Five days left until it's out.
How are you going to shield yourselves from the spoilers?
Five days left until it's out.
How are you going to shield yourselves from the spoilers?
Other urls found in this thread:
I won't.
Shield myself from spoilers? no, you're shielding yourself from me
>worldwide release dstes still aren't standard
Does Atlus believe we still live in the 90's completely blind on what's going on in Japan?
Think of the EOP, user.
By playing a real SMT game.
>How are you going to shield yourselves from the spoilers?
By taking formal Japanese lessons after Persona 5 was announced almost 3 years ago.
Feels great being an ex-EOP pleb.
I barely had the motivation to get my driver's license and you had the motivation to learn an entire language for a videogame.
I can respect that.
I'll be playing it.
I had the last 2 persona games spoiled for before i finished them doesnt bother me so much. Although i had guessed that the killer was Adachi right at the start of the game. They can still be enjoyed even if you know the end
How are we going to shield ourselves from full throttle shitposting
Get the fuck out from this shithole and avoid online discussion in general.
>5 months
My friend who owns a shop should be getting his shipment in tomorrow (with luck). I'll be uploading the game tomorrow once I get it.
>all these delays
>no worldwide release that Sup Forums says so
>literally 3+ years to learn moon
they deserve whats coming to them
Upload the OST as soon as you can, if you're not lying.
>learning a language for 1 fucking game
Literally for what purpose? Are you that dedicated to this series? I honestly don't mind waiting 5 months if that's the alternative, and there's several untranslated VNs I'd like to read.
It's not a full ost. I doubt there's anything new on it.
>learning a language for 1 fucking game
to each their own. I want to travel around japan and not rely on a damn translator.
it takes 30 mins everyday out of your time to learn some moon. do you have to time to play games? then you can do something more productive with your life.
seriously, it isn't hard, it just takes time.
>I'll be uploading the game tomorrow once I get it.
god bless you, man
could you post it in /pg/?
It's literally impossible. Some faggot somewhere other than here will spoil it in one way or another. Some asshole will buy an adspace in the local newspaper for spoilers or some shit. Atlus should stop taking forever to localize major titles.
>shield yourselves from the spoilers
I won't, I need to know all about the waifus.
I dont care about spoilers.
If all a story has to its name is surprises, it's not a good story.
The sixth sense wasn't ruined by knowing the ending, you can just look at the signs leading up to the reveal and be satisfied with how well it was done
Some story leak:
The villains are trying to destroy the world
>he thinks anyone would invest hundreds of hours for a single game
Are you retarded or something? You do it because you know it opens up more content to you than you could ever possibly invest.
>Ryuji gets to tap that
sure buddy. I believe you
more like ryuji gets to be cucked
>Five days left
Unfortunately, for some of us is five months. :'(
You say that like it was some kind of unavoidable problem.
>tfw learned Japanese for the past 2 years and pre-ordered the 20th anniversary edition with 2 days shipping
One week left bros
I don't buy consoles.
So give me all your spoilers, not like I'll be able to play it anyway.
You can't learn teenager level japanese in 2 years.
I never said I am fluent, but I can understand most of the dialogue without looking things up. Played Ace Attorney 6 that way, so I trust myself. Besides, 4 months out of those 2 years were spent living and working in Japan.
More like
>>You can't learn teenager level japanese in 2 years.
This is what EOPs actually believe.
>shielding myself from spoilers
I didn't do that with ZTD and never regretted it. Memes made it so much more fun when I finally played the game myself. I expect the same with P5, don't let me down Sup Forums!
>I play games' stories for memes :^)
Well, let's hope P5's story is shit, so you feel like spoiling it with memes was worthwhile, right friend?
I don't know how you can stop spoilers of its going to take this long to come out.
Turn Based JRPGs are surely the one genre where it's okay to play for the story
They won't. Spoilers will be everywhere whether you like it or not.
I'm going to have to disconnect myself from the internet.
It's going to be extremely painful.
not true
>All these drama queens
Avoid Sup Forums for 1 month
>Implying persona is mainstream enough to warrant spoilers everywhere
Yeah, im shivering in my boots about how the 50 ppl or so who imported will manually try to spoil shit around, oh the woe
1 month and they will have beaten the game and moved on to ffxv expectation
So fuck you if you cant take 1 month off
Nope, if a spoiler can ruin the whole game it's a shitty game.
I got P3 spoile, still loved it and ending still gave feels because it was well executed
Thanks for reminding me to not stay here.
I will be busy. First time fresh experience is everything with this game so I am not gonna fuck up with this
Ok. You just watch nigger. The last major Persona spoiler is a literally a meme. People think it's fun to spoil this series now.
