Daily reminder that Sup Forums is pro-Kenny

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is pro-Kenny

Janefags get out

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Yeah, nah.

I would have shot them both if I had the chance.

S2 was fucking garbage.

Who cares s2 sucks dick

>missing out on kennys salvation

Being alive isn't always the better choice, he was pretty happy to finally be freed from his duty.

>endorsing anything from Season 2
Maybe it's you who should leave.

Well of course Telltale didn't have the balls to make Kenny yell at you (which would be in his character)

They wanted to pat the player on the back for whatever decision they made

Kenny was long dead before you're able to kill him.

They were both fucking awful. The only choice was to kill both and become a strong dependent mexican loli who don't need no man. Everyone is insane and a liability.

Why and how did they drop the ball on season 2 so hard? The formula is simple, how could they fuck it up so bad?

Kennyfags leave REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I have no idea

The writing in general just seemed to be terrible. It didn't help that every character in the whole season was an unlikeable retard. I guess the teacher at the cabin was okay but promptly died because he was too good for that season


Anyone who didn't side with Kenny is mentally ill
>literally always on your side
>incredibly based
>jane is a complete retard


bud, you did have the chance.
let kenny kill jane then shoot kenny?

This is correct
Kenny is a total Bro
you DID sit with kenny at the able Right?

Yeah, I can barely remember anyone besides the autismo girl. In fact I felt nothing when any of them died.

Season 1:
>Hey Lee, you seem like a strong and healthy adult you should do a lot of work and make a lot of the decisions. A lot of people in your groups are usually old, young or weaker than you, so it makes sense you are put into a leadership role.

Season 2:
>Hey 11 year old girl, we group of fully functional adults (that have presumably had to survive in the zombie apocalypse for YEARS already) are completely useless. Please make every decision and do all the hard work while we eat rocks and sniff paint. By the way if this 11 year old girl disagrees with anyone they will get very offended for some reason.


Kenny was the hero we didn't deserve.

>not sitting with Kenny

Why would I sit with the literal retards?

I went with Jane, even though I cared for Kenny.

He was a mad dog, a worn out soldier who need to sleep.


I wasn't so much pro-Kenny, I was anti-Jane. Fuck that crazy bitch.

No worries, I finished him after he finished her.

Kenny was right all along.

kennyfags are so insecure that they have to make these threads every now and then to assure themselves they were right

Let me kill the baby early on please.
Or at least an Episode 5 Ultimatum where i can choose my life or the babys.

Honestly, it can't be worse than Season 2 if only for the fact that Clementine is no longer a little girl being asked by every single adult to figure everything out for them.

AJ is going to be used for cheap "feels" tho.

The problem was largely on Clementine. They could have made an interesting game that incorporated the fact she was just a little girl to put limits on the player. But instead every adult in the game seems like an incapable retard. They could have easily gone with a brand new protagonist, but because of "muh daughter" they are going to milk it to the absolute end.

Also the main writers for S1 left Telltale to make Firewatch.

Only neo-Sup Forums likes jane


Are there even people who would legit side with Jane? Absolutely disgusting.

The type of people who would side with Jane are basically psychopaths like Jane who think it's okay to manipulate people into extreme emotional reactions because that apparently proves something about a person.

I shot Kenny and left psycho bitch.

>(which would be in his character)
No, you're just a faggot. What's the use reprimanding a child you honestly care for when you're about to die?

>>incredibly based
It's clear that anyone who sided with Kenny is either edgy and/or a child.

Judging from the replies in this thread, season 2 is not worth getting? Played season 1 a few months ago and thought it was alright.

>siding with any of those two chuckle fuck
The only true ending is solo ending. It's a shame you couldn't leave the baby, it's the main reason everything went to shit in S2

i cry.
like a little bitch after shoot kenny
i really don't get the reason why jane was a crazy bitch

>implying Telltale's current writers could come up with ONE reason to side with Jane

shit character, shit ending

fuck jane

>makes everyone believe she killed a child
>it's kennys fault because he got mad
uh what

>Well of course Telltale didn't have the balls to make Kenny yell at you (which would be in his character)
Clementine may have not been his daughter. But he never yelled at his son before he died.
Kenny was a family man and he self identified as a father. Even long after his family perished. It was hardly out of character.

imagine if

If you played Season 1, Season 2 is still worth playing probably. Just make do note that it's a fucking train wreck. You can really tell how it was written by different writers.

