Guy insta picks Hanzo

>guy insta picks Hanzo

Why isn't there a kick function?

It's a casual "fun" shooter. Kick is toxic. :^)

Why is there a competitive mode then?

People like you would just exploit it. Having dealt with Blizzard fans in WoW in the past, I don't trust you people with one.

He shoots logs now, why wouldn't people pick him this update

So you can feel like a big boy

I can't fucking play Overwatch alone
>forced to play support match after match because no one else will
>no one plays the objective
>team with 3 snipers when we're on attack
>teams where 3 people are the same character
>Mei Ice Walls at the worst fucking times

Posts like this are why I play Honzo.

>play against 4 hanzos after the buff
>Go Winston as it seems like a good idea
>They have a roadhog and mercy so winston can't do shit

is there some reason so many games don't have healers now? it's like a fucking epidemic

>hanzo is never valuable
But it would be cool if, in comp matches, you could vote on 2 champs that can't be picked or something like that at the beginning of each round

Because playing Healer isn't fun

because the team mates keep dying even with healers. so you end up having to switch to an offensive character just to help the team.

seriously nobody respects the healer or protects them.

>group up with me
means nothing to some people.

>Everyone just silently agrees to vote out Hanzo and Widow every match

>Kid picks hanzo to be like his hero Seagull
>Never sonic arrows, always misses scatter, stands completely still while aiming
Why is Hanzo such a shitter magnet? He has the highest skill floor in the game apparently cause only people really gud can get anything out of him.

I'd take a Hanzo over say a Widowmaker or Pharah. Hanzo is actually good if the player is even somewhat competent.

I don't think most people read the patch notes where they buffed hanzo back to being a bullshit log-shooting mid range cannon.

How good is D.Va generally? I always seem to do my best with her but I'm not sure if I just got gud or if I'm using an objectively good character.

It's because being a healslut earns a shitty amount of comp points.

>TFW play on PC with a controller
do pretty fucking good and win game and get gold.

I played with kbam setup too but I'm inching my way through it. just using snipers so I can get used to the controls.

shes great actually.

>for the longest time stay blind to the joys of Zarya, can't play her for shit
>suddenly enlightenment
>DPS out the ass for days
>that Rein charging shit? Not on my watch you german cuck
>shield a fuckton of friendly ults
>OГOHЬ ПO ГOTOBHOCTИ netting me and team potgs

Bмecтe мы - cилa!

stop playing casual, problem solved

She's pretty good in my opinion. Although, tier lists might say she's bad or not the greatest. I may not have many games played so far as her in season 2, but it's looking good so far. 2560 sr by the way.

>implying that playing comp changes the terrible team matchmaking

At least you won't get 3 people picking genji or some shit

Any tips for Zarya? She and Winston are pretty much the only characters at this point that I'm seriously bad with. I'm atleast somewhat OK with the rest of the cast.

Because it's a game for us casuals. Nobody wants you raging mongoloids who cry over a casual fps for normies, nuke kicking somebody "just becuz".

Deal with it you little bitch, or fuck off back to your conga lines.

I had a game yesterday where it was 2 3-people premades against 6 solos.

Don't go on frontlines, shield niggas who do, grenade enemies from afar, if you're with team, step up on the frontline and soak up some damage with your own bubble, then retreat and resume grenading
Melt dumb DVas who think their defence matrices can save them from your thick russian primary beam
Bubble people out of blizzards

It doesn't change the fact that you deal with the same angry faggots in comp that will hold your ELO hostage if you don't suck their e-penis.

Just get gud with the shield timing. You have to time it for when projectiles are flying at you/teammates ideally. Put it on people in front of the group or stand in front if you shield yourself, the shield bubble is pretty big, especially on tanks.

Don't be too ballsy though, without your shield you are the squishiest tank with 0 movement abilities. When not shielding stay behind a rein shield or near cover and spam grenades as you power up. Max laser is pure awesome though.

went diamond solo, those are exceptions and not rules

Sounds good. Does charge affect the grenades too or is it only for laser?

Are you retarded? They decreased the size by 33% so it's even smaller than before.

Turn your friendly health bars on "you taking damage? Bubble for you" also saving healers is important. And as for winston i just have fun with him and try to pick off stragglers

So Sup Forums, what are your ranks? 3810 here.

Very much so, 100% zarya is an absolute beast and melts teams.

