You get to replay one video game for the first time again. Which one is it Sup Forums?
You get to replay one video game for the first time again. Which one is it Sup Forums?
Dark souls 1.
Probably dark souls, i looked up walk through's for the whole thing...
I just want to relive the wild ride again.
I'll also take the original Prime.
Would I be my current bitter adult self? 'Cause if so then I don't want to play any video game again. I'd just nitpick every flaw and hate it.
Kingdom Hearts, the level of euphoria I felt when playing it for the first time was indescribable.
third for Dark Souls
bioshock. i was really sick when i first played it. half of the plot went over my head because i couldn't focus.
You deprived yourself of an amazing experience. If you haven't played Demon's Souls yet, go play it, it's the closest you'll experience to the same thing.
I was actually thinking about this. Definitely dark souls 1.
Probably Dead Space
Lot of contenders there.
I think if pushed I'd choose Disgaea 3, it wasn't until that game I understood what it meant for a game to be 'comfy'.
silent hill 2
i played it for the first time like 2 years ago but it was the most fun i've had playing a video game in over 5 years. top notch music and atmosphere. creepy but not too creepy to not want to play more.
Shadow of the Colossus or Dark Souls, can't decide.
Space Station 13.
Ace Combat Zero.
My first fire emblem game I played all the way straight through. And it is now my fav game series even though the new ones are mediocre weeb trash. I'd love to be able to experience the feeling of finding my favorite games again.
I'm thinking Tales of Symphonia, but only if for the duration of the play through I also forget the newer games. Knowing about the advances in gameplay of the newer games would probably spoil the game.
Other possibilities are Super Metroid, Skies of Arcadia, Ghost Trick and Mass Effect 1. I'm sure with longer thinking time I could think of more contenders.
Persona 4 I really want to relive those comfy winter days snuggled up in my bed playing the game
Xenogears for sure. A wild ride from start to finish.
Ace Combat 4
Undertale, completely serious.
Purely because I went into it blind and it had an emotional impact on me, something no other game has achieved. Not even Earthbound or Mother 3, the usual shining examples of feel in vidya.
Undertale isn't the best game I've ever played but it'll stand as my favourite until I can find something else that actually makes me feel.
I'm leaning towards this too. I wanna get spooped again.
I looked up some guides but rarely walkthroughs, really wish I went into it completely in the dark though
Spore so it can let me down again.
I went into it after the Sup Forums shit-storm and didn't like it. I'm worried that Sup Forums so heavily impacts my opinions now days, but I honestly didn't enjoy it.
There were just so many good moments Id love to re-live, encountering the first necromorphs running down the halls, running from the regenerator, going through vid logs wanting to learn more about what happened, it can go on
What ever game i ayed when i was happy and in highschool
Paper Mario 1
Resident Evil 1 Remake
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Majora's Mask
Super Smash Bros and SSBM
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Super Mario 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and ESPECIALLY Galaxy 2
I would try to get the show Stargate SG-1 wiped from my memory somehow instead. That's worth more than any video game.
I co-oped every boss in Bloodborne
I literally just bought a ps3 to play it, haven't watched anything nor will i.
I know that's fanart but it doesn't even come close to the original Persona 3 image.
Monster Hunter
I feel sorry for anyone who saw the memes before they played the game
probably Dork Souls here as well, just a very replayable game
I agree. I really wish i had a Spring of Birth poster i love the blue-white contrast i think i saw one for like £60 a few months ago.
Probably something like Grim Dawn or Path of Exile even if it is just single player
Ocarina of Time.
The only major differences in terms of gameplay is that there's no jump attack and there's a carry weight system, you have to store stuff at the HUB area instead of taking it all with you. The movement speed is slightly quicker than Dark Souls, nothing too major but it's noticeable. World tendency is a weird mechanic but I'm sure you'll figure it out. The half HP meme isn't as bad as people say.
Have fun user.
demon's lols, something about your first soulsborne game just really gets to you i think it was the npcs and atmosphere not saying i dislike the others though
I will it comes later today. Thank you!
I saw the memes first but I still liked the game not gonna lie
Bioshock 1 or Dead Space probably.
Probably Persona 3, completely blind to the story. I want to be forced to reconsider the meaning of comfy again, and for that end to hit me like a truck.
Well, hopefully 5 will be able to replicate the feeling somewhat, but now that I know the series better it's not exactly the same. 5 months left boys ;_;
Demon's wasn't my first and I'd still choose it.
The atmosphere is DeS is top notch.
>try to force myself to play dark souls multiple times and i always give up
it sucks because i can tell what a well made game it is but somehow i can't stay interested enough to keep going.
mai waifu
Demon Souls
Hands down Shadow of the Colossus
Fighting this guy for the first time?
What an experience!!
Liz-chan is cute! Please cameo with Door-kun in P5.
