3x3 thread

3x3 thread
yell at and insult other people



6/6 I thought I Have No Mouth was a better video game than a short story, lmao.

3/3 Pathologic is amazing, I'm currently playing it. I really want to play STALKER soon.
4/4 It's been years since I played Gauntlet, it was a blast though.
I see your 3x3 every time I go in one of these. 6/7, Don't like TPP. Need to play Dragon's Dogma, and I'm pretty sure KOTOR 2 would be in my top 10 if I played it. Looks right up my alley.


8/8 Damn senpai, that's some god-tier taste.
>I see your 3x3 every time I go in one of these
I like posting it.

A whole bunch of really bad games.

Bloods cool though.

I didn't mean seeing it was bad. You've got good taste senpai

4/5 E.Y.E. is a little overrated (at least here) imo




I don't understand the 3x3 rating system.

What you liked/what you've played


you mean what you've liked the most in x vs what you've played the most in y and their correlation in the grid?
OR you just stick them in

I love eye but yeah it is probably overrated at this point. If it wasn't so goddamn obtuse it'd probably be the greatest fps of all time

Isn't mister mosquito that game that foot fetishists love?

I have no mouth works really well as a point and click, one of the best video game adaptations

I honestly think that pathologic is the most underrated game of all time. It's so humbling, I love it. Also, if you're into deconstructive fiction you'd like kotor2 since is a deconstruction of both kotor1 and the entire star wars franchise

>"hey guys am I Sup Forums-core yet" -the 3x3 image

fight me fagets

>Far Cry 2
I sure love having to get out of the fucking car to mindlessly destroy another respawning outpost.

I'll grab KOTOR 2 of GOG tomorrow. I love deconstructive fiction, so now I'm double intrigued.

>not driving/walking around the outposts
are you even trying

besides the only other game that even remotely captures the same feeling is Boiling Point: Road to Hell and wew lad. That diamond is a hell of a lot rougher than FC2.


REZ was rad as fuck.






>He doesn't play with either Dylan's mod or Infamous Fusion
missing out on a really good game

>offroad driving in FC2
>walking at all
It's faster to shoot.

Christ, I wanted to like it, but it gets so fucking tedious.

Nothing wrong with offroad driving

8/9, I prefer Alpha 2 to 3rd Strike

Alpha 3 is really close for me, but 3rd strike's style really appeals to me.

>all this old shit
>all these casual ass single player games
>no Melee, no Overwatch, no WoW
What a shit thread

i am replying to your post

So many underaged kids ITT, is the least cringe worthy.

Behold peasants, what god tier taste looks like.



Didn't mean to reply.


rate others when posting your own.

Rate me fampais

2/2 Dead space, Bamham, Surival horror games aren't my thing
5/5 Crysis, Vice City, HL, Portal, Skyrim
3/3, Kotor, Saints row, Max Payne

I didn't play Mankind Divided yet, this one was made months ago

Average, you're onto something but you missed the best in each series. System Shock 2 is better than Bioshock, Fallout 1 is better than NV, Deus Ex is better than HR or Dishonored, Vice City is better than San Andreas, KOTOR 1 is better than 2 etc.

8/9 only game on the list I don't care for is bioshock. Good tastes.

>Vice City is better than San Andreas,
How? VC is shit.

>KOTOR 1 is better than 2
Kotor 1 is a more complete game, not better.

Wtf ever happend to drakan? That game was awesome.