Can i even buy this game anywhere

can i even buy this game anywhere

fucking nostalgia

Other urls found in this thread:

it was free on origin

I'm pretty sure 'tis on GOG

you can just pirate it, the actual servers dont exist anymore so might as well just do that instead

>implying im going to give ea anything for a game made by a studio they totally fucked

>asks if you can buy it
>yes you can
>doesn't want to buy it suddenly '

make up your mind

Not a single person that actually worked on it gains anything by you paying for this.

i can actually feel good about pirating something for once

Its free on origin

it's on gog


I'll post a magnet if you wait.




god damn you guys are stupid

full game download:

windows 7 fix, may or may not be necessary:

have fun

i need to play this shit on all classes agai

The charge is the best skill of ALL TIME.

>not death ray

nox bump

>play warrior
>wrecking shit with the halberd in the final level

so fucking satisfying

>playing mage
>wrecking shit with your infinite arsenal of spells
I love how they maintained the class balance till the very end. Warrior with 5 skills was as interesting as mage with 999.

conjurer kinda seemed like shit to me. never finished the game with it.

to be fair i was 8 when i played it so i might have just been bad

Confirmed gog, i bought it from there.

This. I still have a physical copy of it, but nabbed it free from origin not too long ago anyways. Its a weird, silly classic thats really not all that good, but it has this charm to it that makes it playable even today.

the game was originally designed with only wizard in mind, which is why it has a shitload of abilities compared to war and conjurer

conjurer isn't bad overall but some of its abilities feel like an afterthought, the fact that there's some skills that overlap with wizard, and 90% pets being useless because they are fodder enemies. though it is amusing having a small army of urchins

oh i suppose that makes sense. when you get to the warrior level is horrendous hostile towards you or do warriors only hate dick ass wizards?

i think you end up slaughtering them pretty much

nice. ill go through the game on a conjurer when i have some free time

conjurer is neutral in the story as i recall but yeah, haven't played story mode in ages

Same, big favorite from childhood, miss the multiplayer terribly.

i just remember watching my friend playing through that one dull as fuck conjurer(only, i think) level and the beholders or whatever were total assholes, which put me off the whole thing.

can you play the MP over gameranger or some shit? because me and a few of my real life friends were fiending over the game when it came out and im sure they'd be up for it if there was a way to play

if you install this and install westwood online normally, you can log into a community-run lobby server with any random login and password as long as it hasn't been used yet, then you can just make or join games normally. some port forwarding may be necessary though, and i have no idea if the gog version connects to the same lobby server

thanks bros ill take a look at it tomorrow

We need custom server for this game

>Not all that good
You take that back bitch

I used cheat engine for the first time in my life in this game. I remember summoning fuckhuge fireballs everywhere and thousands of magical golems.

2bh while its flawed the game is just a fucking blast to play even today and more fun than any other ARPGs or whatever the fuck theyre called

probly in my top 10 games of all time

rip westwood

>not all that good

yeah, the hacking scene was absolutely massive, a lot of the old guard as well as programs are on

eventually the game was reverse engineered and a modding suite was made for it, although it's pretty buggy you can make custom maps with it and mess with spell values and shit

its free on origin like once a month

that swirly lightning made me cum the first time i saw it

when my mom got us a new pc and my friend burned nox for me on a disc i honestly thought games could never get any better looking than this

and they never did

I was thinking about this game today, ironically.

I only played the demo when it came out.

I recall the gameplay was pretty fun with the wizard (he was the demo character).

I'm going to check out the full game.

>Buuuuhlazes. What manner of demon spawn dare attack my ship? Off with you mutant imp or youll have no head to put a hat on.
>Your prize is FIFTY gold pieces!

>Hun? You want baconnnnn?
>You know I do!

>tfw Sup Forums used to play this together occasionally
I miss those threads

>Warrior pops out
>other Wizard and I start Pushing him repeatedly
>he gets mad in-thread

I couldn't help it

What's Nox reloaded?

So what's the deal with this game, is it better than Diablo 2?

the games look similar but it's really apples and oranges in terms of gameplay

nox is far more action oriented, projectiles and melee have to be manually aimed and the multiplayer is more like quake

are you literally retarded?
just pirate it fucking moron

>WoW TBC just came out
>get to level 61
>internet goes down for 2 weeks(ISPs were shit)
>Play this and complete the warrior campaign

maximum comfy, brb reinstalling