It affects grenades

They decreased the size from the logs, not from the previous realistic size projectiles

Pretty sure grenade gets a splash damage increase but honestly the best thing about maximum charge is how the lazers sound

Just google it. Blizzard said plenty of times they want this game to have as little salt as possible so things like vote kick are never gonna happen. Besides there's no substitute function like quick play so even a next to useless player is better than no player.

It's 33% smaller from his ORIGINAL arrow size. They reverted the gamewide projectile hitbox nerf from 2 patches ago.

Please read the fucking patch notes before you try to talk out your ass.

She has good synergy with Reinhardt, blocking an enemy Rein's fire strike or Symmetra's slow-as-fuck energy ball. She can also completely shut down Pharah and Roadhog's ults, whereas Rein's shield will be torn to shreds in the first second.

Are you still like lvl 20? After 50-70 i have not seen any of that, maybe Mei walls sometimes. And play comp

You are exactly why every piece of trash cancer faggot picks hanzo


and that's why I've gone up nearly to master, because you all fell for the meme


>tfw still no Bastion buff

>get into a game vs 5 premade lvl 50 prestiges using a meta
>get absolutely rekt repeatedly in Volskaya factory by a Bastion
>random teammates are 15-50
>one Hanzo on attack
>one widow on the ground
>no one flanking
Fuck everything. I have never felt so much salt in my life

I just can't slog through this shit to get there anons. My friends convinced me to buy this game and then stopped playing so I've had to get through this alone it's been a nightmare.

>you want at least 30-50 energy before attacking

>shield allies before they take damage

>let allies know if you want them to go in

>self shield to initiate ONLY if you are pocketed or in emergencies


Your ally shield recharges faster than your self shield so it's more efficient to use allies to buff your DPS

Your HP is 50% shields so save medkits for your allies

Your ultimate charges slowly so save it for when a teammate can follow up e.g. Dragonstrike.

>10 tick

People who play ranked need to learn how to git gud with all the important heroes so they aren't fucking useless and can't fill spots.

>Mei Ice Walls at the worst fucking times

I play Mei a lot and ice walls are often judgement calls, locking one team mate out can block a 6 man charge that's about to happen, they die and get pissed off but don't know you just saved the point.

For example I once had an enemy roadhog pop his ult in this small room on Hanamura, our Mercy was in there with. I made a judgement call and did this....

>webm related

I can still hear the awful screams

I was in a 3 man premade with another 3 man premade on my team against 6 solos yesterday.

That shit isn't even fun.

She's kinda squishy but she's effectively immune to one good hit every 12 or so seconds. Plus she regens if she gets out of combat.

I'm at about 2370 or so atm. Got up to 2499 and then ran into about 8 games straight of people so dumb I swear they were griefing.

The worst thing is that it's contagious. You're so busy being pissed at the ana hanzo and widow on Nepal that you forget to check for junkrat traps or something.

Some Zarya got pissed off at me for my walls one game. Probably because I kept walling into their ults and blocking shots.

1. Don't waste Zarya ults when you have no team synergy.

2. Maybe you could have told me you had ult?

competitive is 63 tick on pc now

>playing competitive
>without a dedicated 6 man group

You don't need a kick button if you are truly serious. If you don't have a full team, you aren't serious. If you aren't serious, you are just competitive point batteries for those who are serious.

I pick symmetra on offense

>taking a non competitive game seriously

Those teleports can make or break a game

And yet it still has better hit detection than Cunt Strike: Gay Orgasm

>Decent damage
>No aiming
>can pierce shields
>Tiny hitbox
>slowing traps left everywhere
>can hide a teleporter for a flank attack

I mean it can work

Kick option in this game? Fuck no, thank god there isn't one. You should know how fucking dumb this fanbase is man.

>Play Mei
>Wall off Bastion
>Icicle stationary Torbs who stay with their turret
>Freeze + Headshot Torbs who stray away from their turret
>Our random comp team won even when we don't have a healer

oh i am laffin

If Blizzard had any respect toward making a competitive game they would have not only released with a higher tick than 10 but also release private servers. Which CS GO at least has the god damn common courtesy to do.

>guy installs overwatch

why isnt there a kill function

There was an option to avoid players and it was abused to shit within hours.

>your mom gave birth to you

Why isn't there an abort function?

You misunderstand. I've never hit a shot on my screen and had it not get registered by the server. The worst thing that happens is when the server doesn't know whether you shot a bullet or died before you shot it due to latency and that could arguably be a tick rate problem, but I've not had a single client-side hit not go through. Counter Strike on the other hand...

