What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Several things:
>shit combat
>launched with monthly subscription AND cash shop
>launched at a time when everyone was hyped for Guild Wars 2

Everything else about the game is fine

They turned a great single-player game into a mediocre MMO.

Honestly, EA feels very hands off on this, and for the better. Shit, if EA was more involved the game probably would have closed before it's first Halloween event.

The part that kills me is that GW2 overshadows this even now.

>Top notch story,l great characters and dialogue when you accept quests

>every quests is completed by text message

fucking why, literally no closure on anything

Check the cash-shop. Compare it to SWTOR. And you'll see quite a bit of EA patterns.

Interesting setting/atmosphere hampered by MMO mechanics

Also, slow down of content even though for some reason someone dropped money on Funcom recently so that's something

In a weird way, that "no closure" thing fits the theme well.

Which is that nothing you do matters and all reality is fucked because no one can do anything.

Which, sadly, hurts my ability to enjoy the game a bit. This MMO gave me honest feels. Namely despair.

The controls are fucking horrendous

I havent played in about a year. is it worth going back?

Really loved the environment but only got to the 2nd area.

Mediocre combat, but then again 90% of MMORPGs are guilty of that. It's otherwise an MMORPG not really aimed at MMORPG fans.

It's worth for the PVE. PVP is still terrible. Also there's a ton of new paid content (expansions or whatever they call it).

Is this game dead?
May reinstall tonight.


PvP is great actually.If you can manage to get more than 20 FPS its amazing since there are hundreds of builds you can go with.
Nope.Low numbers of players but stable.

Weirdly enough, it's a game where you WANT less people running around so they don't fuck up the atmosphere. There's still quite a few running dungeons, though.

There are like 8 meta builds that faceroll you every time.

Cool. May be fun to kill a few hours on, maybe I'll level cap this time around.

Funcom games seem to never die

I still dont know how anarchy online still lives...

There are some meta builds like every other game but every build would work.At least it did for me.

>Game still installed
>Remember the combat
>Lose the will to play it

The questing and atmosphere is great and remember doing those riddle quests as best as possible without looking up a guide. But that combat just hampers everything else so much.

Have they ever talked about doing a combat "revamp" ?

Nope.Too much work and they neither have the money or the people to do it.


I hope they made good money off of the park.

When you say shit combat
How shit is it actually is?

>promises awesome supernatural shit, conspiracies, lovecraftian junk, the works
>game starts in a generic zombie outbreak

I imagine there was probably better stuff in the game, but that made me drop it. I hate zombie shit and I felt bait and switched.

I really hope it will not die completely one day, someone needs to make it into a singleplayer game (that we could mod)

>announced that they were introducing the ability to buy a permanent subscription
>like 2 weeks later announced it was going free2play

Wait, this was going to be SP ?

The "outbreak" was actually the result of shittons of witchcraft

Funcom has the worst MMO track record of any company that's still in business.

I think it would be more helpful to try to figure out how the hell the manage to stay afloat with their string of disgraceful failures.

They have niche fanbases for each of their games and they reward them for their loyalty rather than other companies that try to pull in more numbers and disregard their original playerbase

It still irredeemably ruined the game for me with a horrendously shitty first impression.

I was looking for a refuge game after the shitters at ncsoft blew up city of heroes, and a lot of players migrated there. If it hadn't been yet more fucking zombies amidst a rash of zombie games in a dumb post walking dead zombielust, it's possible it could've hooked me. I don't know, and I don't care enough to find out anymore.

Make the player base feel like cash-cow since tokyo.

That feeling when you manage to complete an Investigation quest without any help is still amazing.
A shame they don't focus more on those kinds of missions.
I just don't care for the Stealth missions at all. This isn't Metal Gear.

TSW was really fun but then I dropped it for some reason, I reinstalled it a few months back but going back to my character feels weird because I dont remember anything I've done or even any of the main quests really

is the game alive enough to restart? and whats the best server? I started on a non-RP one and it was mostly dead

Fuck this picture is accurate as hell

Actually makes sense. I felt so utterly betrayed by their lies and obfuscations during the AoC launch I dropped it and never played again.

