

oh, no, what a tragedy it is that we wont get as much capeshit as we otherwise would

I also very much dislike capeshit movies and comics but marvel vs capcom was a top tier fighting series.

cool, you've got 3 of them to choose from and play then. fuck off.

Been waiting on a current gen MvC for years...

but MvC3 was ass, my guy

This tweet is pretty funny because only like a month later Disney axed their in-house devteam and said "NEVERMIND WE'RE GETTING BACK INTO OUTSOURCING!"


Fuck superheroes, the less of that bullshit around, the better. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

Doesn't mean the licensing shit is less awful.

I wouldn't have minded that if they didn't just hand fucking EA the Star Wars license to completely ruin.

I honestly want to see a Capcom vs Nintendo fighting game, however that would make locking the game to one system and that wouldn't be too cool

Don't you ever want to think for yourself?

You have no idea how much capeshit I've read and how much I fucking despise it. Get back to your containment board faggot.

How much?

>nonCapcom reference

>shitting of comic games
>Sup Forums cucks out of their contaiment board

get out faggots...just because we are both contaiment boards,doesnt mean we share the same tastes...go be cucked in your own board dipshits

We need Capcom Vs SNK 3

>being this autistic
good thing mvc is a fighting game where the writing doesn't even matter

>from modern Capcom

Spent about 10 years reading a ton of comics before finally getting fed up with how utterly shit the entire industry is. It is a garbage medium and fans of it celebrate only the worst trash that gets shoveled down their throat.

A lot of people shit on Sup Forums for being a shit board, for good reason. But Sup Forums at least has standards, people care about the games they play. Sup Forums is a board about celebrating trash 24/7, its like if Sup Forums were solely composed of COD and WOW threads. And that's where you and the rest of the capefags belong.

10 whole years and you didn't find a single comic that isn't "capeshit"

You might be retarded.

I don't believe a word lmao

I never said that, just that capeshit is all that Sup Forums cares about and capeshit is trash. The problem with comics though is that everything that ISN'T capeshit, is so weighed down by the industries predilection towards capeshit that it ends up being a reaction against capeshit. Everything ends up being about capeshit no matter how well made or determined to tell its own story, they always have to come back down and acknowledge the shitty baggage of the medium.

Even great shit like Asterios Polyp, Cerebus or Acme Novelty Library have to debase themselves by bringing up capeshit. Fuck comics.

It's like Disney hates money or something.

yfw this only leaves that niche open for skullgirls 2

I'd rather see SNK take a stab at SVC Chaos 2, but this time with more than 9 months to make it.

The fact they are so incredibly iron gripped on their franchises suggests exactly that.

>licensing nightmare

Marvel owns their characters except for the cases of movie rights. So if Sony made a spider-man game it wouldn't infringe on the copyright if it's based on the movie universe.

When it's the case wanting to use characters whose game rights are elsewhere like Rise of the Imperfects or some other marvel game then they make a new comic series with the characters they want to use and the game is "based" on that series.

So if Marvel got bored and wanted to do MvC4 they'd just have to want to do a miniseries and they have their greenlight. But Marvel would fuck it over to promote the movies like they did in MvC3

Marvel vs games are terrible. It's all unbalanced shit with year long combos and every single time it wastes a slot on the main stage of EVO. I hope Marvel games die.

>shuts down LucasArts INSTANTLY
>lets the in-house shits burn money for years

But, Disney doesn't own the rights to the video game market of Marvel characters. Only the film rights, and even then, only the rights Marvel themselves still down. Which is why Sony still has Spider-man and Fox has X-men.

Doesn't Activision own most of the Marvel video game character rights?

>wanted to play Ultimate Alliance 3 someday
>instead re-release overpriced ports

On the other hand Skullgirls is a pretty solid MvC clone.

Skullgirls is so good that i use it as an ideal for other 2d fighters to strive for, no memes, it should be the standard to be that good, but alas

what notable recent capeshit is there in vidya to begin with besides the arkham games?

Fuck off retard.

>we'll never get SEGA vs Capcom

>MvC is finally dead
Good riddance

It doesn't work like that. Why else do you think Capcom can't even patch MvC3 or keep selling MvC2 via PSN? Didn't you notice that you can no longer purchase it there? Do you think just because it's a game universe that Capcom can just dole out another MvC4 as long as it's based on MvC3's universe? That's the logic you just asserted.

You are right in that Sony owns the rights to the movie in that Disney (unless via some kind of contractual agreement) can repackage it and market them as their own movies, even if they were produced by Sony, because they were Sony's expressions of their IP. But the sad thing is, if Sony failed to stipulate a persistent distribution permission clause in their licensing, they could no longer distribute their creation without any further agreement with Disney/Marvel, assuming that relevant terms expired. Usually this amounts to providing royalties in one lump or continuous amounts depending on the agreement.

Likewise, Marvel can't just on their own decide it's okay to make MvC4 without Capcom's word. That, first of all, infringes on Capcom's trademark. And unless they have some kind of agreement that has yet to expire/be exhausted, Marvel can't just up and use Capcom's IP without negotiating the licenses from Capcom.

>in that Disney (unless via some kind of contractual agreement) can't* repackage it
Goddamn my lack of proofreading sometimes.


>crossover fighter with Frank West, Chris Redfield, Arthur, Doctor Strange, Nova, Ironfist, M.O.D.O.K, Phoenix Wright, etc.

No way!

>But, Disney doesn't own the rights to the video game market of Marvel characters. Only the film rights
thats wrong.

>Doesn't Activision own most of the Marvel video game character rights?
This is also wrong

Unrelated but it blew my teenage mind that I could buy Capcom Vs snk 2 on my ps2 but also snk vs Capcom.
I got them both, literally fite me

Came to post this

>finally news on MUA
>not a new game but botched, overpriced ports of MUA and its meh sequel
Funny how MUA2 was the inferior game, yet the port ran better than MUA1.

Where does Activision find all these shit tier port teams?

>people calling it capeshit
>in a medium with plots and characters that are just as retarded

If you only knew how bad things really are.

Disney would never let Capcom touch marvel again.

Is that a She-Hulk using fucking weapons? SWERDS?
What in the fuck

good , mvc3 was shit

The even sadder part was that Marvel/Disney wouldn't even allow Capcom to make patches without the express permission even when they had the license. That's why busted shit like Dr. Doom is still allowed to run rampant despite everyone's complaints about him.

Why is there more black characters on one side than the other? Is it a race war or something?

I refuse do believe that you are retarded enough to spend 10 years reading capeshit. No one is that dumb and no one would not find a ton of stories he would like.

However, you have a point about Big Two and comparing it to CoD and WOW. Hell, a lot of Sup Forums posters don't read even those.