Name ONE(1) game where you can be gay

Name ONE(1) game where you can be gay

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Hey buddy, I think you have the wrong board, /y/ is two blocks down

Second Life

Fire emblem Fates, stardew valley

ass effect 3


/y/ is right here

pretty sure that's rape

here's a better story then

You're life

Dragon age is full of degenerate faggotry.


Fallout 4

I love this story thanks user

/r/ing more like this

So when will these two be drawn like that?


those other two are straight up gay but this one gave me a chubby



Dragon Age: Inquisition

me penis started to get erect but did not get all the way

Penises can detect true love.

maybe I can get it all the way up if you spend some time with me :3

Stardew Valley

i agree
i dont agree

True Love

>that height difference



you know what's more cute

you :3


Th-this happened to my best friend and it just clicked. glad the succubus(male) revealed that he was batshit and they broke up

story time? please tell what happened

>Draw girls
>Call them boys

when will the madness end

name 1 game where you can date a qt boy

Arguably Skyrim with mods.

Alternately, you can be the cuteboi

lewd, is there anything else?

Well OP I'm sure any of these eyetoy games should work for you

> eyetoy

Well, isn't that a blast from the past.

God Eater 2, which is on Steam. No homo stuff tho, if you want cuteboi flirting you gotta be a girl.

Dragon's Dogma lets you romance literally any NPC in the game.

Arguably Dwarf Fortress adventure mode, to a lesser extent. Just wait till the romance arc is added in. Atm tho you can have friendly banter with companions, who can potential be cuteboys.

Starbound. Well you can't overtly romance anyone but like 50% of the male npcs look like fuccbois. Porn mods soon probably.

All the Fable games. The first was funny as fuck because all the men carrying boxes would be STUNNED by your good lucks and drop what they were carrying to fawn over you.

Crusader Kings 2

>bumping a thread to bitch about it
