Three times as powerful as the PS4 Pro (2 tflops)

>three times as powerful as the PS4 Pro (2 tflops)

Looks like Sony lost

>Comes on Holiday 2017
>Sony can do whatever the fuck they want for ONE YEAR
By the time Scorpio launch window comes Xbox may not exist

This. People want their new games as soon as possible.

>Sony and Nintendo aggressively pushing mobile.
>Microsoft giving you the option to chose between console and PC for all their upcoming games
Never thought I'd see Microsoft be the lesser of the 3 evils.

Microsoft & Sega were always the master race

Even despite the aggressive marketing towards console wars, Sega was pretty based in it's prime and so many of their games were comfy.

>between console and PC
more like xbone and win10

PS4 Pro = 4.2 TFLOP
Xbone 1.5 = 6 TFLOP

4.2 / 6 = 0.7
1 - 0.7 = 0.3

The Xbone 1.5 is just 30% more powerful. So the difference is even smaller than PS4 vs Xbone.

>math is hard

6 / 4.2 = 1.42

Such a pleb, its like this.

6 * 4.2 = 25.2

>Sony and Nintendo aggressively pushing mobile.

sony has been in the mobile business for fucking years now.
their Xperia phones are still pretty popular. just not in the US

>Holiday 2017
being so desperate you're announcing vaporware

>Project Scorpio
Is this the 1.5 of Xbox One? Or a new gen system to compete with NX?

Because by the time of its release, a PS5 might come out next year.

>to compete with NX

Sony is royally fucked. they got blindsided by the scorpio announcement. They thought they were the first to jump into the mid gen upgrade but little did they know ms was already ahead of them. im a playstation fanboy but damn if im not hyped for scorpio and to see how microsoft handle it.

But where are the games?

>TFLOPS are a good indicator of how something will perform
t. Tech illiterate gaymers.

Not that I give a shit about your console shitboxes, but you shouldn't talk about things you don't understand.

They already lose. Ps4 has shipped more units. Ps4pro will ship units at Xmas. No one is gonna wait for Scorpio except halo fans.

Normies don't give a shit about specs. They'll be wowed by the marketing buzzwords and ps4 exclusives in upscaled 4k

lol @ the sonycucks who thought the pro would be worth a shit

their worthless existence just got destroyed

So this is how it ends for sony..

Do we actually have any concrete specs published by Microsoft yet? or is it really all random as fuck faggots guessing?

They literally said 6 tflops

I kinda like the MS approach to this stuff. I seriously doubt that I will assemble a gaymen PC ever again because of diminishing returns and overall me being almost 30 casual scum normie with little time for vidya. So a box for 500 bucks or so with all the goodies and supposed next best after 1000k+ youroo PC.

But the main concern is the actual performance. 4k doesn't really mean shit and PSpro conference pushing it like some magic was fucking puke worthy desperate.

Makes me wonder what the fuck Sony is doing then. Saying that, the bone doesn't really have anything worth owning outside of Killer Instinct.

Is this an hilarious new ScorpiCuck meme?

I world be happy if it wasn't worth shit, that way I wouldn't regret buying mine like a year ago.

I think I should sell mine just in case the price drops and maybe but the new one later.

To play what ?

>alas, it has no games


>uncharted 4 twice


The best part is that Halo 5 isn't even exclusive kek.

And nothing else.

Xcucks don't need much to get excited though. It shows with their shit library.

What diminishing returns? There is always a sweet spot of great quality to good price, you just don't sink 600+ on a GPU and matching monitor for all of 4 games that will support its gimmic bullshit is all.

I very much doubt either of these things are getting near where they claim. They've been claiming HD for years now and they still can't pull off 1080 and chug along at less than that. This will be upscale nightmares and slideshows unless they take heavy losses.

And for what? Sony has some exclusives, but a lot of Japanese companies are going PC to float due to market shifts to mobile in Japan. Xbox has so little in that way its sad, at least the original Xbox had hidden gems and great emulation. God damn WiiU is the only thing actually doing 1080 right now with games PC doesn't have and Sup Forums laughs at it for being a bread box.

Consoles are wonderful, but in their quest for power they have become the PC. Giving up their uniqueness, fast loading carts, quirky designs, and original nature for same construction and similar price point to the home computer market.

I collect the damn things and don't think its worth it anymore.

>World of FF

None of these are exclusive.

might as well be

going to sell 2 copies on other platforms