I got really burnt out during my first play through of Dark souls 1. It was my first souls game and I was really enjoying the experience, I wanted to play the sequels right after I completed the game so I tried to beat the game quickly (in the sense of days not hours spent in game) ended up playing the game for 12 hours a day every day until i completed it making me not really enjoy the experience as much. I learnt my lesson with the next souls game I played and I only played it in sessions of 3-6 hours, and I take about a month or two break from playing another souls game.
As far as recent games go, I would say To The Moon.
Literally the only game that actually made me burst into tears at the end.
Otherwise I'm not too sure.
Possibly Final Fantasy VII, was a big part of my childhood, same with VIII.
Would like to be able to play SOMA fresh again too.
I'll be able to tell you in a little over five days user.
Fortunately won't be here for you to tell me senpai :^)
I'm going in blind no matter what, fuck the internet.
>really wish I went into it completely in the dark
I'd have to forget all of Souls games, because the combat is too similar in each of them and I wouldn't get the same feelings of being alone in the middle of a hostile area with spooky ass enemies growling everywhere and I don't know where the next bonfire is gonna be.
That's probably the most fun of those games... any game really.
No, I laughed about the pun. It was very funny.
it's the only game I regret spoiling myself on
i would say demon's but the weapon upgrade system was so shit i'll go with dark souls and hope i don't get a black knight weapon drop
i guess halo 3 too
fallout 4
This one
The only guide I had was for a brief moment if watching my older brother play the Taurus demon and how you climb the tower to land on its head.
Too him 5 deaths to win and my happiest moment was taking it down on my first try.
I mean yea. It's a starter boss, but that was something I really enjoyed. And then the Capra demon using a god damn claymore. Many great moments in dark souls
Worst one however was being cursed, and having to navigate the fucking terrifying sewers with a limp dick health bar, it was the worst shit.
God I'm surprised at my tenacity at dark souls. If I was to play it for the first time now I would have just fucking dropped it by the graveyard with the skeletons. In high school I actually liked video games.
It would be either The Witcher 3 or Bloodborne.
Dark Messiah.
Xenoblade Chronicles
I expected nothing and didn't even know what it was, probably the best vidya experience of my last 10 years
The Bards Tale 3. When I first played it in the late 80s, everybody in school takled about this game, its vast dungeons and weird monsters. You could walk around in entire cities and even travel in time!
When I finally got it, it was winter, a few days before christmas holidays. When I came home, I fired uo my C64 and played Bards Tale for hours. It was dark and comfy outside, and I emerged in a huge world of adventure.
But if I played it now for the first time... I´m afraid you just can´t go home again...
Oblivion was pretty great, I'd love to play that again for first time. Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime would be pretty great too
dark souls isnt special at all when you already played demon souls
i mean you did play demon souls before dark souls came out right?
or did you only get into the game after le so hard xd memes from dark souls? :^)
Good taste ITT
I'd have to go with Final Fantasy X. No other game has come close to giving me that complete journey experience
Cuz then I'd get to play it period.
I'm more upset about my lack of PT / Silent Hills than I am about MGSV.
MGS3. I was fucking enthralled with everything about that game down to the bumfuck controls. Starting out again getting your dumb pack with nothing but a knoife and youre your tranq in the fucking jungle, sneaking like only a Snake could do. Fuuuck.
Arkham City
I know you guys aren't into those games but I fucking love Batman so being Batman was awesome.
This is my second choice after PT.
I didn't play demons souls because i owned a 360 not a ps3, really wanted to play it though
Wish I could experience this again, pretty wild ride
Persona 4 Golden.
I wanna relive the romance and the warmth I felt for a little bit.
I'll never feel that way again, unless Persona 5 has the option of going on dates.
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. We hadn't really had a good spideyman game before in a long time.
The colorful and varied environment, how each Spider-Man was the same but different, a fairly cuhrayzee combat system if you knew how to manipulate it... It was just overall fun on a bun. It wa my first game I got Platinum on too.
Now all of have is the fucking mobile game until the ps4 game comes out
Oh god I hope it's good. I think I'd rather kill myself than get another ASM 2.
Metal gear solid 3 is the only answer here.
>replaying the boss fight for the very first time
That's a tough one.
Probably Persona 3, or Deadly Premonition.
999 and Nier are also something special.
Played an hour of it and put it down because I thought the writing was kinda bland and thought the game would become predictable.
Should I go back? does it get better?
Make sure you've played 999 before getting into VLR.
From the soulsborne series, probably DaS2 or Bloudbourne.
Otherwise Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Heroes III and Carmageddon.
Yes, the end especially is pretty crazy and shouldn't be missed
It's a great game overall, play 999 of you haven't already
Red Dead Redemption
Fallout New Vegas
So many moments I can never relive
999 and Virtue's Last Reward
Xenoblade Chronicles
The World Ends With You
Paper Mario TTYD
Probably Red Dead
Dark Souls3
I just want to tear up at the final boss again.
Chrono Cross for me