When and what was the last AAA PC exclusive?
When and what was the last AAA PC exclusive?
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>Half Life 2
>for 30 days
TF2, Smite, CS:GO
I don't know shit cause honestly I just play shit on consoles and I know its not complete yet but everything I see from Star Citizen looks cool as fuck.
I don't know if they'll pull it off, but yeah I'd say that.
Overwatch, Witcher 3
World of Warcraft
I see what you did there.
>more framerate
>better graphics
>game settings
>waaay cheaper games
Ok, PC doesn't have many exclusives.
However most games are nowadays like this:
>timed Xbone exclusive (available on PC soon)
>timed PS4 exclusive (available on PC soon)
>timed console exlusive (available on PC soon)
When you get a giant library of games like on PC, you can be smug about 'exclusives' - literally the only reason to buy a console, and even that's more like holding a hostage then pleasing costumers.
OP here only one I can think of is Starcraft 2
nah, it's just a simple question you paranoid faggot
It's exclusively not shit on pc.
Total War: Warhammer
I bet you don't consider TF2 an "exclusive" either.
It's shit on all platforms
XCom 2?
Console port comes out this month, I believe.
s-strategy games don't count!
>nah, it's just a simple question you paranoid faggot
hey friend, i hope you're enjoying your first day on Sup Forums :)
New quake
Total warhammer, I guess
AAA franchises that didn't go multiplat with the main series:
>Total War
Are there any more than this?
Why do console children think AAA has any bearing on a game being quality? In my eyes, it's just the opposite.
If I wanted to eat console shit then I'd buy a console or at the very least play your shitty multiplats, which I honestly don't because console games are shit, fuck off.
>In my eyes
In your virgin, autistic NEET eyes that no one gives a shit about just like how no one gives a shit about your worthless neckbeard PCuck existence Lmao.
Name some legit reasons why I shouldn't buy a PS4 Pro for 400bucks and instead build a PC that will cost me around 1100bucks?
The games are more expensive on consoles, but not by much anymore.
You need to buy atleast 100 games to make up the difference in cost.
>no one gives a shit about just like how
So mad your autistic ramblings are incomprehensible. Enjoy your shitty rehashes, bud. Nobody gives a fuck about your bad taste and lack of standards.
You should stick to console, I don't want you on PC.
Unlike consolefags I actually do care about the people I play with not being pure cancer, and that's why I don't try to market shit to cancerous fags on console.
If someone has standards and a desire for good games they already know to go to PC.
>All this projection in one post
ITT nobody can give reason to own anything better than a toaster
I agree, anybody who truly likes games should at least have a toaster PC.
Can't say the same about console.
In addition to playing everything coming out lately, I've also got a backwards compatible library of games stretching back to the late 90's when I built my first pc.
Gaming is an addon for my pc anyway. You're really arguing about why a person should buy a $400 memeconsole at the point where they've already told you they'll make it obsolete and not backwards compatible in 2-3years vs spending $240 on a graphics card to turn your $400 i3 photoshop box into a gaming pc.
Cities: Skyline.
Been playing for almost 100 hours and still can't make a decent city. How autistic do I have to be make a functional city?
>Can't say the same about console.
Which are already toasters and don't have any games worth owning lel
Honestly, most of the reason I've been working to convert more console players I know irl, is because they're missing out on all the indie shit and weird little EA games we get for 6.99 on Steam.
They're stuck in this weird ass Triple-A stockholm syndrome. They can't buy old games because they don't work on the new consoles. They can't play Besieged, or rage at From the Depths. I know a motherfucker who actually bought Far Cry Primal. For $60. He knew it would be a piece of shit, everyone knew, but what else can you do if you want new games and you're stuck on console?
Don't even get me started on the piles of shit you can accrue with Humble Bundles and the twice annual good bundles on Bundle Stars.
It's hilarious how you could easily be arguing for mobile gaming with your post.
You're making me so angry!! OK I ADMIT that consoles have more exclusives and better games plus 4k gaming for only $400.
You might be laughing at me now, but people who own PCs are better people overall.
It's hilarious that mobile games are actually better than the AAA console shit coming out.
Oh man, you are sad.
>When and what was the last AAA PC exclusive?
Obduction last week
and there we have it. The PCuckle head admits PCs are overpriced pieces of shit.
How's it overpriced? Not only is price-to-performance better than console, you can literally build at any scale you want.
Consolefags really are some of the dumbest people on earth.
>anime reaction image
Not even surprised the cancer comes out to defend his precious childrens toy.
You shouldn't. If you really have to ask just stick to consoles.