I actually own TSW. Played I dunno how many hours over one or two sessions. It's been so long now, I can't remember if there was a specific reason I got bored.

The first two questing areas are really great but Egypt is trash tier. If you can make it past Egypt then the rest is fun.

mfw I had to learn how to read sheet music and reproduce a tone by hear just to finish a quest

You were going to be a Templar and London would have been the main hub. That's why it's bigger and more detailed than the other two.

Completely mediocre MMO combat.
It's only saving grace is the classless build system that allows for a lot of build variety.

I often cheated on those quests and even I had to print out references for demonic runes and shit to solve some of them.

Illuminati = edgy cunts that want money more than saving the world
Dragon = weeaboos that literally cannot stop talking about muh chaos theory
Templars = Soldiers of justice that keep the bleak end of humanity at bay for as long as possible

I hope you made the right choice.

I want to restart the game whats a good solo build? I went assault rifles and swords last time, it was ok

I remember thinking how odd it was for them to blow their load so early by having Cthulu as the final boss to the first dungeon.


Shotguns are gr8

I made a fem-illiminati desu

cheers, hopefully I'll be able to actually do the Freeborn missions, seriously though I was as far as Transylvania when I stopped playing and I still couldn't get through that one fight for the Tyler issue

You are scum.

>join Illuminati
>first thing they do is put a fucking chip in your brain
>their leader is a memespouting AI
Lumies were a mistake.

>around the time the jap dlc comes out
>friend on steam sees me playing it
>buys it himself
>never actually play with him
>he says he'll buy me the jap dlc
>say i don't really play it that much so there's no point
>insists for some reason
>morals say don't accept because what's the point if i'll never actually play it and i'll feel bad about it
>he stops talking to me

>join dragon
>my pure asian qt gets the succ from a sexy hooker that makes her see visions of the future when she cums

Dragon 4lyf

templar outfits are too goofy, that was the only reason for me, if I am making a fem character I want to play dress up and not look like a comic book character

also what issues are worth it? I have 5,6,7 from the "massive" edition and 9,10,11 from the fall of tokyo, are the sidestories worth playing? what about the dungeons? I could never find a group for them

Templar- offers you an invitation. Makes clear they will only help you if you accept but leaves you alone.
Lumies- Pretty much threatens you to join them.
Dragon- Outright kidnaps you and flies you to Korea to meet a hot chick and then a baby.

I've tried to get into this game multiple times but I just can't make it past the first town. I like the setting and everything, just the combat isn't great and it feels like it gets hard pretty fast. I dunno, maybe I was using a shit build or something.

I would have strongly preferred this game be single player.

I reached midway through the college area and I don't think I ever encountered a single multi-player thing like a dungeon or a raid. I helped some people with quests but that's about it.

When did group content start?

I did

I like the difficulty.
It weeds out the retards pretty well.

It's like how you didn't see many jackasses with an IQ

"I've tried prayer, I've tried my .44, but Satan's wearing Kevlar, and Bible- thumping, uh, just pisses them off."

If nothing else this game had some of my favorite NPCs of the genre.

is there any reason at all to play as a male in TSW? with all the clothing options being a female character is just great, just look at that soldier outfit

I think that was a way to play with you. Kinda rude to not accept. I've bought games for friends and if they barely play them i don't give a shit. A present is a present. It's like if a friend in real life wants togive you something. But the gift is repulsive to you, you don't say no. You accept and thank them. Once you part ways you can do whateve f you want with it.

there's only about 2-3 outfits I've seen that looked better on the male version

It makes perfect sense for a group dedicated to brainwashing the masses to use as many memes as possible.

Tbh I prefer it to wows combat. At least the abilities seem more interesting.

>illuminati get the best armor
>best decks
>make tempcucks mad by existing

Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week.

Most servers seem empty, but you can still get into dungeons because, i think, they are cross realm. And they aren't that empty either. I just started a new iluminated character.