Mei is the only hero that annoys me regardles of the team she's in.

She's a good character but bad in zarya's meta

Good against heroes that have spammy shit like junkrat and bastion. Gets shit on by almost every tank because they all have a way to bypass dva's defense matrix

That intro would be so much better if young hanzo skin's hair didnt cover so much of his face.

>The top Widowmaker in the game couldn't play at all since so many people chose to avoid them

tough fucking shit for them

if they don't like it they should play someone else

the ignorance is hilarious

Mei isn't bad if your team mate has good wall discipline.

I rarely wall unless I get a queue from the team or when I know I am alone and in trouble.

The rest of Mei's kit makes her formidable anyways. Her freeze does wonders to enemy tanks when both teams go head to head

Except they couldn't, since it's an "avoid this player" function, not "avoid this player when they're Widowmaker"


Im so fucking mad about. I did placement matches on different days. Lost 5 matches, 1 due to a power outage hilariously enough. The other 4 had the same problem with each, people keep trying to solo away and due there own shit. What also pisses me off is when overtime hits (losing side) and clearly either a sniper or an offense player are so close to the objective or payload, keep trying to get kills instead of focusing on the thing called an OBJECTIVE. TIP: play with friends that arent shit.

it's literally the best tick available on an fps with more than 1000 players

That's a really good argument. \

"uhhhh I know CS:GO has some of the worst hit detection outside of Battlefield so I don't really have anything to contribute but a lot of people on Sup Forums seem to like Overwatch which means it's a meme game so I hate it so I'll just call you ignorant even though I know you're right...."

1. He's not even the guy you were arguing with. I am.
2. I don't hate Overwatch but I find it laughable that you actually think its better than anything. It's CoD tier.

>tick gets """"upgraded""""
>still get hooked through walls

>I find it laughable that you think it's better than anything

Weren't we talking about tickrate?

help, why wont anybody play healer or tank now???????????????

I have had 2 round with no healer (i play tank).

And if our dps is shit and im gold elims as tank i know dps is shit so i say ill do dps, can anybody tank. NOBODY will swap to tank.

Is this new?
What happened, this wasnt happening before?

I hate that this was removed. I was avoiding every Hanzofag and enjoying myself. It should come back as "avoid this player on your team" or something.

2950. Please send help I've been in the 2900~ range for fucking twenty matches.

Last time i played a game with Meis we all picked met and constantly ice walled the other teams spawn and locked them inside their own base.

>games made for kids and as a time sink for everyone else
>taking them """""seriously"""""

This is why e-sports are and always will be a joke and why Sup Forums is the worst board by a mile


I don't give a shit about that autist talking about getting full premade teams but all I want is for people on my team to try to win, because I have fun when I try to win, and that fun is enhanced by other people on my team trying to win. At least if we lose with a proper team comp and people trying to get kills/hold the objective etc I know it was because we were outplayed or we were bad. Not because our team had some retarded cunt like you leaking into competitive like pus from an open sore and infecting my game with new and terrible forms of AIDS like bastion on offense

Where did this meme come from? There was no point in time where the game was 10 tick. It was 20 client side and 60 server side. Now it's 60 across the board.

Does this game have custom servers?

You can make custome game but not sure you get exp for that unless you invite 5 more players to play with you.

Overwatch is indeed flooded with trash, it is a console FPS after all. Basically CoD.

That was his first mistake.

I do enjoy Hanzo though because he actually requires skill unlike anybody else, except for the fact that this game has the weirdest hitboxes I've ever seen in any game outside Halo.

You sound like people that kick their teammates for using an auto in CS:GO. It's a part of the game user, let it go.

>playing ranked with real life friends
>one just keeps picking Junkrat, doesn't kill anyone, sends his tire in through the front (gets blown up every time) while dying over and over
>keeps calling out 'HELP!' as if that assists anyone in keeping him alive
>lose four in a row and drop 150 SR playing with this guy

never again. it's QP only with that guy from now on.

you monster

how many games do you have to lose in a row before the system decides you are ranked too high and matches you with absolute shitters to fasttrack you down 300 ranking?

Fuck Dva and her bullshit "Red light, Green light" playstyle

It was designed with PC in mind first actually. The game released on console with PC UI still in it. Not to mention how ass it is to control most heroes on console compared to PC. Good luck playing someone like Lucio without rebinding all of your buttons to something less retarded.