>970 is the most popular PC card
>1070 is on 34th place
>1080 is on 54th
>This is "Master Race"
>good goy now buy that new and shiny 1080 and forget about that old and dusty 970 nobody likes!
>3 4
People upgrade every 2 years.
680/670 > 970/960 > 2070/2080
>AMD that unpopular
Those GPU's are fucking disgusting.
GTX 460 reporting in.
5 years stronk!
To be fair, those cards are still new as fuck and 970 users would have to replace all their components, not just GPU.
>tfw still using GTX 660
Whats wrong with the 970?
>relying on steam
>Integrated graphics hold 4 positions in the top 10
PC gamers everyone
those are some shitty ass cards at the top lol
>and 970 users would have to replace all their components, not just GPU
Why though
The new PS4 has a better GPU than most PC gamers now lol
after encountering the bullshit displayport issue on my 970 i will never buy an nvidia GPU again.
fucking cancer to be unable to turn off your screen or put your computer to sleep without needing to reboot. MSI RMA'd the thing but sent me back another with the same issue and won't upgrade me to a 1060.
no it doesn't
>GTX 970: 3.5 TFLOPS
>PS4 Pro: 4.2 TFLOPS
so once AMD fucks up something you gonna switch to matrox or what?
Marketed as a 4GB card whereas in reality it's 3.5+0.5
i'll keep buying AMD.
fucking unacceptable to have faulty displayport outs.
I have 750ti
>GTX 1080
> 60Hz monitors
Should I get another 1070 or sell it and get a 1080?
>gaming performance
That proves nothing.
>i still use the 840m
>tfw it can actually run BF4 60+fps at mostly high settings
>3.5+0.5 on the first place
Lol so many retards
It's too bad the CPU cripples the PS4, PCucks only saving grace
nvidia cards generally outperform amd cards with similar teraflops
Even if your bullshit was true, still.
>Newest piece of hardware in myps4 is better than last year's piece of hardware in PC! haha! we won again!
>Despite new ps4 not being even out! XDDD
>666MHz RAM
Nice bottleneck, asswipe
And? The RX 480 is 5.8 and it consistently underperforms against the 970.
This, they a dually got sued and there was a huge class action settlement, if you bought a 970 you could have redeemed 20 dollary doos
I got a 970 year ago because it was good enough to handle current gen ports and will continue to do so for another two or three years. Meme all you like about the new console models but games are going to be designed with the older ps4/Xbox in mind for years to come, just like it took years for ps3/360 to stop holding back current gen
The fact that dual support is garunteed and these are "updates" not a new model gen further muddies the water. I won't need a new card until Windows starts pushing its next OS meme probably at which point 1080 will be way down in price
>not 1170/1180
are you missing a chromosome?
>monitors at different resolutions
haha kys
>if you bought a 970 you could have redeemed 20 dollary doos
i don't think that was ever finalized because newegg never sent me any notifications for that. they said it was in the process.
Calm down nvidiashill
>implying it was known instantly
It came out like 3 months after.
Is a 1070 worth the $430 they are charging atm?
>This, they a dually got sued and there was a huge class action settlement, if you bought a 970 you could have redeemed 20 dollary doos
Shit, when did that happen?
t. 970 owner
>bought a 980ti months before it dropped £200
oh well
who 560ti here
Multiply that number by two you fucking retard
Me, but I just ordered a 6gb 1060.
Why so many garbage PC hate threads lately?
I don't know why it says that. It's 1866 ram.
Price+Performance on it was right. The big reveal didn't change the performance numbers. People bitched, but if they bought based on Tom's or Guru's benchmarks, they still got what they thought they were getting.
Sorry mate. I looked up the benchmarks last night while trying to figure out which chipset was being used for the PS4P. It's not 100% across the board, but it's a clear case of TFLOPS being a worthless measure of actual gpu performance.
Shouldn't otherwise be a shock. The 970 is still a more expensive card for a reason.
The 1070 is a goddamn beast. It would depend entirely on what you are upgrading from if it's worthwhile though.
Doesn't matter if you're still tied to the original console.
They already said it'll be locked at 30fps. So all you're doing is paying 400$ for an upscaler; which is something the PS4 should've been able to do in the first place.
I don't understand how they thought this was a good idea.
How is it slowing down progress? the 970 is still a fuckin good card. nobody needs 1440p or 4k. only rich fags do to justice their thousand dollar graphics card which is ironic considering the 750ti still plays most games at medium to high settings at 1080p.
I fucking hate Sup Forums
I'm hoping to upgrade from a 760
Yep, nvidiashill it is.