Thinking about selling my wii u as my buddies never ended up getting one and I already go my mileage put of Bayonetta 1 and 2
So with the pittance of money I can get with that and let's say, 350-450 bucks put of pocket, can I get a PC that runs diablo 3 well? I can't stand slowdown in late game portals but not sure if that's my old desktop or poor optimization from blizzard.
Not really interested in other pc games just diablo.
We aren't the ones making a "Please buy a PC" thread every hour. I can't help but think console marketers get paid for this but I know that they are all so retarded they don't.
grim dawn
dirty bomb
total warhammer
>soon tm
squadron 42 the actual fucking game
endless space 2
the guild 3
Not entirely unintentionally. I've sunk a lot of hours in mobile games, and I wouldn't consider myself a fan of much of them.
I've owned a PC for so long, that not having one is unimaginable to me. From there the obviousness of adding a cheap graphics card to turn my PC into a gaming platform is unavoidable.
If I owned a console, I don't know when I'd ever use it.
Depending on what's in your old pc, an upgrade might take care of the issue. Honestly, I'd suspect poor Blizz optimization.
A quick bit of reading reveals that a lot of people fixed dips and slowdowns by switching it to an SSD. Anything faster than a GTX 280 should have no trouble with D3 otherwise.
>Last of Us
Literally better looking than any PC games on the market. You hate to admit it, but PS4s are the ones that are actually pushing Graphics forward not the PCs.
>You hate to admit it, but PS4s are the ones that are actually pushing Graphics forward not the PCs.
Uh, hardware pushes graphics forward.
If it weren't for consoles then the money would have to develop for the best hardware available.
Holy fuck Sony fans are fucking stupid. How does this even need explaining, what is common sense?
It's all about what you could do with that hardware. Consoles shits all over PCs when it comes to optimizing. That's why an Xbox 360 could handle Crysis with it's outdated hardware.
>That's why an Xbox 360 could handle Crysis
I love that even with age console owners continue to be completely fucking retarded as they were when they were 10.
Grown ass men with the minds of infants. Optimize my ass you fucking retard.
Have fun upgrading your graphics card every year to play all the latest console ports
1. My graphics card is like 3 years old.
2. I don't play console trash.
3. My first post itt is about how AAA is an indicator that a game is probably shit.
People defending the current market/library for PC are pathetic. They are pewdiepie fans who play green-lit indie trash on steam. Devs/Publishers with money have abandoned PC, they have no interest in actually taking advantage of PC hardware to put out some actually amazing looking games. The hardware to make games look like Agni Philosophy or whatever is out, available to purchase, but console gamers buy more at full price. Nobody makes money of PC gamers except Notch.
And it's not because of piracy. It's because PC gamers are just poor kids with toasters and dudebros who play Counterstrike.
There are more good PC games that came out last year alone than 2 gens of Playstation.
You should get some taste, son, rather than eating shit all the time.
The only reason here buy PCs are because it has better graphics, yet consoles are the ones pushing it's limitations.
Name one exclusive PC game this year that doesn't look like shit. And don't say ArmA that game is shit.
Crysis, PC gaming died after that
it's not like console faggots have got any better taste, so I don't really see the point in comparing whose shit is stinkier than the other's
Witcher 3
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but consoles!!!11
what's even more pathetic is thinking that the corporations think anything about fucks like you they go where the money goes, why do you think sony is trying hard to push into mobile?
>pushing it's limitations.
To what? Current gen console games are lagging behind by years.
>Name one exclusive PC game
Total War Warhammer, for the resources it uses to render that many units its a beautiful game.
Kingdom Come Deliverance, the demo is available and you can definitely benchmark with it. Pretty good.
Pic related is not exclusive, but lets be real, with the hilariously embarrassing billboard looking foliage on the console version it's not even the same game.
That said - while PC undoubtedly is the only choice for anybody who actually wants any sort of good graphics.(AC Unity doesn't even have Tessellation on console, how embarrassing) Graphics aren't everything.
Name me the graphical giants that PS4 has and try to find one among them that
A) Doesn't abuse the everliving shit out of chromatic aberration
B) Isn't a completely shit game that should be discarded to the trash
Oh wow, the PC games smash the console revenue and that money is going to around 2x more developers.
Why do consolefags only buy games from EA? Pure cancer.
>pushing the limits of motion blur
the only things actually keeping them alive are normies brodudes and 13 y.olds based on that chart, really sad that bloodborne arguably the system's best exclusive couldnt even get into top 10 in sales
im not that guy, but exclusivity is irrelevant when it's comes to pc graphics. typically with a multiplatform game, consoles get the game at medium settings and pc gets the full range(low up to ultra), so pc always has better graphics. even if for some strange reason a game had the same graphics as the console version, pc can still inject aa, change the resolution, or just mod it to hell and back.