>not liking Geary
>not liking an underground corporation that deals with demons and controls the internet with a meme AI

enjoy your demon killing, lawfag

>What went wrong?

It didn't turn out to be a hack and slash with a qt magic/katana wielding milkshake drinking azn.

Yeah male options and male outfit suck.
Also monster slayer jacket is best jacket

best event or best event?

There's a dungeon in the first area called Polaris. It starts from there.

Anyone eager for Halloween event?

Also dont forget to know how to join custom chat channels: just type /chat join (name of channel here)
the most used ones are:
event (if theres an event)
sanctuary (for helping newbs)
pvp (maybe)

Remember, custom chat channels are global

>So many people made Weaboo dragon characters
>That weird feel when my original Templar was HONURABU NEET Samurai and my dragon was so fucking Aryan, Sup Forums would have probably ask him to fuck them

I ultimately deleted my samurai Templar and my blonde, blue-eyed, max height slider guy is now my templar focusing on chaos and shotgun.

Funny enough, in this combo I discovered a "fist of the north star" combo involving Run Rampant from chaos and Hit-and-run from shotgun so after a series of punches, your enemies will blow up and damage their allies around them.

the worst skill/item icons ever

Most of them look fine to me

>not hanging out with stephen king and setting up a sniping gauntlet for his amusement
>not destroying an old amusement park designed to trap the souls of children to keep a psychotic madman alive for all time
>not helping the faculty of a modern school for magic run by the illuminati
>not battling hordes of moth mutants in an infested forest while tracking down the escapades of child monster hunters
>not hunting wendigos and aiding sasquatches

you literally dropped it before it got good. All that shit is there before you defeat the area's boss with the aid of primal magics.

Anyone played The Black Watchmen or Ahnayro?
I bought the bundle the other week and haven't started yet.
Should I play Ahnayro while it's still in early access, or would it be better to wait?

Literally the same combat as every other tab target MMO.

>also what issues are worth it? I have 5,6,7 from the "massive" edition and 9,10,11 from the fall of tokyo, are the sidestories worth playing?
bls resbond, is the venetian something something issue worth it? I only care about the ones that are part of the main story line

also does anyone else have a hard time buying funcom points? my debit card refuses payments automatically 90% of the time, you'd think it would stop doing so after the first time I called the bank and told them to actually let the payment go through

>check google to see weapons
>google says there's whips
didn't check the wiki but a whip sounds really nice

whips are sort of like an elite skill in gw1 as in you can only use one whip skill at a time and its on a long c/d usually

been a minute since I played so feel free to correct me

actually the whole skill system reminds me a ton of gw1 thinking about it right now

It's an mmo with mmo combat.

So which faction is the best and why?

First post best post

Second post second best post?!

The biggest problem isn't even concrete, it's just the omen that comes with it. You just don't work with EA on one project once and then happily part ways to do your own stuff. They own FC now, they didn't buy it and may never decide to do so, but they own them nevertheless.

Wait, I still need to play this game when it goes on sale. Please don't tell me the servers are shut down. Goddamn first Firefall, and now this?

No, the servers are up
Right now though is a lull period with some event to get some hoverboard by doing dailies/challenges

Play it for the storyline and quests. Don't bother with the repetitive MMO part of it.

Even so the dungeons are fun, unless you get a guy in top gear and two shot everything. Power Creep basically killed the dungeon game. It might be worth to try, at least, a few runs in elite modes. And check out the scenarios if that's your thing (usually it takes a more survival build approach than dungeons, where you're specialized in a role).

How's the roleplaying?

>What went wrong?
Actually interesting quests, stories, locations ruined by generic MMO gameplay. This should have been single player rpg like VTMB.


>tfw Sentinels' backstory

it's thinking man's game ( unless you fucking cheat and google shit )

I still fire this game up every now and then when I really want to get immersed.

I'm on the desert zone, good to know I still have more to look forward to.

Why are issues so expensive? I have to pay for the game and subscription, and on top of that $25 issues?

>tfw no templar gf