Are there any games where you can be penalized for playing too well?

Are there any games where you can be penalized for playing too well?

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God Hand.

Mario Kart

Racing games with rubber banding
Specifically when they rubberband at the endof a race and make it impossible to win.

The game of life.

Online multiplayers in general, mods of community/private servers will ban you just for looking at them funny

Arcen games has a running mechanic where the more you do the harder it becomes.

For instance in a valley without wind if you kill a certain type of enemy enough times they are replaced with a stronger faster version of that enemy. If you do a particular type of mission too many times for loot then that mission type gets harder.

Also from Arcen, AI Wars Fleet Command the more you do the more the AI progress goes up and that determins how powerful they are. If you go on a rampage and take every planet then the enemy can become so powerful you cant possibly hope to win. So you have to do the minimum and strategicly take planets.

>rubber banding

Is there anybody who likes rubber banding? It's like the escort mission of racing.

also eternal darkness (apparently the game is only fun if you're retarded)


That sounds less of you getting fucked for playing too well and getting fucked for playing too aggressively/brashly.

League of legends, the better you play the worse team mates you'll have next game.

Black Ops II, weirdly enough.
You have to fuck up an objective so you can do another mission that gets you a camo for your weapons. If you just try to do it in mission select afterwards, you will not get the camo.

There's also an achievement for fucking up the objective and then NOT doing the mission to fix your fuck up.

Overwatch because of the forced 50-50 win rate


that is such bullshit its laughable

Final Fantasy 2, kind of. If you do well you won't raise your defense or HP as much because you can only boost those by taking heavy damage. By steamrolling the game it makes you all the more vulnerable to one or two shot deaths later on.

Never played it, explain

Path of Exile, find a working strategy and you'll be sure to find it nerfed within a couple of weeks.

The longer you go without getting hit, the higher a level youll reach, and all leveling up does is make the enemies stronger. You lose the levels when you get hit a bunch though.

oh i see

Dota2's 'comeback' mechanics literally punishes teams for playing well.





Are there any games where you can fuck your daughter?

forced 50% means whenever there is a 'mmr difference matchup' and you have a better w/l, you get the team least deserving of their rank.

Glad I haven't touched mobas in years

I like this. Puts more pressure on the winning side and means it wont always be a one sided stomp. Besides if they managed to kill you with all the advantage you had they deserve it.

what is this picture saying?


Resident evil 4 gets harder the better you do, and easier the worse you do

The Last Remnant

Arcade shmups have rank systems that up the difficulty significantly if you don't die or power up too much. Gradius and Battle Garegga come to mind. Managing said rank is part of playing well though. Also Aces Wild is a great modern example.

Can't believe no one has mentioned Zanac, pretty much the father of this concept.

The better you do (not losing lives, dodging ships, or even just spamming your fire button), the harder the enemies get, the more they come, and the more complex their patterns become. One of the most in advanced games, and so far ahead of its time.

Tomb of the Necrodancer takes a giant shit on you when you start doing good, and sometimes it'll even do it when you're doing terrible

>pR0 killaz clans s3rv3r [120 tick] (NO NOOBS!!)
>you have been kicked (kdr>=3.00)

Tortanic. Playing the auction house or grinding for materials would get you banned.

Heroes of the Storm's forced 50% quick match winrate. Ranked is fine for the most part, but QM matches you with literal retards when you win too many games. It matches high skill level teams against you and puts you in a team with total shitlords. Sometimes with people who arent even max level.

>losing your rhythm and fucking up = the game is out to get you
Crypt of the Necrodancer doesn't have a dynamic difficulty system, and that's what takes it down so much in the later levels. Get heavy armour and a decent weapon before Zone 3 and the game is a bore because it's so easy

touhou 6 has a mechanic that increases the speed and density of bullets corresponding to how long you've been alive, only resetting when you die (or clear the level, i think?)

overwatch does that too, makes soloqueue ranked a nightmare

Literally any large-budget game that has a currency/upgrade system since 2001 will have "adaptive difficulty", which is what you're pantspissing about

DOTA 2. Forced 50 xd

How forced 50% is supposed to work:

>wow, you're on a roll, lets put you aganist even better enemies to test your skill

How it actually works:

>here, lets play a couple games with literal 12 year olds on your team and see if you can carry them

I've made it to the stage 4 boss room around 40 times and only one time did I have to fight any enemies the second I got in there. There's no way it could be coincidence that I had to fight two dragons, an ogre and a horse and that it happened the very playthrough where I was best situated for the boss

Re4, kinda, if you're doing well (0 deaths and high accuracy) more enemies will be spawned.
It's marginally ok with friends (1 v 1 MK + bots is good for a laugh) but solo it makes you want to break the console

I wouldn't be surprised at all. In CS:GO, it can be extremely frustrating to play because you have no idea if you're going to have a decent team or not.
Sometimes you play five games where you win less than 8 rounds.
And sometimes you start to feel bad for your opponents because you've been winning all day and getting good teams.

