Pirating indie games

>pirating indie games

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Yes, I do that.
Fight me.

No, you are simply not worth it youngin

>Giving money to for-profit companies as charity

>giving some pretentious liberal arts student money for his "artistic vision" shit with no gameplay

>Wanting to even see some pretentious liberal arts student's "artistic vision" shit with no gameplay

Why even pirate it?

>playing indie games

>tfw i wait for indie games to go on sale before i purchase

I might as well just steal.

>literally donating 5-20 steam dolors for a shit show that will have less than paid dollar amount of game hours

>Not pirating shit like Undertale

>Changing your name after a mid-life crisis

>Not pirating shit
would have been sufficient


>buying newgrounds tier games for 20$

I'd say indies are even worse than AAA these days.

most (like 95%) of them atleast

Some of these games are just flash tier shit you'd play for free years ago.
Not even worth a pirate.

Neither are the games he pirates, apparently.


>pirate an indie game
>muffled thai music plays

>tfw you want to support the creator
>tfw indy games are as easy to pirate as fucking GOG games

>indie game
>10 million dollars budget
>it even uses denuvo

Blame the devs for charging too much for their games. Just look at Nuclear Throne. I could but 3 superior games with the same amount of money

You couldn't pay ME enough to play garbage like Fez or Rev60.

That game almost killed my big fat daddy Brote, I'll never forgive Brianna wu for that.

I actually missed most of the stream but I heard what happened. I know you lurk here, Sean. You're more than just a big fat baby to me, man, I listened to your streams when I was going through some tough times. I love you dude, please be careful.

>Not paying for Kero Blaster

Fez isn't even a bad game senpai

>small game does bad, big game does bad, >50 people get hurt

it's morally unacceptable to pirate expensive games. pirate a bunch of indie games so you can afford expensive games.

Nope, it isn't. It's just fucking pretentious, like every second indie game that comes out

thai kikku

>marrying with a retard

>eating shit because its free

this game's 5 bucks on humble bundle right now


>paying 60€ for No Man's Scam

>Making the same thread every week with the same .jpg every single time without fail

Yeah. If it's early access or has red flags I'm going to pirate it first. As a result I've bought every game that delivered what it promised.

>Big AAA game doesn't mean expectations
>Some corporate executives shrug it off and cancel the sequel

>Small indie game barley makes a couple thousand copies.
>Can't pay the rent on the studio.
>Developers literally become homeless

Jeeez you're doing them a favor.

>Pirating GOTY 2015

this x 99999

Indie games have always sucked

This is like the least expressive face I've ever seen

What emotion is this supposed to be conveying

>indie game
>charging low-end AA price
You're god damned right I pirate indie games. Way to many 5 or 10 dollar games with 15 to 20 price tags to not do so.