Game devs amirite?

Game devs amirite?

>no females

Are they implying gaming is a boy's club?

Did you just assume their gender?


>Schafer and Molyneux
no thanks


Female Game Developer

They should add Inafune while they're at it

Honestly doesn't look that bad here. Not really pretty, but not as dumbfounded as the usual shit that gets posted.

Jesus dude, it looks fucking awful.

>Schafer taking center stage

y tho

The whole cast should be portrayed as villains, liars, scam artists or hacks. The only decent one is Kojima

Who's the guy on the left?

Kojima didn't even finish his last game. Just as bad as the rest.

Cliff Bleszinski

Cliffs b from gears

>game dev

>Any of those developers even relevant any more.

Yes even Kojima

But Miyamoto just announced a new game exclusively first for the Apple iPhone!

Fucking stupid.

>that crowd reaction from E3 2016 with him coming on stage

yeah, nah
kojima's shackles are finally broken, he's more relevant than ever

I'd actually like this if it was done by people who actually seem like they know what they're doing instead of some indie team trying to cash on people bigger than them.

There's no way this would even reach its goal if it didn't feature popular game developers. They didn't show anything interesting with the gameplay and the backgrounds clash with the character sprites.


>No based Todd (The Bod) Howard


>no Kamiya
>no Notch
>Mr. Shitface is center-stage
>Some literal who that looks like a Steve Jobs wannabe
It's shit fampai


>literal who
>Not recognising Peter "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING" Molyneux

Surely they were chosen ironically.
The biggest hacks in the industry?
This is a joke right?

>that illustration
Looks like something I drew in 2nd grade, right down to the goofy proportions and shitty teeth

>gaben without the beard
when was the last time he did vidya things anyway?

>no phil fish

Reminder that Cliffy B donated $10,000 to Feminist Frequency and is now developing a F2P tf2 clone for Nexon

Everything else aside, I like the idea of a co-op game where each player is playing a different style of game. In a different setting, it could be 3 players each playing a beat-em up, a adventure game, or a platformer

literally who

It looks like some fucked up alien trying to read the minds of innocent nearby humans.

that's just a part time job until his musical social critic career takes off

Inb4 C&D from multiple sources


He don't make games. He just tries to get his feelings hurt online now. Probably uses his own tears for lubricant.

Canadian Hideki Kamiya

If they did, it would have Todd Howard, Phil Fish and Brianna Wu as playables.

who's the guy on the left

He's the "exit to desktop" icon

he was once

"Cliffy B", the Gears of War guy

Cliff Bazinga

This looks incredibly lame


Cosmo was a mistake

why the fuck is he there

i can understand schafer because he used to make non shit things

Carmack should replace him, he used to be relevant

>Biff Klozinski

>Developer cart-before-the-horse mentality metahumor
>lol Zombie shit

I know now why people kill.

Carmack hasn't been relevant since the 90's, user.
I'm sorry...

Yea buy fucking gears of war?

if you want shootan put some fuck from bungie or something, not some relatively who

>trying to develop game
>this is who you'll be compared with
>if you ever even succeed
Why am I doing this to myself?

yea but*

>nu male game "devs" enter the cemetary
>the "troll" lives there
>cliff (((bleszinski))) uses his le epic chainsaw gun of toxic masculinity to drop the ban bomb on the mean cyber bully internet troll who cannot be ignored he's just, ugh, such a DICK!!!

Hmm, wonder what they meant by this? Really made me think...

I can't think of a single Bungie-dev tbqh senpai.
I remember Cliffy Bazinga.

That said, GoW and Halo are both complete trash.
Try playing a real game someday, user.

This is the most masturbatory and self indulgent thing I've seen in the media in a while, and we're talking about videogames so thats saying something

>That said, GoW and Halo are both complete trash.
>Try playing a real game someday, user.
My post was explicitly shitting on both games, as they're both garbage.


Almost seems as though this whole "game" is just an outsourced project from these "devs".
I supposed they tricked naive Kojima to join them by mumbling in fast-paced English, to which he just nodded and smiled in response.

>the consumer is the ennemy

I agree that videogames need to grow up, but not in the way these people mean

>kojima's shackles are finally broken
Kojimbo = Icaro
Konami = Tower
Sony = Wax wings

I can't fathom how your post could be interpreted as shitting on Bungie, m8.

That said, I'm relieved.
A couple of years ago Sup Forums got completely infested with Halo/GoW children.

shootan is generally a derogatory term and "some fuck from bungie or something" isn't exactly praise

but i can see the confusion

I gotta say. I dig the art style.

but the game itself

What's supposed to be the sun in this scenario

What is Quake? UT? FEAR? Painkiller? Etc.???

tripfags of game dev.

Eh, I assumed the context would explain so but I guess I was wrong.

OPs pic looks like something from Despicable Me

add Todd and Sean Murray and i will back it

>Every single dev in the pic became hacks

Say what you will about the series being waifu bait trash, Neptunia does the whole "Video Game personification" scenario better than this trash looks like it tries to do. Why do they try to show the developers as "heroes" when all they're all scum, I bet they won't even talk about Cliff B being a gigantic tool or Shiggy being a huge PreMadonna or anything about how fucking stupid the Fable debacle was.

This is a huge gay loveletter to a bunch of liars and cheats who probably don't even give a fuck about anyone who plays their games as long as they get that paycheck in the mail.


>Cliffy B
>literally who

man your age is showing. You were clearly born in like 1997 or some shit

Neptunia does a lot of things really well.

How did they manage to bring all the cancerous ones in a single picture?

Not even indie game: the movie managed this and goddamn, did they try.

So this is pretty much US GAMERS, HUH?: the video game.

The percentage of female game developers has really gone up over the last couple of years, after several male developers started calling themselves female.

Guess it takes a man to be a real woman.

that girl is

I lasted 21 seconds of that video
As soon as I heard the Saturday morning cartoon "GAME DEVELOPERS!"
Fucking cringe to the 12th power

>Cliff Bazinga & Tim "3,3 millions" Schaffer

Bleszinki is a Polish name. Not Jewish.

That's american education for you

Guy who made Jazz Jackrabbit.

Do you think he became a woman because he was mental broken from having a small dick or women rejecting him for sex?

It was probably easier for him to have sex as a tranny. Some fag would be into pozzing his neghole

Neptunia is 90% memes without context though. If some western dev made a literal copy of Neptunia but without the cute girls you would shit on it all day.

>Biff Klozinski
>Not Cliff Blobonski

>guy who was the ideaguy for Jazz Jackrabbit

I hope this crash and burns hard.

Will any of these devs sue?

The age of nu-male gaming is upon us.

Can't be worse than New Game.

Neptunia does memes because they're appropriate. It's about video game companies and the internet.