The way it's so unpredictable is what makes it stressful. It's not like "oh well the next game will probably be good" because no, there is no whatsoever system to help that happen, it's just pure chance.

Valkyrie Profile. If you do your job too well, you won't get the best route/ending because the enemy forces are getting their shit kicked in too much to be any threat to your sides' forces and the interesting plot points don't happen as a result. Annoyed the hell out of me back then.

People who keep winning should be elevated in rank, not scaled back.

yo i just realized this was the original nba street

derp nba jam

i shall fling myself from a bridge

NBA Hangtime was noice too

Max character levels out in FFVII? The final boss gets large amounts of more health on an average for this. Use Knights of the Round on the forms leading up to the final boss? A metric fuckton of more health. And yet you can just spam KotR and other setups to utterly decimate him anyway, it'll just take longer.

FFVIII literally scales every encounter to your level, even boss fights, to the point of getting tens of thousands of HP while your own stats barely increased at all; grinding EXP like any other RPG is more of a risk and can exponentially backfire on you in the long term. And using Cards and the Junction system cleverly can allow you to avoid most EXP and basically steamroll the game. It's easier to low-level run this fucking game.

Also, SiN Emergence. The whole game touted a dynamic difficulty system, but in reality it scaled you on how 'fast' you went across invisible checkpoints. Playing too well by clearing encounters quickly would start making enemies more obnoxious and deadly. And the original release had a bugged test checkpoint left in the game that would basically max this out with no warning in the middle of an ongoing battle. They fixed it but it's still not exactly balanced.

RE4 actually goes deeper than that. Do well, take little damage and have good accuracy, enemies are harder to flinch, have more numbers, and attack more aggressively. Supplies also dwindle in worth to the point of disappearing if the game thinks you're too good for some. Take hits and fuck up, or die and reload, and the enemies ease up and items become more plentiful.

>no Destiny

Another game that killed an alright multiplayer mode with a forced 50% WLR.

What is this, an incest chart?

I thought it was a shipping chart too

Can confirm. I've had multiple win streaks of 10-20 games in which I legitimately played well and every time, without fail, at some point the game decides that's enough, you've had your fun. And then it starts. All lanes feed, afks litteraly game after game, consecutive games with trolls. It's an absolute nightmare. And it goes on and on, and in a best case scenario it stops right where you started your climbing spree, but it rarely does. The worst part is that, after that climb you have a really high elo and you get matched up against players of that elo, sometimed even getting people 4-5 divisions above me, but my team is 2-3 divisions below me.
I regret quitting this late. At least I never bought anything from them.

>sometimed even getting people 4-5 divisions above me

I wouldnt even mind that if the game just went "oh, you think you're hot shit, meet some real bad motherfuckers" because the elo gain would be proportional if you do manage to win.


Perform too well and you will push the creeps towards enemy tower.

That's not performing well, you butt.

I don't either. It is actually enjoyable seeing how they play, learning from them. But what's the point if my team can't keep up.


More like perform too well and you end up queuing to 6k MMR players

Metal Gear Solid V. Game force you to change the style of play by adding new stuff to the enemies which protecting them against your most commonly used tricks.

What's with that image, OP? I was hoping this would be a wincest thread. Man, how disappointing..

Wanna salvage this thread? What's some games with wincest themes?

Any game that let's players host their own multiplayer servers because it's always mentioned in green text threads, such as the following classic...

Sims 2 with sex and teen/adult romance mods

Crash Bash

The AI actively scales to your skill level, even mid-match.

I fapped to this so much..
>you will never be a young adult living with your 16yo cousin who is madly in love with you and tries to seduce you with her ever developing body
Feels sad man but uuarggh
Hnnnggg, writing this, I need to change my pants

>they keep charging you if you're banned

I refuse to believe this, even with bioware and EA as bad as they are.


no need to be so toxic


You can carry 1v5 and should be able to if you're as good as you say you are.

