This happened to me today
Tyrell and Elliot are the same person in Mr. Robot.

>I have a chip now
>oh wait
>nothing makes sense
>swipe please
this comic doesn't make sense

Are you baiting m8?


Us manga nerds xP

very funny, now read it like a western.

Fuck off weeb

Happens all the fucking time

>not hitting the actual arrows in any panel
fucking casuals, learn to play DDR

>Have a chip now
>Sir you have to insert the chip here
>Insert card
>Wait 5 minutes
>take out card

The future

They're not even playing the fucking game.


>live in a backwater shithole
>we have paypass
>americans don't

Fuck the chip

>Americans don't have tap to pay yet
>they can't pay with their phones and have to carry cards around


Why the fuck would you put your credit info in your phone?

Read the screen, you illiterate prick.

>I literally need flashing lights and sounds to understand how to use basic technology.
You people are the worst

Apple Pay and Google Pay have started coming into stores but that shit is still new and probably won't be universal like the tap or chip thing

>work at a food place
>use shitty old computers that take about 0.3 seconds to process a credit card with a swipe
>retarded managers upgrade to some ipad system
>people fucking around with the chip for 3 minutes and going through an additional 3 minutes of yes/no questions

I can't graduate soon enough

>Mom look! Im trolling on Sup Forums again. lol

This technology isn't even new, and has been around in America for a while. What the hell are you two idiots on about?

Tap-to-pay is literally the least secure credit card technology available

I want to cum inside these cats

Apple/Google Pay IS new though

sauce please

>people fucking around with the chip for 3 minutes and going through an additional 3 minutes of yes/no questions
Your customers are fucking stupid. Read the screen and follow the instructions. It's as easy as having an elementary school level literacy

Fuck you

>hurr Imma pull out my phone, fuck up my lock screen five times, open the app, wait five minutes for it to load, tap tap tap oops it didn't work, guess I'll pay with a hundred dollar bill for two beers and a gum despite having a giant bag of change, wasting everyone's fucking time

>go to wal mart because I'm cheap
>they use the chip
>put it in
>when it's done is does this obnoxious cross between a buzz and a beep
>it's the kind of sound you'd think would indicate that something has gone horribly wrong but it's just the ok we're done sound

Maybe if you weren't such a dipshit, you could've saved time by inserting the chip whenever you noticed there was a chip slot.

JUST MAYBE, if you weren't a fucknugget, you could've realized it takes less than 10 seconds.

its a mediocre series anyway stopped after first season

>Reading the screen every time

NFC payment in cellular phones is new, however the technology that goes into them is not.

It's true though

Some places only have you swipe even though they have slots though. Do you not go out that often or something?

Spanky Lanky The Danky Manky

>putting your credit card on a phone
Fuck that shit.

it was hyperbole, but people really are that fucking slow, it's a nightmare

I'm not at work, why the fuck should I read some screen

>Go to Walmart to get groceries
>Okay fine
>Complete transaction and then walk over to the Subway inside the Walmart to get some chips
>Insert card
What the fuck?

>not reading the screen every time

>WOOOW you mean it's different than last time? Bugged life mechanics.
People hate you everywhere you go and act like this


this is actually fucking true

>having to ask that question
>on Sup Forums

Looks like Samus
Artist looks like Eroquis
Probably "Metroid XXX"

Do you have autism or something?


Why am I even having this conversation right now? This is not even video games. Yes I am mad

Dude, how autistic are you?


His only good comic. I'm actually proud of him.

This triggers the american

>not using the magnetic function to just hover the card over it and get charged instantly without having to input the code

Step it up, Senpai. It's the year 2016.

You give people too much credit.

I work part time at a store while going to college, had someone come in to buy something and they wanted an email copy of their receipt. This means they have to type it in on the touchscreen on the pinpad using the pen. This guy keeps fucking it up, either by forgetting to add the period in .com or by resting his other hand on other parts of the screen and being confused when it's touching buttons. After fucking up multiple times, he states "I'm a software developer and I would classify this as a frustrating experience!" Someone who proudly stated himself to be a software developer couldn't work a damn touch screen.

tl;dr blogging but it's a true and shameful story.


What kind of cuck last name is that?

>Tesco self serve, only one of them is working
>some woman starts packing early
>giant "put that shit back" text appears
>dumb cunt stands there confused
>some clerk has to help her out
>finally pays
>starts bagging early again, same fucking message
>calls the fucking clerk back

>basic reading is work
>he follows directions so he must have autism

This planet is literally getting worse. The retards are being encouraged now

I didn't watch the last episode, how the fuck would that even work?

Are you okay?
I was at Walmart a few months ago and they told me to swipe even though the screen insisted I insert the card.

So you really don't go out that much.
There are times where the screen won't tell you whether to swipe or insert.

Had to change it from Cumholder

That depends. How many years were you held back?

An asian one

go look for it yourself

>Not posting the other comic

Wow, what the fuck is wrong with america?

First still using imperial units, now this. Truly the dinosaurs of modern civilization.

>this comic doesn't make sense

nothing makes sense

>You give people too much credit
The housing crisis in a nutshell

Sure it isn't swedish?




The fuck man I thought everyone knew this

Because the actual game is less fun than actually dancing. The only people who like DDR are you autistic weebs who get made fun of when you actually dance.


the comic confuses me because it's equating cavemen-tech with progress

>There are already devices that let you copy and use a chip within 30m of it
>If you do it in a crowded place there's no way for them to possibly track you down
Barely even more secure.

Blame the banks.

Why is this even still happening? Chip systems are fucking necessary, why implement the readers if you're not going to allow people to use them yet? Is the infrastructure just not there yet?

>putting credit card info on plaintext RFID signals

I'm sad we're going to follow suit anyway. Time to quit credit cards.

The amount of people I see this happen to is obscene, but then again those scales are finicky as shit.
>please put the item in the bag
>put item in the bag
>please put item in the bag
>take it out and do it again
>please put item in the bag
>click skip bagging, and put item in bag this is taking too long
>a few items later
>unknown item detected in bagging area.

>look at what screen tells you to do
>promptly pay
>no issues ever

Never had an issue ever. America needs to get with the times.



Yeah, people are dumb. This Thread is living proof of that.

Just because you can't read doesn't mean it isn't there.

Fine. Anecdotal but fair example that is becoming decreasingly relevant as the technology improves

Americans are so stupid for not putting their credit card on their phone

Did you get OK or something? Goddamn

>Live in shithole country
>Everywhere at least have chip and pin with a stable and fast connection
>Tap to pay and Phone paying are starting to appear
>Americans STILL using swipe.

Wew fucking lad. I though the United States were supposed to be civilized or something.

>USA just got chip and pin.
>Australia already has paypass.

Ha! It almost makes up for copper wire. ;~;




>Not keeping a condom in your wallet
What an idiot

Inside Rosianna as you can see here

Because every location that implements chips has to be validated by the card company, and they're being a bunch of lazy cunts about responding to certification requests.

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>implying I can play DDR, let alone dance for real

My friends watch this show so this is good to know :^)


>Having a condom in your wallet
>not in your car
It's like you want a kid or something.


This is in both LOL threads.