Pc has far more exclusives than all consoles combined
We can add a variety of games that the tablet-grade processors in consoles could never cope with.
Besiege, Last Leviathan and From the Depths all spring to mind.
30 FPS or less covers a multitude of sins.
This game has like 2 studio size apartment areas that they actually put work into to take screenshots of and everything else looks like total ass.
It's about as jarring as comparing Afghanistan to Africa in MGSV. Developers need to get some consistency.
These threads have been near constant lately, has the abysmal PS4 Pro announcement really got shills/sonyggers so worried?
shitty flash games and gamemaker rpgs don't count pcuck :^)
Don't know about recent onces.
But as of late I've been playing WoW, Arma 3, Stellaris and total war: warhammer. Waiting warmly for the new Civ game.
Then a game that might aswell count as one, R6:siege. The console version is hilariously bad compared to the PC version. Im not even memeing. The super narrow FoV, the jaggies, the lack of basic effects like reflections, the slow and awkward game pace. Its quite a sight to behold.
not worried per se, they're now defending the piece of shit like it's the holy grail of price performance ( which I admit is a prety good value if u havent bought orig ps4) ignoring the fact that a vast majority of them are day 1 adopters of the original ps4. theyre basically condoning getting fucked in the ass by sony as usual
>Pushing the limits
You mean falling behind in framerate when PC already uses 144hz monitors and barely getting into 4k when pc has had it for years? Is that what you count as pushing the limits?
keep telling yourself that
Do MMOs count?
Firefall will be forever PC exclusive. Don't have to ever worry about it going to consoles later down the line, because it died a PC exclusive.
Name at least one PS4 exclusive that has sold over 5 million units. Oh wait, there is none because everyone who bought a PS4 only plays shitty multiplats like CoD and FIFA
>being this angry about PCs or consoles
Both platforms will be replaced by tablets and smartphones anyways soon, so I don't understand the anger.
Yes. Quite a few of these are getting deleted too.
Shitty flash games like Subnautica, The Forest, Planet Coaster, Ossuary, and Everspace?
Obviously, you mean the gamemaker rpg, The Other 99, right?
Redout. Will come to the PS4 and Xbone with inferior graphics and framerate, of course.
>tfw a shitty WoW expansion sold more in the first days than Bloodbourne ever did
Total Warhammer
>nah, it's just a simple question you paranoid faggot
you're not fooling anybody needledick
It came out today.
Name these games.
wait a sec is DOOM multiplat?
how does that even work on a living room toaster?
1080p 60fps on ps4 apparently
it is 1440p 144fps on pc though
I don't care about any of this. I go wherever the games are. Fromsoft could release their next game exclusively on windows phone and i'd propably buy one.
As a pc gamer, the only really good thing i've noticed about consoles since buying one for bloodborne is that it's nice to have some quality control on the store, not having to literally scroll through 4 million early access games. Certification might cost money but i really would rather have it on steam too. Some games should not be allowed to even exist there, their existance alone steals spotlight from actual good games. Steam is slowly turning into the app store where you just get flooded with diarrhea every month
no, thats dumb
you cant evolve graphics when you only get upgraded hardware every 3-4
every 2 years a new generation of graphics cards come out
the only reason uncharted looks so good is that naught dog are (almost)gods of optimisation
>ArmA that game is shit
t. casul
>Witcher 3
Pick one
Total War Attila
Dirty Bomb
Witcher 3(not exclusive but lol at 15 FPS with billboard graphics on PS4 it may as well be)
Kerbal Space Program
ARK Survival Evolved
Cities Skylines
Pillars of Eternity
Prison Architect
DiRT Rally
Killing Floor 2
Europa Universalis 4's best updates
Talos Principle(last month of 2014 but worth putting on there)
Galactic Civilizations 3
Act of Aggression
Age of Decadence
Anno 2205
Audiosurf 2
Black Mesa
Life is Feudal
Descent Underground
System Shock Enhanced
Thea The Awakening
I know you've probably not heard of some of these games but that's because consolekids genuinely don't actually like video games unless they have advertising budgets larger than most families collective lifetime incomes.
It's just a fashion statement to you people rather than a hobby, like gaymur gurlz and shit.
>a movie looks better than a game
well no shit sherlock
>You hate to admit it, but PS4s are the ones that are actually pushing Graphics forward not the PCs.
Without PCs with which developers make the games, consoles wouldn't have any games.
Checkmate consolefag, consoles only exist because PCs allow them to exist :^)
if you're actually serious, for people like you there is no reason
retards will always be retards no matter what they buy