literally who
>not knowing about Persia

If you know nothing of history your opinion doesn't matter.

>looks like the real guy

You dumbshit.

but cleopatra is hotter now?

That's actually how Qin Shi Huangdi looked. Every single painting and sculpture of the guy looks that way.

Cleopatra was a descendant of the Ptolemaic(Greek) dynasty of Egypt.

I usually play Japan first in any Civ game, so I just avoid spoilers for them, so I can be surprised.

They've been my favorite since 2.

Hey, let's check out how bold face lying Sup Forums can be!


>1: Designer
>2: Designer
>3: Director
>4: Director
>5: Director
>6: Writer, producer
>7: Designer, writer, producer
>8: Producer
>9: Scenario writer, producer
>10: Producer
>11: Producer

So you're telling me... out of 11 games, 3 saw him as the producer and no creative role (ex. writer, scenario writer, etc.)?

And those 3 were as he was being booted out of the company?

Well golly gee that sure sounds like a lot of creative control.

>say it's cool
Yes, according to the budget. Since Sup Forums is too retarded to know simple terms let's resort to wikipedia again, because I really don't have time for uneducated niggers.

>An internal producer is heavily involved in the development of, usually, a single game. Responsibilities for this position vary from company to company, but in general, the person in this position has the following duties:[1][2]

>Negotiating contracts, including licensing deals
>Acting as a liaison between the development staff and the upper stakeholders (publisher or executive staff)
>Developing and maintaining schedules and budgets
>Overseeing creative (art and design) and technical development (game programming) of the game
>Ensuring timely delivery of deliverables (such as milestones)
>Scheduling timely quality assurance (testing)
>Arranging for beta testing and focus groups, if applicable
>Arranging for localization
>Pitching game ideas to publishers

Note that the 'overseeing artists/designers/programmers' part is 'checking if they're actually on schedule and not slacking off.'

If you actually care to learn something, listen to this podcast . It only takes an hour.


Does this mean anything anymore? The dude was actually black, how does this apply?


>>Overseeing creative (art and design) and technical development (game programming) of the game
lol, thanks for proving my point.

>Chinese leader
>"looks real"

I guarantee you he didn't have those cartoon bear ears and face. The paintings they based him on showed a longer face and beard more like Pai Mei in Kill Bill.

If they don't give him the Roosevelt treatment that would suck.

Civilization has been a casual game for a long time now, I don't see why anyone would be surprised by this.

No shit, look at the other 8 duties. Now tell me how you can apportion a budget and schedule without knowing progress.

Jesus fuck, it's not complicated.

>Note that the 'overseeing artists/designers/programmers' part is 'checking if they're actually on schedule and not slacking off.'

>cit: shit I just made up

Also I love how you completely ignored
>Acting as a liaison between the development staff and the upper stakeholders (publisher or executive staff)
>Pitching game ideas to publishers

Show me just one.

honestly i really like this new art direction they're going with. ui not so much but the character models are my favorite out of all the games.
civ v's leaders were well animated, but fucking boring. or maybe i just hated seeing elizabeth's shitting face every time she wanted to trade.

it's Sup Forums, what'd you expect?

>Kurd leading the Arabs
It's fine.

literal who for a leader cuz WE WUZ

You dumbshit. He didn't allow portraits of himself when he was alive. All the depictions of him were made hundreds if not a thousand years after he died.

t. chinaman

You lost this bet.

dude, did you even read his post

well, japan got a shitty ruler this time. some no-name hojo whose biggest claim to fame is getting lucky and having captain planet drown a bunch of mongols

So wait, you wanted civ 4, and expected civ 5, from civ 6?

This is actually legit bothering me, what the fuck is that picture saying? Somebody please help I don't think I can go to sleep without dealing with this

>it's yet another Civ6 thread where people just complain about the aesthetic and other trivial things instead of discussing the actual game which looks like an overall improvement over 5 so far

You expected better than what you wanted? What the fuck?
>I'm hoping for a cheeseburger but expecting a steak

>She belongs in a historical dating sim, not in civilization.
Isn't that what civ is?


Is something being "reddit" the weakest insult there is now? So fucking overused goddamn

Pretty much, people want civ to go back to being civ like 4 was, but are expecting more of the same shit direction that 5 had, and are getting that and worse by what is shown so far

>black people aren't allowed to have leaders in a game because they weren't as important to world history as white people

Why do you hate black people so much man?

hey leddit nigger fuck off

>cit: shit I just made up

>get call from localizer
>they ask you for the script to translate
>oh uh... let me check in with our writing team
>actually wait I can't, some asshat who doesn't understand what a game producer does says I can't oversee progress without being actively creatively involved
>sorry scratch that, I'll have to get that information indirectly before I can forward you the script

That's how dumb you sound right now

>Acting as a liaison between the development staff and the upper stakeholders (publisher or executive staff)
Stakeholders are paying the budget. That's the primary purpose of the producer. To deal with the budget.

>Pitching game ideas to publishers
Is the salesman at the department store selling you a vacuum cleaner the same one that designed the vacuum? No. They're the charismatic ones who interface with the people with money, ex. the customer. Same thing as the producer's role in this case, with the added bonus that the producer has a big fat rolodex of publisher contacts with people s/he's spoken with before. "Hey, we did this last project on time, I kept everyone on schedule, how do you feel about greenlighting this idea?"

Sup Forums literally has no idea how games are made. It's hilarious because you faggots were so far up Tim Schafer's ass for Broken Age and DF9, and that's a case where the creative wires and the business wires got irresponsibly crossed into one person. You don't mix business people and creative people. It's a basic rule.

>What I wanted is the same game we had a decade ago, the one that still work like a charm on my pc, and already have a shittons of etension and mods.

Not him, but really?

I mean, like come on now.

>Glory of Civ 2
Greatest Civ game ever. I don't know which one I spent more time in: All DLC Civ V or Civ II Multiplayer gold.