The PS4Pro 4k uprendering method produces a better image quality than a 4k MAX settings "native" $1200 PC LMAO! It's being beaten by a fucking $399 box - can't make this shit up lmao!

>The terrible, blurry as fuck mountainside and leaves and background on the PC side


Other urls found in this thread:


Muh depth of focus


Holy shit the blurriness of the PC shot when looking at the leaves and rocks is giving me a fucking headache.

How's your day going so far OP? Have any fun dishes?

Damn those are some kickin tiddies

>can't make this shit up lmao!
Apparently you can.


The depth of field is clearly noticeable in the PC side, unless that's a bullshot.



>playing with DoF enabled
what are you doing with your life?

They bumped the contrast of the PC shot way way up to try and compensate but it doesn't help, like at all.

It's depth of field you idiot

holy shit

>left, i dunno wat to look
>Right, boobs and ass. Qt face too. noice

>NeoFAGs on full damage control mode
I'm L'ing my A O manually

So... PS4K cant do depth of field? Cool.

>nobody cares that the gameplay sucks since it plays just like uncharted

Also new Lara is shit. Old Lara is hot.

u mixed up thel abeling on that pic bro

Baby plz

>Damage control
It's better despite being on a cheaper piece of hardware, the only reason you would dislike this is if your dumbass already paid nvidia $600 for graphics card that got beaten by a console.

What are you trying to pull?

hello yourself ;)

I better get something ara ara

>Incredibly slight improvement in the PC screenshot that comes at a cost of $2k extra
Oh man OP, you sure got Sony

>someone posting offtopic images to try and draw attention away from the OP
Whoever you are the fact that this comparison hurts you so much that you desperately try to sideline it just sad.

>Damage control
Oh, you mean like you're doing right now?


cry more NeoFAG

Where do the PC users get their free 4k monitors? Last time I checked there were cheaper 4k TVs than monitors.

rollantieemmmm woooo

>on a cheaper piece of hardware
ehm, yes it's on polaris which is 390 which is 4 years old
someone will come and post real pc screenshots, i'm sure of it, I lost mine
we have dedicated lara poster somewhere around

PS4 Pro Lara's armpit looks like something out of a PS2 game


Durante already proved the right isn't max settings and some other guy proved that the left is touched up video footage.

Since Im bored I will indulge in your memery.

Also, 30 fps.

aren't tn 4k about $200 now?

Moderators just delete this shitfest

The elitism of this meme is unconditional.

>"What is depth of field, Alex?"

Eww, that large image looks the worst. Is that supposed to be the max PC version?

lets rock

Reminder that people are getting paid to shit out these comparison images to try to make Sony look good.

alright alright


it's the PC version with no dof and bloom.

There has been like five PS4 Pro shill threads up since the announcement. When the fuck are these people getting banned?

Jesus christ this has sealed the deal for me. I was going to get an i7 5960X and 2x Titan XPs to play guild wars 2, but why bother when I can get a PS4 Pro instead?

So when are the sonybronies going to stop the damage control for their shitty new blunderbox?

Five dozens.


Because a PC has more games and runs them well.

the left picture makes me feel like I need to wear glasses

right one looking sharp

the HDR effect is much better on PS4 PRO

Let's do this

yea haha

It's edited footage just like the FFXV clip. The games are identical and PC has HDR too.

Rolla for Orc

method they are using

It looks weird without the depth of field.

I don't even understand who these fake comparison images are aimed at. I doubt there are many people on the fence about getting a PS4 pro or a PC, so surely this is just console war garbage.



Why would you get banned for talking about video games? Lol assblasted pcuck detected, this is Sup Forums - Video Games not /pc/ - PCuck

As for ROTTR, the game is setpiece garbage lmao. Stay cucked ps4 pro kids.

oh jesus here we go

Almost there bro. A bit more meme magic and it will just look as the pc version at low settings and 30 fps.

This app stopped working hahaha

To the top I go!

What a shit thread

Lmao don't you have trucks to monitor? Retard. Falseflagging is amazing and its good to know that you faggot white flag baguettes are the ones doing it. Filtered.


roll for my injured soul

I don't get it, the PC version looks better in that screenshot.

good lad

PS4pro is the best console on the market right now and the best game-playing device for the value. give me the tiddies.

Cmon baby

more useless effect slapped in means better graphics, don't you know?
ca,dof,bloom,motion blur all very good for you!




Anything but centaurus (or that has more than 2 legs)

>Viewing on a 1080p display.
>viewing through 1080p Encoded video on youtube
>viewing through 1080p 30fps encoded stream
>Viewing a Marketing press release designed to sell product.

now you get no legs lmao have fun fucking a slug nerd

Except the game clearly looks better and in pc you can deactivate all those effects if you wish so.

Why do PS shills type like teenage girls? Can't you get work in a coffee shop?

I want again

shieeeet I've been looking at graphics the wrong way then.

2nd post best post


>guild wars 2

Almost got me

stop cheating fag

>antialiasing isn't 4k
well, you're not wrong...

>He fell for 4k meme

Imagine a game with that graphics featuring old Lara.

What is a lesser succubus?

Nice bait.

I only wanted cow tits

The only difference I notice is brightness.


Rollerino give me 97

roll not spam