Pokemon in 2016: designed by retards for retards.
Pokemon in 2016: designed by retards for retards
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If you expected anything different, you're retarded too.
>not liking crab Trump and otter Trump
muh shillary
Maybe you should just accept the problem isn't so much that Pokemon's lost its way but that you've outgrown the brand and maybe the vision it had conflicted with the vision you imagined for it.
>hating Crabuki Joe
Nah man
Mah nigga
>Mei will never be the playable character again
Why even live?
>Not customizing your Serena or Chicken-chan to be Mei-like
Someone post that picture of charizard if he was a gen 4 pokemon and garchomp if he were designed as a gen 1 pokemon
I dont have a problem with it but I dont know why it isnt fighting/water
>Shitposting in 2016: Designed by retards, for retards.
They should've gone for mantis shrimp over coconut crab.
The fucking thing looks like a pokemon irl anway.
Coconut crabs can't swim
We had a fucking pokemon that was literally a keychain with keys dangling from it and a living sword and shield pokemon.
They hit retard tier a while back, now you just go with the flow. I will admit talking sandcastles and shit is kind of retarded, even for pokemon.
>not liking possessed sword
Nah man, you're a fucking faggot
Did you miss Clauncher and Clawitzer? I know 6th gen was shit but this is inexcusable.
That's not how you pronounce sword.
Pokemon are domesticated RPG monsters. The only retard is you.
>hating Punchcrab
I bet you kiss girls too, you faggot.
ok thanks
I never said I hated it, I said the concept was retarded. Also wasn't that living sword pokemon considered SSS rank or something, I thought all the autistic pros said it's stats were insane.
Fuck your imagination, fuck everyone's imagination or whoever is creative enough to come up with the designs for the next gen of pokemon.
Is a crab that's just a crab that much of a crime? Why tack a boxer gimmick on it?
Yes I know Krabby exists but there's more than one type of crab on Earth.
Ayy my man
Gen 6 has some great designs
>the two fossils
*Yawn* Of course Generation Z had to come out of the woodworks to defend this 20th birthday blunder.
Just a ....quick reminder that that isn't even the worst of what SuMo has to offer, hehehe.
If we made a crab that's just a crab then we'd get fags from the other end complaining about "My mom's crab". You can't please everyone so who fucking gives a shit and use what appeals to you.
>not liking monstrous chimeras
its head is covered by a mask btw
I personally loved Barbaracle, but I know he's a divisive guy.
the idea behind that pokémon is fine, but it's way too round and cartoony, compare it to krabby or kingler
desu, i blame modern sugimori artstyle, even alolan vulpix has a bigger head/smaller body compared to classic vulpix
Pokemon designs are getting worse but only by default due to the art style going for a more kid friendly design
Just compare any promo art from gen 1-2 to gen 5-6 and you'll see what i'm talking about
Why make Electric mice when normal mice exist? If it was another crab there'd be another uproar of reusing ideas & being short of new ones. Nothing wrong with a Fighting crab
What do you not like about it anyways
>Playing Pokemon after gen 1
You only have yourself to blame.
I'm not even going to give you a (you), you fucking homo.
Pokemon designs aren't as sporadic as its critics like to believe. A lot of their designs have some kind of function the games rarely depict and the way they tend to be designed would have a theme to it of sorts.
>Manmade Chimera Pokemon used to give humanity a fighting chance
>Now has a limiter mask to keep it from wrecking shit.
>"Durr, how does this occur in nature like my genwun?"
The in game model looks fine. The official art has gone to shit
How is type null kid friendly
Why do you type like a faggot?
the official art isn't done by Sugimori this gen
Hey, remember when Pokegirls looked like actual believable humans designed for practicality instead of overprocessed freakshows laced with gaudy neon colors such as pic related?
Ninty doesn't!
It's got Staraptor's crest, Zygarde's butt and something's front legs.
I think calling it overdesigned is a mute point.
Draw one then.
The artstyle has degenerated. It's more about making cute plasticky/cartoony looking things to appeal to girls than making monsters/creatures.
>literal pile of broken eggs and a single metal ball is great character design
>literal pile of keys and a single metal sword is awful character design because it's 2016 now
Since the fuck when?
>remember when Pokegirls looked like actual believable humans designed for practicality
I get the feeling you're being facetious but I honestly can't tell anymore.