Push lanes while your team is busy TDM, take objectives.

>You can carry 1v5 and should be able to if you're as good as you say you are.

People who talk like this do not understand the nature of a moba.

You haven't heard the story of the removed unsubscribe button and banning the guy who made a guide to do it without the button?

Not to mention the junction system was basically broken if you knew what you were doing.

If you're doing your job well as a jungler, you can be 3 - 5 levels ahead of everyone 20 - 25 minutes in.

Re4 has that hidden mechanics that makes enemies better or worse depending on how you play.
But it's like God hand. Not really punishing as if you're skillful you may enjoy a slighty harder challenge, and if you're bad game will be slighty easier

Battlefield. Still plenty of servers that autoban you if your kdr is above 1.2.

I miss NFLBlitz. I'm not even a sportsfag but NFL and NHL games on the PS2 were my jam growing up.

finally someone who gets it

Just because you watch trick2g religiously doesn't mean you know the game.
There have to be very specific conditions in place for you to carry purely by splitpushing alone.
There's nothing special in winning in silver with splitpushing, silver doesn't even have a minimap. It gets unlocked in high gold/low plat.

Its about traits and recessive genes and how they can move within the family and skip generations.

The son got his mothers hair and the daughter got the fathers hair. Neither of the kids got their dads bad eye sight.

>dad and mom


Other than 90% of VNs?

Baldur's Gate 2 with the Imoen romance mod

Its real. They even removed the unsubscribe button a month after release right as it was about time to charge everyone. Then some guy posted a simple guide on how to get there and they banned the FUCK out of them.

They want you to go through your credit card and dispute it and are banking on the fact people dont want to do that.

Any game with dedicated server with autistic admin.

>dedicated server
good joke user

Sucks to be them

No it doesn't. At least not on the GCN version. Or do you mean the drops relating to the ammo you have?

Getting kicked from a server because people suspect youre cheating

Smash Bros Brawl

Mario Kart

Any game where team mate bots become progressively retarded the better you play.

Older games used to do this a lot as substitute for challenging AI. Rainbow Six comes to mind with enemies who can legit headshot you with their machine pistols from across the map, and trained SEALS who panic and blindly run into rooms without shooting the people right in front of them.

This is ideally how ELO works.

ELO in Forged Alliance Forever (Not a MOBA, but bear with me) works exactly like that. Sometimes you get paired up against the best of the best just because your win rate matches theirs for a short time.

>Do the thing that the in-game market was intended to be used for
>Get banned

>Find a container with high-level gear in it
>Get banned

I refuse to believe this happened. This has to be a singular case of a GM going full retard at someone looting a chest.

The only ones that outright come to mind are lords of the fallen and demons souls.

Lords of the fallen has a combo system in place that rewards you for not "bonfiring" however without resting you'll probably get cheesed at some point causing you to lose all your "souls" far away.

In demon's souls your world tendency will go black if you don't go back to the nexus which will make the monsters harder, significantly boost their drop rates and give you black world only events and spawns which destroy most people.

have fun doing that while your retarded team feeds and the enemy team is coordinating ganks

>just solo 5 guys by yourself :^)

TLR didn't penalise you for playing well, it penalised you for grinding trash mobs.

ELO isn't win rate, you moron.

With a proper ELO system you never get a top rating when playing vs noobs, even if you have a 100% win rate.

Mario Party. You will be penalized by losing all of your friends if you beat them too hard.

Also this. Stupid fucking AI autospeedboost whenever you're in first.

Most 3D sanic games give you a Rank B if you speedrun the fuck out of the level.

Win one round of Splatoon and the game will pair you up with Japanese aimbots from the future and South American zombies that will kill you 15 seconds after they die.

In Unreal Tournament 3, the bot difficulty in the campaign at least scales on multiple factors. The final boss gets a bonus multiplier and happens to favor a hitscan weapon.

Excerpt from GameFAQs

>Because of this, even on Casual playing against Akasha means you will be
fighting a Masterful bot after about 13 kills. On Normal she starts off as a
Masterful bot and is Godlike after 13 kills. This is an incredible jump in
difficulty considering the entire rest of the campaign you will be fighting
Average-Skilled bots so keep that in mind when you begin.

The previous UT games might do something similar as well.

>Fucked up and didn't greentext the entire thing

Welp, forgot the old guides were incredibly anal about word wrapping.