But it was kind of entertaining to see it all crash.


Oh yes, Kenny is the edgy one while the one whose whole schtick is 'abandon these fucking weaklings' is the saint


>wrong all the time
>overreacts to everything
>has stupid plans that never work
>is right once


>fixes the car
>only one who knows how to take care of a baby

>has sex while in guard duty and lets zombies into the camp
>abandons people
>leaves a baby alone in a car, during a blizzard, during a horde
>just so she can manipulating kenny into fighting her
>and loses (despite being younger, two-eyed and wielding a knife)
Gee i dunno man she kinda made the decision for her self with 'lol just watch clem'

I liked Luke better tb h

Of course you liked the pedo

I haven't played in a year but what??

I dunno. It's just that he's way too possessive like towards Clem. He's kinda creepy when you think about it.

Ehhh. I never felt that way. Clem was basically the only normal person there. He does have a pedo stache though, I'll give you that

>Kill Kenny and ditch Jane in first run, end up alone in the wild with Alvin Jr. Ending was meh

>Play second time to let Kenny live not expecting the ending to be much different

>Wellington is real and Kenny is a hero

My fucking heart. I cried even more than during Lee's flashback

No dumbfuck, you can either shoot Kenny and abandon/stay with Jane or let Kenny kill her and stay in Wellington/with Kenny.

Season 2 sucked, but that last chapter was amazing.

Or you can let Kenny kill Jane (you can even watch it happen if you don't choose to look away) and then shoot kenny you dumb fuck.


Can confirm, you point the gun at Kenny after he killed Jane and he just says do it.

You kill him and the baby starts crying

Consider the following:

>Keeps mumbling about a safe haven nobody knows if exists (like he did with the boat of S1)
>Flips over the slightest things
>Is definitely getting old
>Don't have an eye
>"The baby died on a blizzard + zombie attack? Let's kill a bitch"

>Is an asshole (not that Kenny isn't one but she is worse)

I picked Jane in a heart beat

Do you think the bald professor and the Asian boy were gay lovers?


jane will abandon you the second you break a leg and start slowing things for her.

Jane wants to leave a group and go solo with clementine and probably die in the wilderness

Kenny is a fisherman you fucking idiot. He knows where they can go by boat.


I was so surprised how good that series was. The characters were really well written.
Last episode sucked though.

Oh shit Clem's ring finger.
First time I've seen this, did I miss something in S2 or is it currently unknown?

>Last episode sucked though.

The battle was hilarious, you gotta give it that.

The ending though, that was pretty cheap of them.

>that feel when bigby and snow flirt in the wolf among us even though you know they're gonna have 6 wolf kids in 20 years

He's from Fort Lauderdale too.

>Tfw dad was a marine electrician. Worked on rich people's yachts, had an old speedboat that he fixed up himself that he used to take me and my friends out tubing and skiing
>I grew up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
>His name was Kenneth

Shit was entirely too fucking close to home.
I thought Kenny was a far-gone asshole too until he turned out to be 100% right about that cyka piece of shit.

I stayed in Wellington.

i will abandon that child the moment i can

to be fair, him shooting clem was fucking bullshit writing on telltale's part. it made absolutely no sense and they only put it in to make you feel like kenny was right.

it's probably the worst moment in the series.

actually, nevermind. the worst moment is probably the end of season 1 with that retard who has clem. THAT was stupid, especially if you do everything properly.

so i'll say it was the second worst moment in the series.

Clem looks ballin'

What good is a bracelet in the apocalypse


>the moment i can

so never?

>"lel telltale games are shit"
>"no gameplay, shit writing, railroading"
>still talks about the walking abortion every day because kennyfags need to argue with nobody
>people are actually talking about the next game