BioWare Animation

Why do BioWare animations look so janky? I'm not trying to troll, I'm legitimately curious. I can't think of another company where all their characters move so... strangely. At first I thought it was bad motion capture, but wouldn't motion capture look more natural since it's a person actually doing it?

Are there any vidya animators on here that could shed some light on what the deal is?

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It's just shit animators, no other way to explain it. Same with animations in bethesda games.

The only other possible alternative is that they're just pressured by the big bad suits to put the game out asap so they don't have time to touch up the cutscene animations. I haven't played a bioware game since Mass Effect 2 but i don't remember the animations in-game to be bad, just the cutscene ones.

Because EA outsources them to pooinloos.

It's odd that would be the case since they rake in metric tons of case and presumably funnel quite a bit into the game's development. I've seen indie games with better animation. I guess they just don't give a shit?

How new are you? Of course they don't care, it's EA.

They're not just bad, they're lazy.

>i don't remember the animations in-game to be bad, just the cutscene ones.

> I haven't played a bioware game since Mass Effect 2

I didn't play that shit game.

Post more Bioware animations.

Is that the same run Shrek does at the end of the new trailer?


Bioware are notorious for recycling animations, they're still using some that are exactly the same as in KotOR

With all due respect, do you remember Neverwinter Nights, with its magnificent parries and flourishes? Can you name one other point-and-click 3D RPG with similarly detailed blocks and attack animations? Most games just say "MISS".

Well, apparently some dude who was a lead animator left bioware after ME2. That explains why it is so shitty in 3rd. I actually pirated the game, saw the running animation, puked a little, and never played this shit again.

Jade empire also had some pretty neat animations.
It think the issue came with ME2 where the amount of artists compared to programmers was fucked to hell and back.

You know what games have good character animation? Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.

Quit complaining faggot. You can do better? Get a job interview.

A favourite.

The vaulting animation is the same too.

ty bioware animator

This is the first time opening my gif folder in like a year.

Guess I might as well delete them all and go full on webm.

>I'm not trying to troll
nobody here likes bioshit anyway so who would you even be trolling?

we'll bang, ok?

My memory may be hazy, but did they just completely rip off borderlands with this?

It's called being jews and saving money across multiple games.

FF14 2.0 has the same issue, with canned animations in cutscenes 99% of the time instead of cutscenes being fully animated like in 1.0 that takes time and money.

Many FF14 animation are old 1.0 ones though, so even if they are being jews, they atleast have some good quality shit to reuse over and over, unlike bioware.

>Quit complaining faggot. You can do better?
1.)No, the customer has every right in heaven and hell to complain until their tongue falls out.
2.)Whoever practices that can feasably to better, but, here is the kicker, so could the guys at BW, if only they cared, so how is that not a moronic response on your part?
>get a job interview
Yeah, working for EA, fat chance.

They spend all their money and attention on world building and first rate characters writing.
Also, their poop is made of candy, and every single dev there is a saint.