The one on the right looks so much better holy shit
That Gen VII Krabby is so spot on it's scary.
because it isn't
same reason Dratini, Anorith, and Lileep aren't
At least you said "appeal to girls" rather than "appeal to toymakers" like the other billion times we've had this thread.
>obligatory response pretending to be aware of those and pretending to admit those were not good designs now that user is being called on his inconsistency
generally, yeah. I wouldn't quite call it a bad thing, but it's definitely gone more cutesy than serious, I wish there was more of a 'balance' and we got more cute things but also more monsterous sorts of things.
>Mantis Shrimp Pokemon
>Legendary "All-Seeing" One Pokemon
>Ability: Spectrum: Ignores the enemies type if the move is "not very effective".
>Plethora of powerful different type (and dual-type special attacks
No I don't remember actually, care to remind me?
I don't have to do that to debunk your non-argument.
Pic related, it was a relic of when Pokemon actually had a soul.
I like every pokemon design. There's some I like more than others but that's just me picking favorites. I'm not some fag that has to go around and hate on new things because it's not like it was when I was 10.
>actually had a soul
What the fuck does it even mean
How are the propotions remotely realistic.
back to >/r/eddit
Yeah. So much soul her entire left leg is devoid of detail.
Yeah man, I miss when Pokemon were piles of cum and pokeballs. I feel so bad for the children of today *sigh*
There's that word again
Generation Z, they never learn do they... Hahaha
Where were you when Ninty fell for the SJW cuck meme and blackwashed Professor Oak?
>Missing details
>wonky proportions
Literally no better than these retards
>it was a relic of when Pokemon actually had a soul
What did he mean by this?
my complaint about pokemon is that the new designs look dumb because of the over-cutesy-fication of the design. It's not just in the pokemon, it's also in the characters and the world around it, but it's incredibly hard to articulate without people going
It's a cousin.
And it's a tan
holy shit it's like the entire argument just flew right over your head
ebin falseflag
>Pic related, it was a relic of when Pokemon actually had a soul.
You mean when you were a kid and didn't have to spend money on the games if not was competely oblivious to the fact it was a walking commercial back then as it is now?
>confirmed to not even be oak
>confirmed to not even be his immediate family as his cousin
>ebin capslock memetext shitpost
Unlike Pokemon in 1996, right?
Ignore the nu-genner, he's baiting you.
In the meantime, have another taste of how cringy this new generation is turning out to be!
Mew Christ this is so TORtanic it hurts...
>*Yawn* Of course Generation Z
quit complaining you faggot, these games are made for kids not man children, move on in your life.
How is
>tapu koko
>the legends
>type: Null
>wishi washi
Remotely even cutesy. Almost all the "cute" ones shown are first stage
You'd be surprised how dark some Asians can get.
I forgot how adorable Horsea is.
To bad Kingdra looks like ass.
No but you see, Pokémon should look like real animals, except the Pokémon I like that don't look like real animals.
it's completely true though\
Oh fuck that music
That music is getting me hyped
Why are the jap trailers so much better?
>implying shitposting is ever true
Damn that's a good trailer. Whoever edited that deserves a promotion.
What about Pokemon that look like animals you never heard of until some user points out it's a real life thing?
Because they use various music instead of LOL HERE'S THE WILD BATTLE THEME! AGAIN!
Everyone on Sup Forums is a virgin why do you think we're all miserable
>the new designs look dumb because of the over-cutesy-fication of the design
I disagree. I wouldn't really call things like Type: Null and Vikavolt cutesy designs. I think the designers use cute when they need to so cute pokemon end up being cute and also end up being the "face" of the new gen. Would you call things like Squirtle and Pikachu non-cute?
You had a decent argument with that dumbass crustacean, but Type: Null has a great design.
They're shit unless I already liked them before.
>It's more about making cute plasticky/cartoony looking things to appeal to girls than making monsters/creatures.
Easily one of my favorites already. Probably one of the best looking Pokemon too.
Looks like Mr. Krabs' alcoholic half brother.
Nice cherrypicking, faggot.
Remember when femicucks didn't ruin Pokemon with their "le cutesy XD" cancer?
Because holy shit designs like pic related are literally MLP-tier
>missing the point
>missing the filename