>tfw the fury X is still shit
>nobody needs 1440p or 4k
speak for yourself, poorfag.
1440p@144hz is the new bare minimum
Are you suggesting your PS4 is more powerful than a 970? Are console babies really this delusional?
No its not. 1080p has only just become mainstream within the last year 2 years thanks to the ps4 and xbox one. it will be years before 1440p let alone 4k become mainstream.
Nice rebuttal man, really great stuff, I can't believe how much you showed him.
>August 2016
Just means people have them.
My i7 probably gets detected for the survey and will show up as an integrated graphics carx, doesn't mean I use it
You still replying, cuck.
well deserved
had AMD gpu for 12 years
never again
Would do as soon as the partner cards start hitting $380. If you're budget conscious at all, the GTX 1060 is also pretty awesome @ $240. The 1060 is doubling the 760's framerates where I can find head to head comparisons.
Whatevs. My other pc still has a 7770 in it because it doesn't get used on anything stressful enough to require more. Right now, the RX 480 is clearly underperforming against the GTX 1060 at a similar price point. If AMD had hit their price point the cards would neck and neck and same price. As it is, the 8gb RX 480 is 20-25% more expensive and ever so slightly slower.
>14 TB harddrive
what the fuck is wrong with you
>Windows 8
My 970 can play most games at max settings 1080p 60fps. Why would I need to upgrade?
I hope there's no NVIDIA workers reading this and thinking "OH BOY LET'S GIMP OUR OLD CARDS"
>tfw a 970 is enough to push twice the power of a PS4 """"""pro""""""
yeah slowing progress amiright
greatness awaits bros !!!!
They already did it
Still stronger than the PS4Pro GPU.
I don't remember them gimping their higher 900 series yet. When did that happen?
>16GB of RAM
>Calling others poorfags
Me, I'm OK with it I guess. Would like a 1070, but whatever.
>tfw GTX 760 still
>had AMD gpu for 12 years
>12 years
>AMD gpu
At least do some research first before you shitposting.
128GB RAM is a minimum requirement for my 8K 144fps Gaming PC at $20000.
Stuff it peasants.
No fury either, people are lazy to do the survey.
I'm suprised there's so many 6xx series cards there.
I have a 780 which was basically the 1080 of it's time and perform
s well even now.
That's a stock 970
A gtx 970 can reach 1500-1550 MHz on the clock from it's stock 1050 with an overclock. Meaning it gets to 5 tflops minimum. In any case, nvidia tflops can't be compared directly to amd's.
So you'd have to compare the 970's competitor the 390 which is 5.1 tflops base. It can be oced to 1150 on average meaning it goes up to 5.9 tflops
Either way both still higher and they aren't limited by a shit cpu. Though AMD's hardware is always better in the end so people should get that instead.
Yeah people should buy AMD to make people who buy AMD feel better about their shit decisions.
Call me when there's a game that requires that much computing power. Last time I checked every dev sucked console cocks and can't do good looking non-exclusive game to save their lives.
Doom looks pretty fucking good though, on my GTX 1070
My 4 and a half year old GTX 670 still produces better graphics and performance than the PS4.
Listen well Sonyggers, your days are numbered. You don't know who I am yet, but when I'm finished, the few of you who survived will live in fear of me for the rest of your short, cholesterol ridden lives. I'm smarter than you, I'm stronger than you, I'm more tactical than you. I honed my brain from a young age on Real Time Strategy games while you rotted your brain on JRPGs. I trained my reflexes and motor skills on Counter-Strike while you button mashed in fighting games. I learned how to influence others with my quick wit and superior intellect by playing the finest crafted CRPGs while you jacked off to Crash Bandicoot's sister. PC gaming has shaped me into a superior human being, and it has done the same for my brethren. You think you can shitpost and shill your Goystation 4 but the PC Master Race has other plans in store. Expect us.
Kek, how will poorfags recover.
PS4 (((Pro))) only does 1440p upscaled to 4k at 30fps for $400.
Cucks can't accept Sony's ripping them off.
Look at all those poorfag cards at the top.
>5 fucking intel discrete graphics cards in the top 15
I'm fucking dying
>mustard race
>what are office PCs
I don't even have digital games, much less steam, my Windows isn't even allowed online! If I had a choice of a game I want that's $5 on steam and $40 in physical box I'd buy the $40 one.
Yes, that's because you're a retard who doesn't respect his money.
give me one (uno) reason to upgrade from a factory overclocked 780 with 4gb ram
protip: glorified tech demos are not an argument
have complaints for my r9 390 desu
New tech is expensive.
I meant no complaints really
1070 sli is better than x1 1080