I don't see a spoiler making a game a better experience though
>let's hope P5's story is shit
Of course it's going to be shit. When did Persona games ever have a good story?
>5 months
>Some asshole will buy an adspace in the local newspaper for spoilers or some shit.
Holy shit, has this actually happened with other games?
>these are the people who won't release dual audio
some lynching is in order
By playing it on release day, and being too busy doing so to come here.
I'll make sure to come to discuss the game once I'm done, though.
>this game left me with bitter disappointment
Honestly feel the same about every SMT game. v/ worships these games for some reason but I'm just bored as fuck with the gameplay, story and characters of SMT. It's just a meme like Nier
I played all the Persona games and their stories are just cliche anime friendship shit with some edge thrown in. These stories have never been amazing or special in any way. Why are you people pretending the Persona is played for story and gameplay rather than music and waifus? Who cares about spoilers. It's teenagers saving the world, they all have first world problems, someone might or might not die, etc. Not really a big deal.
P2's story didn't really shock anyone, Shinji dying, Minato turning into a door weren't really all that amazing. Being "spoiled" in these games don't matter unless you're a chuuni who thinks anime is deep.
It's not a murder mystery like P4. What could possibly be spoiled in the first place? It's probably gonna be a bunch of androgynous teenagers fighting god or satan just like every other JRPG.
time to get a job I guess
>What could be spoiled?
I dunno maybe the purpose of The big bad organization and the final boss?
Goro dies
>the purpose of The big bad organization
World destruction or domination.
>the final boss
Whoever's the Adachi in this game.
Mass Destruction
>final boss
A big guy with a sword who will be defeated in an unlosable 1v1 with the mc.
I won't, i love spoilers.
Morgana is cute
Yeah, persona games aren't really all that great when it comes to the story. Why can't Sup Forums just admit these games are relevant only because of Shoji Meguro and waifufaggotry? The actual stories and gameplay in Persona are honestly below mediocre nanodesu.
if it happens
it happens
Celesfags are retards
>Whoever's the Adachi in this game.
P4kiddies are retards
>Being "spoiled" in these games don't matter unless you're a chuuni who thinks anime is deep.
>he says while posting THE fucking 2deep4u chuuni anime
What if we all started posting fake spoilers for the next few months. Post them everywhere, every thread, board and twitter. That way we won't know which spoilers are real and which ones are fake.
When did Sup Forums start hating persona?
A couple of months ago the anti-hype kicked in I guess. All of the moonreader elitists obviously don't help in making a good thread either. So it's basically a shitfest right now, taking 5 months off won't be bad at all.
Famitsu also gave a good score to Metroid Other M.
Don't worry, I'll post screenshots from the game when I post my real spoilers.
>he says while posting the chuuni anime
Which is the point you retard. Anime is not deep. Persona is not deep. Stop acting like these games have great amazing stories and that its a crisis if they got spoiled. It's just teenagers having first world problems and then they get their personas. They fight evil, and eventually a godlike being, they're almost defeated but FRIENDSHIP xD wins.
Being objective =/= hating
Acknowledging the flaws of something isn't hating it. I love how you fags can't admit that Persona is only good for waifufagging and the music. Yeah, the dungeon crawling and 'friendship' stories are just so unique and amazing aren't they? You people are the epitome of tryhard
They also gave 40/40 to Final Fantasy XIII-2 and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
And 39 to FIFA 12, Modern Warfare 3, Resident Evil 6 and Gears of War 3
Even if that was true I don't think I would really care. I didn't care for any persona character's death that much.
yet it still manages to have story better than most games.
Sounds like the games aren't for you then.
I'm the kind of person who loves turned based rpgs on hardest difficulty, and fusing demons is fun. The story isn't the best but the amount of content makes it engrossing.
Mostly just avoid anything Persona/SMT related until release. Which is sad since SMT Apocalypse is coming out soon, but I can't take any chances. If it gets too bad or there's some massive twist that's spoiled constantly, maybe avoid Sup Forums entirely. I can't imagine being away from Sup Forums for a few months would be a bad thing anyway.
Until then I've got SMT Apocalypse coming out and I'm planning on replaying P3FES and P4G in anticipation. So I'm willing to be patient.
Deepshit isn't always good.
In fact it's often bad. A straightforward story with good execution is always better, especially for vidya.
this time there is a traitor among your friends
Wow. This is an eye-opening discovery. I think the entire game would be ruined if I uncovered the truth, even though main meat of the story is as cliched as ever!