Iceberg thread. How low are you?
Iceberg thread. How low are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Amnesia in "That weird guy"
Stopped reading there, neck yourself bitchass casual
Funny pizza land?
No need to have an autistic fit. I didn't make the picture.
level 1 on the surface
level 4 when I have privacy
A platformer game. Kind of weird. Was pretty obscure before some guy bought it and put a download link here. Then a youtuber found it and it all went downhill.
Posting the only true iceberg.
Did anyone go into I checked it and there are a lot less worlds that i was told.
>Joust that deep
where would Joust 2 be?
Sorry, I can't make out anything from that postage stamp you uploaded.
Same category, i guess. These aren't perfect.
The serial killer simulators should be in top. It's normie-tier shit.
>mfw I always have at least 2 copies of bad rats to gift in case of emergencies
>hardcore gamer
am i being memed
is this what being memed feels like
What a fucking piece of garbage
For a shitty government project which was looking at using video games to help train soldiers. Anyone whose been in the military recently has done this.
Where do you place?
nowhere, because i'm not an ant and don't fit in in your microscopic picture
According to this vague piece of shit the 3 niche/actual hardcore ones. I
>'funny pizza land'
>haha, must be some kind of joke.
>google it
Jesus christ.
Where does the iceberg fall on here though?
Holy shit. This pleb taste.
Half of the games in hardcore gamer are played by dudebros and mainstream fans they belong in level 2.
I unironically know a guy in the last category. He posts stuff, and replies to himself through 7 different vpn proxies, I shit you not.
>hardcore exactly describes me
>have a fucking unique taste
>cannot desire any game anymore
it's hell.
Music sucks.
Kill yourself
Stop posting the wrong version
I unironically enjoy biogenesis enough to let a simulation run for a few hours but recently i got bored of it because i found that sooner or later the simulation would reach a state of equilibrium before collapsing and repeating itself.
Anyone got a similar game?
Panzer General is fuggin great.
You could make a world in dwarf fortress and see the progress in legend mode. I'm pretty sure there is something else i'm forgetting too.
Already did that, i used an external tool to have a better view of the history and map. It's not as amazing as it sound because it's mostly battle and peoples getting fucked by night creatures.
>no sara
>no leslie parrish
>no symbol
No nuage, dr love or christine either. These aren't encyclopedias.
Iceberg thread?
>no niko
do you even begin the prayer to play NIGHT OF FIRE?
post your favorite games user.
>playing HellMOO
>mfw going past 310k XP
Why are 90% of the "ebin sekret" games at the bottoms of these things just fucking terrible? Like I get the ones that are spooky or mysterious like world #21 but most of the rest are just legitimately awful
>no MUDs
>The server gets reset soon after.
Why is DCS on level4? DCS world has some great modules, A-10C, flaming cliffs 3 and some great helicopter stuff also. Its incredibly exciting and relaxing when theres no action going on.
Fuck you senpai.
They are either just plain awful which is why they are obscure or appeal to a very specific niche.
The bottom is mostly a joke. Deepmatrix is like but probably deader. Funny pizza land is just a platformer game. Flatland rover is a shitty app that i could never get to work that changes your browser. Goverment-only simulators is army simulators and stuff like that. Hard to get but nothing scary. The wired isn't even a game, it's a website. Polybius never existed. And lost media could be any lost game. Most of them are like any other, just lost.
>invest millions and lots of time in a custom home
>server gets wiped
>"yeah you'll have to buy it again in an auction"
>auctions never
>Finally get invited to a corporation
>Few members active, but at least there are people and they connect frequently.
>Dead in two weeks.
>Sup Forums still being retarded and putting Halo as if it was still popular with dudebros/casuals
Swap Halo and Dark souls. Or just move dark souls up and fuse halo into arena FPS since that's what it is anyways
This one is even more retardedly out of date. Litterally half of the stuff in tier 2 should be in tier 1, and a good 3-4 things in tier 1 should be in tier 2
>you get new players that are enthusiastic about learning to play
>someone tells them to grind their skills
>they grind worthless shit for a week instead of getting XP, get burned out and quit
>mfw someone hires JohnHanford
>mfw another newbie friendly corp implodes and goes carebear
>it's an "admin shows that they have no game knowledge" episode
Overall the game is a solid 9/10 still.
>oneshot isn't here
>reporting yourself
will never fail to make me kek
>tfw watched the original funny pizza land stream
what a time,i love Sup Forums streams
The fuck is Funny Pizza Land
Fuck off jew
Deepest I get is 4 thanks to Marathon, Dorf Fort and Pathologic
Does anyone attempt to decipher the Voynich manuscript still?
I've technically played on "government-only simulators", what do I win
otehrwise I top out at Lv4 for CDDA, Bad Rats, oldschool Game Maker (i figure its the same as using rpgmaker and playing old rpgmaker games) and Marathon. I also toyed around not with DCS but with some other flight sim I forget which. It's made by the same people though, it's just not A-10 specific
text adventures are casual
It's very hard to play and quite boring for people who aren't flight enthusiasts.
>becoming a meme
did this
>jaded outcast
I still remember how fucking everyone and their mother played Stalker and it was hated as CoD-tier game in Russia.
Truly most fabulous of all states
STALKER is CoD tier even in the west
I got my copy at Future Shop, it's not some obscure title you have to go really digging to find. every store carried it and it wasn't any more obscure than, say, Ghost Recon or whatever
in fact, I've probably seen more copies of STALKER than I've seen of actual western AAA releases that just didn't have much fanfare like The Saboteur or Operation Flashpoint or even the GRAW games
Todd is that you?
I'm trying to find out what The Wired is.
Is it supposed to be just a weird website with some music?
>Scrimmy Bingus
Pff. Pleb. Bartleby's Lumpkin is where it's at.
It's Serial Experiments Lain game.
>tfw Irredeemable
Where did it all go so wrong, bros?
pleb taste, kill urself
Level 1
Present day. Present time.
Enjoyed Starsector, C:DDA and DF in all its ASCII glory
That's all the biggest pile of shit for people that have a lot of time in their heads and nothing much else in the head to believe.
>aestethics 60%
>Deus Ex on that list
what's wrong with funny pizza land?
>you are only kewl kid like me if you like kewl games I like, buster ;^)
this image is definition of faggotry. It's tumblr level of delusions and subjectivness
the one to rule them all
>The wired isn't even a game, it's a website.
>merely degenerate
coprophagia here
mobile phone resolution gj
I stopped googling a bunch of shit most of the way down so I may have missed a few. Feels bad man, i'm pretty casual.
list is missing serious memeing study, meme as a form of art, catalogation and history of memes, meme thesis and meme forecast.
there are serial killer simulators?
>Farrah Abraham
Is there anything more depressing than a pop artist/song/album that didn't get popular?
Conways game of life that deep?
That's something that every math student comes into contact with.
>government projects
So whoever America's Army is a phophet?
>math students
>normal people
>whoever played
Sometimes I hate myself
They're like programmers only less autistic.
Level X I guess... Playing Human Resource Machine and loving it!